
Occult edition
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Other urls found in this thread:


t. numale

nth for tomb mold sucks

first for death-thrash

underrated swedeath edition

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melodeath sucks


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post racist riffs

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>Lyrical themes: Solar, Hermetic, Ariosophic, National Socialism

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I like how this is one of the best metal albums that has come out since the 90's and nobody is talking about it

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fuck off meloshitter


B A S E D.

Daily reminder that you can be heavy without tuning to drop F on your fancy shmancy 7/8/9 strings

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No shirts or patches with racist bands at MDF allowed.

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Noontide is a great album.

What is your favorite Kreator album

goatmoon sucks ass


Careful now, you don't want to get thrown out for being racist


I never heard anyone saying you had to
Or are you just taking shots at djent/deathcore bands?
If so please continue


very mildly controversial opinion: only Borknagar's first two albums are good
(I give them a liiittle more leeway than the "only the first album" crowd)

what's wrong about deathcore?

>Lyrical themes: Satanism, Transcendence, Urban decay, Drug use

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I went to NDF a few weeks ago and was chatting with a Scottish guy with Nokturnal Mortum, Hate Forest, Drudkh, and Goatmoon patches on his jacket. Nice fellow.

Shitty band anyway. Wish it was actually good because I’d like to have that goat patch in my jacket

Shit, overproduced, pop based, breakdown reliant emo shit
Death metal lite except a lot worse

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I want a reissue of this album with better production

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Listen to this deathcore track and give your honest opinion on it.

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But Chuck did give the best head in metal. David Vincent had his Azagthoth, and everyone in Vader had Doc, but no one made a pink cock erect like Chuck. True, as the AIDS infested his throat it made it hard for him to deep throat, but even as he lay there rotting, stinking of AZT and covered with Kaposi's sarcoma, Chuck would signal with two fingers when a willing donor came into the room. All I can offer in addition to that is the fact that no sex will ever compare to colostomy hole love, especially when the hole is fresh and supple after a well-greased movement.

We will never forget you, Chuck. Every time I hear your name my prostate aches, both for your tender heart-shaped ass and that incredibly thin, probing member we shared many times. It is heartbreaking how many things bring Chuck to mind. The sound of heavy metal. The flavor of Taco Bell food on the road. The scent of semen. The world lost not only a great musician, but a great lover, when Chuck died.

To say Chuck was gay is incorrect. He wasn't gay, he was just open-minded, and he sought anal sex from men, boys, girls and animals alike. Anal was not his favorite. His favorite was the blowjob, and he liked to be held afterwards, with someone stroking his hair and saying, "Chuck you are king of the world."

I will never sell the copy of Leprosy (80 grain vinyl) he left me at our last meeting. It is battered now, and reeks faintly of manpoo, and maybe it does have a few suspicious smears, but it is all I have of him. That and the memories. Those gushing, sticky, illicit, clandestine memories... Oh Chuck I miss you more than I can say.

based, my first DM album

Are Sielunvihollinen NSBM? Where are you getting that from?

recommend me more that sounds like this youtube.com/watch?v=EhBdVSORO-M

ew dissoshit

You really hit all the buzzwords there faggot

every finnish bm band is NS these days, almost as bad as ukraine

you don't know what a buzzword is

Based Satan

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there is literally NOTHING wrong with opening up your mouth, especially when your mom's feminine penis is going in and out of it at a rapid face, cuck male

>Are Sielunvihollinen NSBM?
not quite but an NPC leftoid would most definitely say so

>Where are you getting that from?
understanding the Finnish lyrics is a start

>Judas Priest
>Iron Maiden

if you don't like or (at least) respect these artists and bands then you don't like Metal music. Simple as that, you're a fake who thinks he likes Rock music but you really don't. You're just a clown who took a culture not suited for you.

You can call these artists shit and claim how your generic acoustic softboy alternative tripe made by orange sweater wearing flamingo faggots is true FUCKIN' METAL and is not boomer shit like Slayer, but that doesn't matter, cause you don't like Metal.

I recommend going to find a genre where you really belong. Maybe you're too smart for Black Sabbath and Possessed and you're more of a Herbie and Debussy kind of guy. Maybe you like to dance and make love to the sweet sounds of Clinton and Redding. Hell, maybe you just like to prance around coked of monkeys banging on wax but just know, you're not Heavy Metal and you'll never so just stop.

This message was brought to you by the true Heavy Metal fund of King Buzzo and Eyehategod, thank you.

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put google eyes instead

these threads need more brutal death

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I meed melodeath for my bunghole

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Hank von hell’s new solo stuff is much better than turbonegros new soulless garbage.

I don’t know how you can have a band trying to be offensive but ride the orange man bad train so hard

I unironically don’t like dio very much and if you criticize Motörhead ever you’re relentlessly lambasted by soiboys

My photoshop skills end here

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Anyone else think it should be illegal to make thrash/death/black metal albums longer than 45 minutes? If I wanted 80 minutes of wanking I'd listen to Dream Theater

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melodic edition

so this is the power of phoneposters...

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go see brutality

What ever happened to dream theatre? I remember them touring with iron maiden and a bunch of neckbeards were jerking off to them, then they vanished

Melodeath for my bunghole?

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Immolation, lich king and coffin dust would be my picks

Gotcha. Yeah I don't usually put in the effort to listen to bands' lyrics, especially if they're in Finnish.

Shit opinion lots of bm bands out there with very long songs that are goat

post 10\10 concerts

>lich king
>not Revenge, Deicide, Neckbeard Deathcamp (to laugh at them), Devourment or Mortician
>fucking Lich King
>pizza thrash

I’m limited by the technology of my device

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yeah if you didn't know their genre you could very easily think they're a RAC band based on some of the lyrics (especially the new album which is really good btw)

What's some metal for summer feels

>inb4 sunbather

Chuck schuldnigger final words:

then stop shitting up the thread with phoneposts

fine, i did it myself

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Sunbather is unironically THE album to have in the summer if you’re a bm fan and not a trve fag

Revenge is a band people like only because people like their merch poser. I seen them opening for destroyer 666 and they were garbage.

Pizza thrash is F U N and makes cvlt faggots cry

Not a chance

It’s so cute


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I can tell from your posts that you have an instagram account

I like Ravenge but pretty much all their songs sound the same but still they have something that makes them really enjoyable

>pizzashitter can't into based mädcünt war metal

>spending money to go ironically laugh at neckbeard

Yeah, weird al and steel panther are very funny!! Please upvote!!

I do I haven’t posted there since 2014 tho

Born of the bomb is really good, give it a listen.

Hair metal


>found someone that got triggered by black metal sucks

Why not enjoy all of it?

Synth black like Mesarthim

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I'll have to check it out. I really enjoyed Ruhonkantaja

post blessed albums

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Everything I've heard from them is really boring. They're not bad enough to be funny, just boring and I don't see why you'd spend time on them instead of an actual good band there

We trod upon a narrow path that meandered through a forest dense with suicides. Legions of putrid limbs brushed against us as we struggled to reach the other side. Finally we emerged on a level plain and stopped to rest.

With the dimensionless sky pressing down on us, we swallowed the fraudulent air of that faraway place. In the distance a convoy of figures approached. They crossed a river of geometric gore, then passed us without greeting. Silently they marched in our tracks back into that terrible wood, and with renewed purpose we followed their trail across the plain.

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recommend me some good headphones for around 100 bucks

Tin audio t2 or t3

>goes to watch neckbeard deathcamp
>instead of fucking voivod

Off yourself tourist scum.

Voivod is on another day, retard. All I said was that I'd rather watch something so bad it's funny than mediocre pizza thrash.


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t. nu-male

ok fag

what finnish black metal is NS other than Goatmoon?
Clandestine Blaze don't really count (Mikko is just privately a nazi, all he does is whine about islam in the lyrics) and that satanic warmaster guy is just a shock jock poser liberal.

Any thrash that's actually about pizza

>Neckbeard Deathcamp (to laugh at them)
remember to do some roman salutes at the gig

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10 reasons why judas priest sucks
10.they are racist and homophobic
9.Breaking the law is a racist song
8.Their bassist is a nigger
7.rob halford is bald
6.their guitarist sucks
5.they have 2 drummers
4.they are pop rock not metal
3.they suck dick
2.rob halford is a faggot
1.judas priest is a shitty emo band with high pitched screams

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>9.Breaking the law is a racist song
>8.Their bassist is a nigger

imagine thinking heartwork is their best lol

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rec me some atmoshit

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Not him but I don’t know about the bm bands but the crowds that go to the festivals in Finland are full of neo-nazis I guess that’s where people get that impression

there's plenty actually, I don't have the cataloged in any separate way but off the top of my head:

White Wolves Kommando
Diaboli (last album)
Helwulf (I think)
Circle of Dawn

if you count it as metal, the new Rammstein has nice vibes

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does anyone have some nice metal for when high?

deicide - legion

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>the crowds that go to the festivals in Finland are full of neo-nazis
where do you get this from? I go to a metal festival nearly every year with mostly black/death metal bands and I don't remember seeing neo-nazis

semi-private gigs with the so-called 'problematic' bands are a different story though

kys degenerate

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how about not getting high

Vomitory couldnt get past Boarders and Customs so Immolation played in their place yesterday. How is Lich King?

Thanks to this chart i've discovered some amazing stuff. Normie metal like Morbid Angel and Sodom is boring and uninteresting, this is forward thiking metal pushing the boundaries.
Thanks /meal/ !!!

Thanks, this is great
Most of earlier metal was made by people who were stoned out of their mind. Black sabbath etc.. You can't listen to metal and hate people who smoke weed without being a hypocrite

>Lyrical themes: Satan, Killing, War Against Pop, Disco & Grunge

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How about you look in the mirror, consider your life choices, and then jump off a fucking bridge.

You will never understand true music and true art.

>Black sabbath etc.
wow so much trve metvl knowledge

nice reddit spacing


this nigga

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They’re a band that’s in it for the fun honestly, check them out beforehand but they’re in the same vein as stuff like iron reagan, old skull fist, volture, ect.

ah, thanks

I like 6 albums on this including ghost and baroness. I bet I make people who frequent these threads reel

great post

>"But m-muh ears hurttt"
This album gatekeeps the onions

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The nu-male metal chart is one of the best things that's ever happened to /meal/. It has a bunch of pseudo-tough popular trash that sophomores think is brutal, mixed with a bunch of straight-up hipster shit so that the tuffguys think they're getting baited on one level when they're getting baited in multiple levels.

There's layers to it. I love it.

Ozzy also licked up piss, killed his family pets and got hooked on multiple hard drugs.

Go do that too since you want to justify your shitty behaviour

sometimes when I'm bored I go through the billions of reposts of that pic in the archives and read the replies

black sabbath is more trve kvlt then any of your 'dimmu borgir's' or 'ghost's' could ever be

My score is 19. What do I get?

and early skinhead music was made by blacks. the culture of a genre's prototypical form doesn't dictate the genre's present culture.

My dick up your ass

numales love cuckver

>dimmu burger

early metal, for example Black Sabbath, the list could go on...

t r e b b l e

Ding ding ding

For me it’s cardinal copia

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More like Cardinal Cuckia amirite

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What is it? Can't you handle my superior traditional metal music taste. Are finally seeing that your slipknot and korn junk can't stand up to the traditional titans like black sabbath and ACDC. Lmao pathethic

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I unironically love the character. Wasn’t joking. Really reminds me of Vincent price or gomez Adams.

>He unironically likes anything about Ghost

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Based. I think Peel Sessions and Reek beat Symphonies but it's close.

>Lyrical themes: Randomness, Humor, Society
Guess the band.

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Yea gurl. I like the spooky pop direction they’re going.

ghost is based as fuck

Best metal album i've listened in ages. More like this?

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Cringing atm to Neckbeard Deathcamp at MDF.

Holy shit

what does it sound like?
is it just harsh noise wall?



All these geeky little four-eyed virgin Black Metallers with streaks in their hair that spend their lives on last.fm writing bullshit and coming up with all sorts of rumours about bands that came from their dearest fantasies… I would like to tell them the following: every time I see your little spoiled faggot suburban streak-haired faces on last.fm or myspace, I think of putting an end to Peste Noire given how painful it is. Your faces alone could cause the demise of my band. Another thing I despise about the internet is this disconnection with reality : Black Metallers threatening each other on forums, calling themselves warriors and ‘Lords' and talking about killing people when in everyday life the only people these wimps can hurt are monsters in their video games

I am available at anytime of the day for a fistfight or any type of sword or crossbow duel. I just purchased an automatic pistol crossbow. It's a mix between a gun and a crossbow, it's like a pistol but it fires arrows. I killed a goat with a shot in the stomach at point-blank range by alluring it with grass; the beast died three hours later. I will do the same with you. I know that you like grass, like all sheep do

>traditional metal

Why did you waste your time? Go see another band that takes themselves seriously.

Also, are they neckbeards themselves? Post photo of stage

Fucking terrible that's what

They are playing their new single about "American Mussolini" cringy as fuck

Were Famine and Neige really gay lovers?

Cover looks like it’s marketed to 14 year olds

>Dream Theater
No thanks i hate normie metal.

We left to see Dead in the Manger

Good stuff user. Have fun!

Well that's something I would have never thought of seeing here.
Though one of the games has a nice solo-wankery piece in its soundtrack

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Deicide is like, the least exciting band playing today besides Neckbeard Deathcamp, who barely qualify as entertainment

Here it is lads. I re-used some essential classics from the previous chart the the absolute majorite should be new album.
Thanks again for all the recs lads!

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The vast majority of deathcore is either discount tech death or discount slam. Why listen to it when there's entire genres that do it better?

Look at a pic of neige and tell me you wouldn't
I'm sure famine just couldn't control himself

Also, sorry for the occasional unsymmetry. The shitty free edting program I use isn't very effective for large pictures like this.

fucking based, user. Great work

Awww possessed Jim Morrison is not there.

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They probably had weird draugr-ghoul sex

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>my 3 (three) suggestions got added

please take your gay fanfic fantasies elsewhere

What? Afraid of gays? You some sort of pussy?

Attila's vocals on DMDS is just Dave Mustaine at age 70

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I like how Jeromes Dream is on there despite not being metal at all because the vocalist is just that powerful

I own 18 of those albums.

I regret nothing.

reminder, if you've not listened to at least 40% (fourty percent) of the albums on this chart, you are a poseur mu tourist and should proceed to cull yourself from this planet

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I can't stop listening to it
Send help

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How to look this chad

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>the "i'm 18 and my taste in metal is superior" starter pack

Shit looks good. And I think that all of my suggestions made it as well. I'm surprised Cursing Your Will To Live and a couple of other albums didn't make it into this version desu.

you won't get it, Austin even put in the bandcamp description that the production is shit and you shouldn't listen to it on your laptop, so it seems intentional
how the fuck did he manage it though when Roads To The North and Autumn Eternal had better sounding production while still being somewhat lo-fi?

Imagine being this onions.

>doesn't even know half the albums on the chart
stay mad tourists

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>all those th*sh bands

No thanks

that's post-rock you silly boy

why did he leave

Still better than normie metal like Morbid Angel and Sodom.

Dude fucked up it doesn’t even sound good in normal stereo speakers guess he was more preoccupied with producing those very average bluegrass songs

Health reasons

I fucking adore a few of the bluegrass songs but god damn does it vary in quality
I just want Roads To The North 2, so I'll admit I'm biased

Also, sorry for the inexplicably shit grammar in this post
Probably should have though about him but I never got the suggestion
The old albums I added were pretty much just a combination of arbitrarilly picked personal favorites and obligatory classics. I did heavily consider adding Cursing Your Will to Live though.

while the chart seems bretty gud, I'd put forward this as a suggestion
at the very least, the vocalist definitely sounds like he wants to fucking dismember himself

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I would replace peace sells with destruction release from agony. Other than that p good

I won't update the madcünt chart for a while now, I might how ever do a full chart for the weird vocals section some time in the future.

>Horror, Bloodborne, Dark Souls

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fuckin' based

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What do you guys think of superrior finnish black metal?
>inb4 butthurt norvegian black metal lovers

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impaled nazarene and beherit are the only good bands. fuck soitanic fagmaster, havukruunu, behexen, all that shit

It's thanks to this album and a few others that you're saying "superrior finnish black metal. There are so many Finnish bands nowadays that just play stereotypical norsecore, but they get away with it because Finland has also made albums like the one you posted. It's not that much different from the Norwegian scene after the mid-90s or 90% of the Swedish scene desu.

Finnish black metal is better than Swedish black metal at least, but what isn't.

Norway > Finland > Germany > Burgers > The Rest > Swedeshit

>rating burgers better than anyone else

How's your first month of listening to Black Metal? Man, Leviathan is really cool, huh?

Keep Mercyful Fate out of this

Norway stopped being good at producing bm twenty years ago

new Misþyrming
sounds completely different

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How come norway was such a black metal powerhouse from 1992-1996 but basically hasn't produced a single decent album since then? Sure there are some exeptions (like pic related) but they are few and far between.

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Early Finnish black metal has a lot of punk influence but now not so much,
Now most bands worth of mentioning have that burnt forests, pagan, depressive and medieval war feel to it

I rate it
Spurdo>Kraut>Church burners>Frogs>Rest of shit
Maybe I have just stumbled across more punkish french bands by accident, can't even remember names but I remember that those were french

Napalm Death? More like Gaypalm Sóy

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is there a chart for Slam?
i've found myself listening to a lot of slam lately

>He only listens to studio albums

Sodom - Witching Metal (1982) youtu.be/ncM2gRtGoBk
Sodom - Victims of Death (1984) youtu.be/22XNrc8EVLE
Sodom - Mortal Way Of Live (1988) youtu.be/0dVhzxDSrqA
Sodom - Marooned Live (1994) youtu.be/h0st7ffiPZ4
Sodom - One Night in Bangkok (2003) youtu.be/v8cAm-6uFmc
Sodom - In the Sign of Evil (1984) youtu.be/plk2bK1-FLc
Sodom - Expurse Of Sodomy (1987) youtu.be/6ycxAjmknn4
Sodom - Aber bitte mit Sahne! (1993) youtu.be/1naYWNBs-jI
Sodom - Sacred Warpath (2014) youtu.be/666yoSTYApw
Sodom - Partisan (2018) youtu.be/s-bdDRr3l_k

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>Dark Souls/Morrowind themed bands
maximum cringe

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Lads why does my roommate have to slam the fucking microwave closed every time he uses it? Not to mention he does it 6 fucking times every single time he's making himself lunch or dinner.

Sounds too onions but it’s a descent album. 7/10.

nice tweet

Maybe not metal enough but still damn good album

Anyone listened the devil's blood?
Might be best psychedelic black metal band there is and it has woman singer

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>not taming a thot and training her to cook traditional Italian style meals even if you're Nordic as fuck

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7/10 is not decent, 7/10 is very good. Why is it so hard for most people to properly use the 10-point scale?

He's preparing for the Devourment of his meal

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>we took cheap noodles, slapped our logo on it and sold it for 5x the price

Genius marketing. People actually buy this crap?

>10/10 A+
>9/10 A
>8/10 B
>7/10 C (average)
>6/10 D
>5/10 F
anything under 6 is mouthbreathing down syndrome nigger retard tier

>Lyrical themes: Beer, Evil, Bloody Pussies

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soulfly got pretty good last few albums.

Lyrical themes: Traditional Mining in Germany and Europe

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>*Insert Metal subgenre* N' Roll

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>Lyrical Themes: Food, Alcohol, Peasantry, Totems, Decay, History, Midgets, Scatology

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No, I've been thinking of making one though. There's some slam on this chart but it's pretty limited.

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>atmoshit 'n' roll

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Grind n roll

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>Lyrical themes: Love, Sex, Relationships

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>Lyrical themes: Sexism, Whores, Outlaw Pride, Violence

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where is unholy grave you NIGGER

I can see why tourists are losing their minds over this, it's pretty accessible. I'm only a few tracks in but there seems to be less unriff bullshit

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>Lyrical themes: Anti-Religion, Quantum Physics, Technology, Warhammer 40K

you do want slam or deathcore world wide "slam"

Call me a normie if you will but I'm really just foraying into /metal/, and I'd like reccs to expand my interests.
I'm a massive fan of Slipknot from the standpoint of their sound. Corey Taylor's screams, growls, and traditional singing are all beautiful, and their instrumentation was at the very least refreshing when I first heard it (when their first album came out). They kind of fall short on lyrics, but I'm not gonna nitpick that.
Other big likes I have include Full of Hell and The Body.
Y'all got anything I can try out?

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grind n roll sounds decent

Necroticism and Symphonies. All the rest is just ok in comparison.

>Lyrical Themes: Sex education for teens

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Mucupurulent is Goregrind/Death n Roll
At least the album Sicko Baby is

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>Y'all got anything I can try out?
Yeah; lurk moar

Thank you for the well thought out responses

>Unholy Grave user is back
On the original fucking chart, which is the first chart in the FAQ you fucking brainlet.
I'm not really mad at you though. I could never be mad at anyone who shills Unholy Grave this often. Keep up the good work.

If this isn't bait, i should recommend listening to some old school Death Metal

Here's a chart I made of the slam I personally enjoy.

Attached: objectively good slams.png (2399x1183, 2.52M)

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jesus man im shilling so many bands i don't know which __user i am anymore haha
it does need a spot on that chart though

Mine actually is a good response, asshole. Check out the shit posted here and you'll definitely find something you'll like. Also, we have the FAQ for a reason.

Sounds exactly as I thought it would, good shit
You literally cited three meme bands, there's a culture in /metal/, at least read through the archives a bit.

Much obliged
It wasn't bait, I'm genuinely underdeveloped in this genre. I've just spent a lot of time looking at other genres as much as I'm able and have neglected metal as a whole.
I appreciate the recc, user.

>You literally cited three meme bands, there's a culture in /metal/, at least read through the archives a bit.
That's fair enough. I'll poke around there too, thanks m8

>tfw there will never be a follow up to this album
How do I cope with this feel? What are some other bands similar to Fanisk?

Attached: Insularum.jpg (1200x1200, 346K)

good taste. lots of based jap slam

by maybe having sex

Good attitude, godspeed user
The metal archives "similar bands" tab is pretty decent for recs, when you come across something you like it's often worth checking it out.

I'd always advice starting with trad since it's the foundation of all metal and has some of the most GOAT albums. Since you probably want something heavier though I guess start with some black metal and death metal classics. They should be easy enough to find on you're own.

Also, check out the FAQ and the charts already posted here

Attached: meal chart.jpg (3796x1903, 1.59M)

What are some over rated bands you like?
Rammstein and marduk

Pic unrelated
Grate album

Attached: woodland rites.jpg (700x700, 197K)

Slipknot is kind of reviled around these parts, and honestly it gets hard to tell the bait from sincerity in this thread sometimes. I'd check out some entry level stuff like Converge, System of a Down, and Deftones, then slowly work your way into some Florida death metal, like Death, and Deicide.

Attached: Deicidelegion.jpg (220x220, 11K)

Based trips compliment user
I could probably fit in some more bands but it wouldn't be more than three or so anyway

He's already into Full of Hell, I think he can skip Converge, soad and whatnot

Marduk is one of the best overrated band there is
Dying Fetus is dumb but fun

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Now that's a goddamn chart. Thank you user.
>Slipknot is kind of reviled around these parts
I 100% expected that. Anything I found in my teens is bound to be lol. They're just really nostalgic for me and one of my few frames of reference around here.
> it gets hard to tell the bait from sincerity in this thread sometimes
Absolutely, I tried my best to push my sincerity, but I definitely expected pushback to a point
Thank you for the notes though. Like mentioned, I'll take a gander at those which I'm not familiar with (all but SoaD and Deftones) and I'll be back here after I've had some time soak what I can in.

Based, one of my favorite black metal releases from this year

>Now that's a goddamn chart
Thanks man. It's not necessarily 100% perfect (drone shouldn't be connected to sludge for example) but it should be more than enough to help you start off listening to metal. Godspeed user.

>This chart was made after /metal/ discovered how terrible Sam Dunn's attempt at doing a guide like this was
Holy shit I forgot about that. Just checked out one version of his, Entombed and Arch Enemy are in the same genre, John Sebastian Bach is pre-metal, Black Sabbath plays "early metal uk", Rammstein influenced Rammstein, and I'm done wasting my time with his charts.

Bretty sick


Not to mention that King Diamond, Marilyn Manson, Kiss and Venom are in the same genre as well.

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lmao what a dumbass

I also just noticed that industrial metal apparently evolved out of fucking shock rock. What an absolute retard.

That list of industrial metal is mostly garbage that shouldn't be there

King Diamond and Venom are also shock rock now, guys



>Suicidal tendencies
Lmao does this idiot think crossover and metalcore are the same thing?
Also a hardcore punk section without mentioning grindcore?
And huge nu metal and goth sections too despite while leaving out way more important genres?
Who the fuck even is this guy?

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>Who the fuck even is this guy?
He made the most popular metal documentary, then made a series with episodes dedicated to each genre/genre family. Kinda tragic that he's a reference outside the metal world, but I guess it sorta helps keep the whole thing more insular in some way.

>Who the fuck even is this guy?
A fucking leaf

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Thing is completely retarded on industrial metal.
Most people who are more into industrial know that goth, electro industrial, industrial metal, noise and some more come pretty much from same place but from different direction(instrumental, electronic and experimental)

>Grunge, Post Grunge even being on here
>"Hard Alternative" whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean
>"New Wave of American Metal" (Metalcore??)
>"Swedish Extreme Metal" (melodeath??)

"New Wave of American Metal" should be connected to "Swedish Extreme Metal", all the American metalcore bands owed their sound to In Flames and Bodom

nah Mustaine belongs there, he sounds like a parody at times

>Industrial as a visual and primarily electronic musical artform exists for multiple decades exploring the darker themes of humanity
>naturally starts to commingle with extreme and heavy metal
>"industrial metal evolved from shock rock"
This is exactly something someone would make up as bait just to post on /metal/
How can this be real

>crossover and metalcore are the same thing

it kind of was the first metalcore genre


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Mortal Way of Life is really good, Frank Blackfire was the best Sodom guitarist

who is marjorie wallerstein????????????????????????????????/

Just looked up the show
It has whole episodes for glam, nu metal, and fucking grunge
But only one for all of the extreme metal genres
There you have it. Grunge was more important to the entirety of metal than all of black, death, grind, etc combined.

>under New Wave of British Heavy Metal


Attached: what-the-fuck.jpg (468x895, 46K)

>Marilyn Manson is shock rock with industrial elements
>Antichrist Superstar has some yelling and more metal-sounding instrumentals in some songs
>"Antichrist Superstar" = obvious satanic themes
>He wears make-up
Marilyn Manson is 2nd wave Norwegian Black Metal confirmed

I don't blame him. Heavy: The History of Metal did the same with Glam metal, like out of 3 hours 1 whole hour is based around the creation of Glam and it's decline.

It's missing techdeath though

>whole episodes for glam, nu metal, and fucking grunge
That's fucking retarded, how is there an episode worth of shit to say about nu metal, but not death metal?

>DMU hates Rob Darken now because he said a couple positive things about non-white people
wew lad

First I was like wtf but then I realized that the man has actually fucking put some one named "Marjorie J Wallerstein" in the power metal section. If that is some weird attempt to write "Yngvie J Malmsteen" I'll laugh my fucking ass of.

>Being aware of/caring about DMU's opinion

But in the 21st century the terms crossover and metalcore are recognized as distinct subgenres
D.R.I. and Earth Crisis fuse thrash and hardcore in two very different ways
Not attacking you
Still attacking the dude who made the chart
>Machine Head
You cant make this shit up

What the fuck hahaha

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I think it was originally aired on VH1 classic so the audience was mostly boomers who think Eddie Trunk is a good source of information on metal

what are you talking about?

Hell, you could make a whole series about Death Metal and its subgenres

Tech and brutal death are under one umbrella

I got a bit lazy towards the end of making the chart since I don't listen to any tech death (I like my riffs primitive and retarded) So I just combined brutal death and tech death into the same genre. Sorry about that.

holy shit that's actually hilarious
I kinda want to watch it now, just for laughs

dude that's what I thought too

wow, take it easy, heavy metal is just another name for hard rock

Wait there's no Speed Metal at all?

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Why did Dodheimsgard have to go to shit?

>Crimson Massacre is the same thing as Suffocation

Attached: 1548641460537.jpg (621x627, 250K)

>wow, take it easy, heavy metal is just another name for hard rock
user that's not the problem...


No, but they evolved from the same place, pushing death metal to its limits. I didn't make the chart, user

that is from 2016 and they have given him plenty of praise the last few years

>Marjorie J. Wallerstein
holy fuck this can't be real
why haven't bands credited their guitarist under this name kinda like bands giving drumming credits to Angelo Sasso
