ITT: your favorite album from the year you were born

ITT: your favorite album from the year you were born

>tfw I’m turning 30 tomorrow

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not looking forward to turning 20 this year :/

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21 in october i don't think i'll make it past 22

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>tfw their venues sold out already

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This was a pretty hard decision. I felt cheap picking this over the Elliott Smith s/t

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not looking forward to turning 10 this year

Zoomers rise up

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kill yourself

I was born in 1959. Albums weren't a thing back then, unless it was a greatest hits. But, as far as a regular issue, non-compilation goes, put me down for Chuck Berry Is On Top.

Songs on it include: Maybellene, Carol, Roll Over Beethoven, and Around and Around.

There is absolutely no way you are 60 years old and posting on this fucking website.

>I was born in 1959
what are you even doing on Yea Forums


it has to be this one

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based year, I'm also 23.

>The Great Southern Trendkill
>Antichrist Superstar
>Do You Know Who You Are?
>Songs of Love and Hate
My year was quite a good year.

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Ladies and Gentlemen We are Floating in Space or Homogenic

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Wow, respect.

they just announced they''ll headline a show in Mexico. Fuck yeah, I love living in this third-world shithole.

Same year, 1995. For me it was a tie up between post and liquid swords.

Same year and I'm torn between Elliott Smith's s/t and Fugazi's Red Medicine

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[spoiler] :^) [/spoiler]

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never heard a good album from 1999, what a shit year for music

Hey, I turned 30 last month! Welcome to the club. I had a horrifying moment a couple days ago where it hit me that I don't look completely young anymore, it was awful.

What have you done with your life? How did you spend your 20s?

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I haven't listened to a lot from my birth year desu.

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White Stripes debut, A life of Possibilites, JEW Clarity

>Ágætis Byrjun
>69 love songs
>Emergency and I
>American football's self titled
>Keep it like a secret
>98.12.28 Otokotachi No Wakare
>The fragile
>things fall apart
bad bait.

>the vinyl released the day I was born

Feels good man

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the only time I'd wanna be mexican desu.

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>tfw 35 yo boomer

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Bee boo boo bop boo boo bop

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F A ∞
Fun fact it was released the same day as my dad's bday too.

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Happy birthday user, it's all downhill from there.

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>Antichrist Superstar


Happy early birthday man

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This album is one of the greatest rock albums of all time

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Yeah, the album is cringe, but I just find it to be an enjoyable, fun, album, nothing to take seriously, if you try to seriously, like Manson wants you to, it's awful. But as a cheesy, fun, Industrial Rock/Metal, it does that job really well.

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Happy Birthday user!

Blur - 13
The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin
Coil - Musick To Play In The Dark
Come to think of it, 1999 was a pretty darn good year for music.

Well hello there fella :3

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Easy pick as it’s my favourite album in general

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all are mediocre at best

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Fucking based. Was just gonna post this.

Marry me user

Alright sure
why not?

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what are we even? zoobers? boozers?

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Married 5 years and I have a newborn, so pretty okay I guess

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I’m 20 now, and I didn’t look forward to it either. Oh well, I’m actually looking forward to turning 21 in a few months so I can drink my sorrows away. Hopefully I’ll get laid by then.

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damn you're like a week younger than me

i'm in love with this one
i feel you so much bröther ;_;

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Good year for music

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Today's my 28th bd and I'm bored af in my room listening to IGOR. Feels quite comfy but something is off... I've never liked to be outside or partying but I feel like I should be getting smashed right now.

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It's alright man. For my birthday I went for a walk and listened to some Radiohead. Your birthday doesn't have to be a reason to change your routine. Just remember to take it easy on yourself.

ngl 1990 wasn't a super strong year for music overall. tons of solid albums of course, but there was only a handful of truly great ones

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uhhh mods

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Thank u bud.

Now, Dinosaur Jr., that was a band.

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this was my other pic

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Am I a zoomer?

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oh, you'll make it. and you'll hate it.

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1999 was an amazing year for movies

3 feet high and rising

>tfw don't believe how old i am

I usually end up going liquid swords for these threads but sometimes my answer changes

this but unironically

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very based

oh dear what have you done user

cool if real

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Oops, i did it again

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I am the Quake poster and it's absolutely real from my side.
Based nin bros

Surprised this is not posted yet

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Turned 29 yesterday OP

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lysf would be my second pick. 2000 was such a fantastic year

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