Give me your top 5 electronic albums:

Give me your top 5 electronic albums:

Burial - Untrue
Chuck Person - Chuck Person's Eccojams Vol. 1
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 85-92
William Basinski - The Disintegration Loops
Deepchord Presents Echospace - Liumin

>inb4 electronic isn't genre eternal shitpost

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Other urls found in this thread:

passenger of shit - passenger of shit 7
la foudre - le chaos ordinaire
linkin park - living things
pendulum - hold your colour
death grips - government plates

Clark - Body Riddle
Trentemoller - The Last Resort
Flying Lotus - Los Angeles
Röyksopp - Senior
Sweet Trip - Velocity:Design:Comfort

Autechre - Exai
Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 85-92
Clark - Body Riddle
r.roo - Exist
Martin Nonstatic - Granite

Basic Channel - Quadrant Dub
BT - This Binary Universe
Lorenzo Senni - Persona
Tim Hecker - Love Streams
Jon Hopkins - Singularity

andy stott - we stay together
jan jelinek - loop-finding-jazz-records
tim hecker - harmony in ultraviolet
al-90 - murmansk-60
frog pocket - come on primates your teeth!

thanks for replies

distance - my demons
fraunhofer diffraction - ultima ratio
noisia - split the atom
andy stott - faith in strangers
opn - replica

Dance music died when it became album orientated.

good records in here. only posting unique picks

Christoph de Babalon - if you're into it, i'm out of it
Casino vs. Japan - s/t

Aphex Twin - Richard D. James Album
Fischerspooner - #1
Tiesto - In My Memory
Villalobos – Alcachofa
Stephan Bodzin - Liebe ist...

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I always wondered how onions tastes
t. europoorfag

can you please leave the thread

make me

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Dan Deacon - Spiderman of the Rings
MediaFired - The Pathway Through Whatever
Orbital - Orbital [Brown Album]
Pole - CD 1
Underworld - Dubnobasswithmyheadman

autechre - untilted
amon tobin - isam
actress - splazsh
lone - galaxy garden
oneohtrix point never - r plus seven

deadmau5 -
deadmau5 - 4 x 4 = 12
HOME - Odyssey
deadmau5 - Random Album Title
Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites

Fennesz - Endless Summer
Oval - Ovalcommers
Keith Fullerton Whitman - Lisbon
Microstoria - Invisible Architecture #3
Daft Punk - Discovery