Why does Yea Forums jerk off assthony fucktano 25/8 for having good music taste...

Why does Yea Forums jerk off assthony fucktano 25/8 for having good music taste? I agree with you guys that he's well spoken and has good taste but holy fucking shit you neets need to stop fangirling desu

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Fuck off Anthony go review the new FlyLo

his videos are cool and i like his personality even if i don't agree with him :)

Nobody actually likes him. You're part of the problem.

Fuck off back to work Tony

Listen to me and listen to me carefully, OP: W E D O N ' T

I like him though faggot kys zoomer

He used to be /our guy/ until the cuckening
only newfags still post about him

He was cooler back in the day. I wont watch his videos anymore, unless I want to cringe at how much of a pussy he is.

none of his opinions are genuine anymore. you can tell he just does it for the money now

He is well spoken but he has absolutely shit taste.

absolute patrician taste but the faggot zoomers here wouldn't understamd

>holy fucking shit you neets need to stop fangirling desu
but this is what mu is, and you can't change it

This. He was funnier back in the early 2010's and we knew less about his fucked up personality

I kind of just want to forget about him to be honest. He should start a band and stop with the youtube shit

We all know that Cal is the one with good musical taste between the two of them.

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I can't believe he gave this a 10

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>calls me a zoomer
>likes fantano
Nice bait faggot


This this this this this

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Man poor kid. His hatred really has consumed him

>he's well spoken
>spends the first 1/3 of each review talking about the artist's past and all previous albums

I liked him until I found his twitter/political beliefs. Generally try to distance myself from egregious social ideologues, especially liberal ones— and what makes it worse is his degree of influence. For someone to have so much social authority in the designation of what’s valuable, especially in something as subjective as art, they can only rationally be enjoyed from a distance.

I appreciate how focused his work is but I don’t trust him with his sphere of influence. It’s too easy to take him seriously, and I think doing so is a mistake. As long as you go to him casually, and for the memes, the toxicity is minute