>Listen to artist's top 10 most popular songs on Spotify
>Say I'm a huge fan of them.
Listen to artist's top 10 most popular songs on Spotify
Other urls found in this thread:
yes tuxedo peepee is just a normie facebook frog
Gb2reddit, frogfucker
Are rage comics making a comeback?
>Never heard a single song from an artist
>Say they're shit
This is all women and most normie men
of course not
>there is a 10,000 song limit on your Spotify library
What kind of bullshit is that
They're not, it's just the same 5 faggots spamming them and pretending they're '''''sincere''''' when they're actually only on it because of the novelty of posting old memes.
They pretend they're "fighting" against wojak memes when they're really making reskinned wojak memes under layers of irony and nostalgia which they convinced themselves is sincerity because the irony isn't obvious.
Based. I pretend to like Death Grips but have never even heard a single song. I think they are rap or something like that.
this image is derived from
I got it from /g/
You're not me, faggot.
Stop impersonating me, dipshit.
Suck my dong, cuntface.
no, the filename would state otherwise. now go back to reddlt where you literally came from
suck my feminine penis uwu
How about you go back to /r/ragecomics, seething ragefag?
you can download images with their original filename, newfag
I saw a fucking basedboy rageface the other day. they're literally wojak for faggots who are too proud to use wojak
>I saw a fucking basedboy rageface the other day. they're literally wojak for faggots who are too proud to use wojak
I-I'm not seething!
that's the one, yeah
for people who want to '''''end''''' wojak you're trying really hard to emulate him
>missing the point
explain me the point, then
From the /r9k/ archive. Rageposters, or at least those that started it, aren't trying to kill wojak/frogs, despite the images that depict rage faces killing them.
Those pictures are just mocking the meme elitism that wojakfags and frogfags have.
>About to meet a rich girl
>Browse Yea Forums and smug lastfm accounts
>Quick! Stuff many obscure bands
What is this awful fucking reasoning?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Spamming the site with garbage won't get people to stop spamming the site with different garbage. It will just generate more garbage.
It doesn't help that the intent isn't clear at all for anyone who isn't in on the "movement". For most people it just looks like an attempt to replace wojak with slightly different wojak.
I just use them as regular reaction faces.
And then there's people derailing threads with wojaks or frogs in it, spamming them with "trollface shoots frog #3039". Case in point: this thread (which admittedly was a shitpost in the first place).
I'm tired of seeing faggots ruin good threads because they didn't like the image in the OP out of (meaningless) principle.
>Listen to artist's top 11 most popular songs on Spotify
>Say I'm a huge fan of them.
i admit that that was me, but i only do it to shitposts like these.
i can't control others but if the thread was any good it wouldn't have been derailed by a single image in the first place.
It's never a single image and you know it.
This is just more meme fodder and nothing else. It lost whatever point it had the day after it started.
ok if the thread was any good it would have been flooded with ragefaces in the first place (like this one)
wouldn't have*