This numale ugly beta faggot (matthew strauss) reviewed all of these albums. THOUGHTS?

this numale ugly beta faggot (matthew strauss) reviewed all of these albums. THOUGHTS?

Attached: cringe.png (861x713, 525K)

you should have put ugly beta before numale it would read better

hellboy score kinda low t b h

Based, fuck mumble rap and niggers in generals.

disappointed but not surprised

Dude looks like a template design for beta male

There is actually a proper order for adjectives.

Quantity or number
Quality or opinion
Proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)
Purpose or qualifier

There, you learned something.

Brockhampton sucks, so he is at least half right

I mean he looks like a guy who would give shitty reviews so are u surprised

t. redditcuck

I'm pretty sure that the reviewer is not actually the only person at pitchfork to give the albums their scores (I might be wrong). IIRC the score is a sort of average from multiple different staff members, while the review is obviously only written by one.
I hate pitchfork but just posting the guy and the scores to the albums he reviewed is kinda irrelevant.

Fact: Brockhampton's pitchshifted vocals make them unlistenable

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(not true, by the way)

At least he got it right that Peep is better than any of these stupid rappers.


v. problematic

I dont see the problem here


name 3 attractive jewish men

paul newman
paul rudd
ezra miller

i didnt know paul newman was jewish, huh
good picks, im genuinely curious

i was thinking more woody allen and jerry seinfeld and the guy in op's pic

Ezra Koenig

Attached: 1256883.jpg (1080x1350, 258K)

Attached: P4K.jpg (598x209, 33K)

someone's got to do it.

>white rapper gets the highest score
what did he mean by this?

Did whoever wrote that completely miss the trial?

>ezra miller
Literally the best looking Jew alive

Attached: jawline since birth.jpg (1077x777, 226K)


based, idiotic.
name better current rap artists ?

jonathan richman
jake gyllenhaal
lou reed

>jonathan richman
cute but dorky looking
>jake gyllenhaal
>lou reed
lol no

What's the reasoning behind this order?

Cartier god, diamondsonmydick, black kray, kane grocerys

Based. Fantano drones will never realize this, and honestly its for the best.

I will jump through this fucking screen and beat your ass.

>acting like every guy on this board doesn’t look exactly like this.

Stop droning over some rando faggot.


most of us look like this user

*blocks your path*

Attached: Alison_Brie_2.jpg (875x1350, 261K)

Jewesses get their own category, but yes Alison is very beautiful

Attached: 142.jpg (1430x2000, 511K)

clearly a jew

>cares about P4K ratings
>makes a thread about P4K ratings
>thinks he has the right to call others nu-male

Attached: 1548594618067.png (362x507, 192K)

You are 100% WRONG.



Wrong, I'm a hot twink

Not that user but why does it matter that some guy you don't like has opinions you don't like? Does it cause you to enjoy your favorite albums less knowing some reviewer didn't give them high enough ratings? Does it make the music become worse? Do you see the reviewers faces in your mind every time you sit down and try to enjoy the music? Do you think that bitching about it on Yea Forums will make them release another review with a rating you agree with?