RYM / Sonemic general

Be nice to one another. Life is short.

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Other urls found in this thread:

traditionarchive.org/news/originals/Volume 8/No. 4/The Jewish Interest.pdf

Life's even shorter when you're a tranny.

EAI chads rise up

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After seeing Fantano's review on Igor I felt the need to bump it from my initial score of 3 to 4.5, anyone else feel this way?

karlhalliday 10/01/11 21:22 GMT
On the basis that you question the genre tags I assign?
AntiWarhol 09/22/11 00:49 GMT
you don't have an opinion [8], you don't even know what you "listen" to / "rate" [8]
karlhalliday 09/19/11 08:09 GMT
Might use microtonal scales, but I don't think it fits into microtonal, probably because of parent genre [2]
AntiWarhol 09/13/11 06:30 GMT
"i need to get laid" etc
AntiWarhol 09/10/11 03:38 GMT
true, but still. it is indeed "microtonal music". i'd maybe go with arabic traditional music. only voting microtonal up to "prove a point" desu
AntiWarhol 09/08/11 22:45 GMT
traditional Arabic and Persian music are quite different from each other too. hell, racially and culturally too. ~ignoramus~
karlhalliday 09/06/11 10:45 GMT
how is this microtonal?

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I Was Left Out In School So Now I Make Up For The Drama On The Internet general

>The Williams Institute 2014

"Prevalence of suicide attempts is elevated among
those who disclose to everyone that they are
transgender or gender-non-conforming (50%) and
among those that report others can tell always (42%)
or most of the time (45%) "

"Respondents who experienced rejection by family and
friends, discrimination, victimization, or violence had
elevated prevalence of suicide attempts, such as those
who experienced the following:
— Family chose not to speak/spend time with them: 57%
— Discrimination, victimization, or violence at school,
at work, and when accessing health care
• Harassed or bullied at school (any level): 50-54%
• Experienced discrimination or harassment at
work: 50-59%
• Doctor or health care provider refused to treat
them: 60%
• Suffered physical or sexual violence:
— At work: 64-65%
— At school (any level): 63-78%
— Discrimination, victimization, or violence by law
• Disrespected or harassed by law enforcement
officers: 57-61%"


“Collectively, these findings suggest that not being recognized by
others as transgender or gender non-conforming may function
as a protective factor for suicidal behavior."

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lol yeah

Is there a concept behind Igor?


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doesn't explain the jump in suicide for post op

too retarded to even iron their flags

surgery was only approved for people who reported severe mental distress for decades

why did they kill themselves after waiting so long for the surgery though? imo it's because they put all their hope in the surgery and look forward to it for ages thinking it'll finally "fix" them then once they get it they realize it still doesn't make them female.
and what about those who were refused the option for surgery? and post-op panic is still a thing even now

Also that studies questionnaire for the sample includes self harm as suicide attempts. So the suicide rate would actually be less

Is it not obvious? Those who are open are more prone to abuse from bigots.

the only study i'm aware of reports depression/suicidal thoughts at any time between the non op and post op control group, not that

ye why are transphobes cherry picking studies from sjw cultural marxist gender studies?

it's not a matter of being open though it's just getting genital reconstruction surgery. they could've passed before the surgery.

love him so much

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>be misogynist white boy
>feel vaguely alienated
>marginalize yourself
>be adversarial and annoying online
>claim other people are an existential threat
>adopt ridiculous authoritarian political ideology as a coping mechanism
>wonder why nobody likes you
literally neo-nazis with more steps
and stronger cognitive dissonance
at least ftms aren't incels

truly a ploymath qt

>>be misogynist white boy
>>feel vaguely alienated
>>marginalize yourself
>>be adversarial and annoying online
>>claim other people are an existential threat
>>adopt ridiculous authoritarian political ideology as a coping mechanism
>>wonder why nobody likes you
this describes every single activist tranny on RYM

I've posted in these threads arguing with you several times and I'm a Marxist. And not to brag but I fuck. I fuck hard.

Thats the point its 2 cheeks of the same ass

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top or bottom
cbt or bbc

>Thats the point
I know, just reinforcing it

reminder that sals rym username was ~tranny once and he had to argue to mods that he was trans to keep it

lol did he have to show them pics of his estrogen bottles?

he just kept telling them they were being bigots for doubting him. it worked but the account got banned anyway a little after, forgot exactly why but he harassed some tranny

I know of multiple accounts with the n-word (but not in english) in their name and they've been up for several years

>"i need to get laid" etc
"i need to get laid" etc

as i said several threads ago i had sex about a month ago. so take that.

You mean nigger?

you don't have an opinion [∞]

not him but out of habit i write "the n word" even on Yea Forums

yes, but knowing the sort of numales here at the moment your post will probably be now reported by them because of one of the cucked Yea Forums global rules

God almighty this board is a shithole why do I even come here


He cute

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I'm your dad

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I expect rising suicide rates

This is the same way that Hitler felt because of art school. At last I truly see.

Internet trannies are the biggest incels of them all. Gays at least have active social lives and go to gay bars to suck dick. They aren't severely autistic gremlins hiding behind anime avatars complaining about transphobia on Yea Forums and rym

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how mad are you

Hey guys what albums are we talking about h-

can anyone recommend from my to-do list / backlog?

Why the fuck do all the rym threads get shitposted with tranny hate? I dont even use the site but all this random bullshit is fucked up

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2016 election and the infamy of Yea Forums's autistic screeching brought a flood of edgy teenagers here who are all in the /pol/ type of crowd. they mostly just lurch around the site looking for any chance the spew the 4 memes they know about the 2 topics they know about.

every post on here is the same.
>something about the higher attempted suicide rate but they clearly didnt actually read the study beyond the headline

theres nothing for you on this horrible website


About to clock on
See y’all in a few hours lads

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it's mostly astroturfed

doesn't matter how mad i am because I'll get over it by the day is over but when the day ends you'll all still be miserable trannies

what are you on about? this is how i know you haven't been here long, the trannyposting is a direct reaction to the influx of trannies on rym in the past few years lmao. it started with making fun of thecrystalbird and horb

>m-muh blumpf
>i-it's just p-pol trolls

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most of the underage trannies weren't trans until they befriended other trans users. and none of them have irl friends. it's a mixture of identity issues and wanting to fit in

Very much based

Yeah it really seems like a failed astroturf to me. I dont even know why, rym is just a dumb website to me

traffic measurably spiked and stayed high along the 2016 elections.
similar thing happened with #goobergate but not at the same scale.
i havent been on Yea Forums much but the same thing happens on every board where as soon as identity politics is mentioned, like a dozen epic ben shapiros flood in and all say the same boring tired shit

i dont want to contribute to it further though by talking about it though, honestly. so im gonna post some nice lists i found


my favorite way of finding albums is going to the page of an album i like and looking at the lists


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the people here aren't ben shapiros because they probably hate jews and trans people equally
but yeah that's the climate now, it's whatever

i like doing that with lists too, i respect users that dedicate time towards making good lists because it really helps people find music

making fun of a retarded hypocrite pseudo-conservative isn't the same as hating jews btw

oh i know


>the only way he can get an emotional response from anything is watching intimate video diaries from his fave "avant-garde" "filmmakers"

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Trannies don't respect my existence so why should I respect theirs?

or as one scholar wrote a long time ago: time flies when you're a faggot

why do you guys act like all trans people are insane and intolerant? admittedly that's like half of them overall (and an even larger percentage on the internet) but i think automatically discrediting a user because of it is closed-minded.

It’s mostly because the ones that make themselves know usually are and most of them are on the internet

based and ownagepilled

I respect your existence

Whoops right back at ya

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i don't care if they're BASED blaire white tier trannies, all of em are violating God's Law and contributing to social disharmony.


i don't see any EAI on here... don't you want to be a Chad?

listen to chitotetochi, i guess


Hello rabbi

>spreading redpills to fight transphobia

Add yourselves to the statistics

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I alwasy knew that blacks are not discriminated at all and this just proves it

if they actually were surely their suicide rate would be very high (according to the tranny apologists' logic at least)

How many EAI albums do I need to listen to before I'm considered an EAI Chad?

suicide rates /=/ being discriminated against

because they are
t. dyke

At least 15% of your ratings must be EAI at all times.

a brainlet tranny apologist in the previous thread tried to argue that tranny suicide rates are high because of discrimination, bullying etc.

damn, what happened in 2001? And why did Asians and others all of a sudden get happier around then?

>I alwasy knew that blacks are not discriminated at all and this just proves it
that's better proven by National Crime Victimization Surveys and the fact that blacks are more over-represented when it comes to being arrested for serious crimes than petty crimes (if police were biased, it would be easier for them to arrest someone wrongly vs ignore them when it comes to a petty crime than, say, a murder -- where they have to arrest the guy no matter what.)

9/11 was justice to them for the U.S. wreaking havoc on Southeast Asia

Well surely that is part of it but it definitely isn't why white people have such a high suicide rate. feels.

>damn, what happened in 2001?

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Anime went mainstream.

I suspect culturally (as well as set by historical precedent) black people are more keenly attuned to try to deal with adversity whereas white people, culturally, do not have that disposition.

>what happened in 2001?

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>damn, what happened in 2001

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>Well surely that is part of it but it definitely isn't why white people have such a high suicide rate
I doubt it's a key factor in either case but feel free to make emotional assumptions

reminder that more Americans die of opioid overdose every year than the number of Americans who died in the entire Vietnam War

reminder that the opiod epidemic was primarily caused by one Jewish family


not him but you're doing exactly the same thing
neither of you can claim you're arguing with facts until you provide facts


reminder to downrate every release by these """""artists"""""

stop posting this heeb

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he made a very sharp distinction as if he knew the answer (using words like surely and definitely in opposite directions)

I on the other hand simply doubted his wild assertions so no I'm not even remotely doing the same thing

so did the person he was arguing with

>vox-cucks still hate tucker carlson even though he makes kino like this


the only good one is morton feldman

>A claimed a thing while B doubted that claim
>"so did the other guy"

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Hey Nick

based antiwarhol drone

antiwarhol likes the velvet underground

user I don't know if you're the fucking guy he was arguing with or if you're just a random faggot who decided to join in just to say "DOUBT IT"
if you're the first one you're a hypocrite and if you're the second one you're disingenuous for not calling out both of them

kill yourself

time to go on the music board to destroy some libtards with logic and reason

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damn never mind didn't realize you're this confused

facts don't care about your feelings

I know you're a tranny.
Trannies are just incel class traitors.
They're incels who couldn't hack it as incels and decided to try to become the women they want to fuck.

why are jews so bad at music bro

they lack Logos

there are no grapes upon your vine

you're wrong either way bud

>alter your language the way I see fit or I'll violently assault you
not very ladylike

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the vietnam war was fought in part over southeast asian opium production and the federal government was actively involved in the trade after the kuomintang fled mainland china. american gis brought their smack habit home with them. this has been a problem for decades

daily reminder (((they))) see every race as cattle and slaves, and white nationalists need to unify with black nationalists against (((them))) if either race wants to stand a chance to avoid being erased from history

Uhhhhhhhhhhh maybe its because they're being fucking oppressed maybe?

totally, dude

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>let us molest actual women in their bathrooms you fucking bigot

as a tranny i don't get the suicide meme. if i kill myself then that just guarantees i'll never be able to fulfill the goals of my life and witness the beauty of the world. sure maybe some of my dreams are unlikely but i'd like to even have a chance. killing myself is the absolute last thing i'd want to do, in fact i'm really scared of death in general.


traditionarchive.org/news/originals/Volume 8/No. 4/The Jewish Interest.pdf



I grew up around Black people and many of them were, although rather dimwitted, genuinely kind-hearted and hard working people, and I don't really consider myself prejudiced against them at all. But EVERY time I've met a Jewish person I got this uneasy feeling in my gut, a strange mix of fear and anger, it's almost instinctive. I wish it wasn't like this, but Jews just creep me the fuck out.

you'll get it when you hit 40 ;)

dude, you just posted based

have you tried not being a tranny

you're probably one of the very rare ones who actually understands that they will never ever be able to change themselves to be the opposite sex and it's not the center of your identity

most trannies build their entire lives and personalities around the delusion that they're someone else

That’s great for you but the statistics show that this is not the case for the majority for trannies

have trannies ever considered they might not be stigmatized and made fun of as much if they weren't such obnoxious cunts?

gays are obnoxious cunts and they won the culture war (as proxy warriors for the jews)

trannies will also win the culture war and tranny acceptance will become ubiquitous. it doesn't matter how ridiculous or clearly insane they are as long as the jewish media pushes them relentlessly

2019 version WHEN?

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the suicide stats (there are two studies) don't show some intrinsic self-destructive behavior intrinsic to transitioning, rather they mostly reflect that transexuals tend to receive -- on a much higher level -- mental/physical abuse and generally experience other forms of 'violence' in the form of being denied jobs / kicked out of home / denied a home / abandonment by friends. Oddly enough the people joking about the 40% stats probably are largely responsible for that number.
The other stat is just a comparative study that compares post-srs transexuals to a healthy population (if you think that sounds retarded it's because it is). This stat was explicitly stated that it was not a study that reflects the efficiency of srs or hormone therapy, and the lead researcher has since denounced how one data point was cherry picked for an alt-right agenda.

as far as I know everyone (including other gays) still hates the flaming super faggots

it doesn't matter

you guys are looking at things the wrong way. you're still seeing trannies as victimized/marginalized people simply asking for our sympathy -- rather than the vanguard of the oligarchs. the top uses the bottom as a bludgeon against the middle

when neo-rymers stop being garbage

the entire chart would be tier 5 except old users

damn well at least ill enjoy the next 20 or so years
yeah i did, and it sucked. like, i hated myself before i realized and i still do now but at least i know why
i mean i want to get as close as i can to being and living as a cis girl, and by all means i think i have a pretty good shot at succeeding despite the "YOU WILL NEVER PASS" memes. but ultimately i want the fact that i'm trans to affect my life as little as possible
speaking of "the delusion that they're someone else" honestly what being a tranny feels like is that i'm not the person i thought i was for so long. like for instance i long assumed that i was a socially anxious/awkward loner type person and that's just who i was, but with realizing i'm trans i also realized that i want to be around people and that all of those things i didn't like about myself could be fixed. in general i've had a lot more self-realization since figuring out i'm a tranny. it's opened up the box for me essentially
most people in general i guess dont have as optimistic of an outlook, or as ambitious of a mindset when it comes to what they'd like to do and accomplish in their life. this of course holds true for trannies but it's amplified even more when combined with the weight of being trans and everything that comes with it. i don't want it to sound like i'm superior or some enlightened individual or anything though, and other people have probably had worse experiences in their life that influenced their view on life and their higher disposition towards suicide. my life was pretty smooth sailing (aside from a divorce, which went about as amicably as a divorce could go) all the way up until the dysphoria started hitting, but even then i have a supportive family, good friends, and im pretty lucky in terms of genetics/passing.
i'm with you there, i just wanted to start a conversation

stop trying to live your life in a way you think will make you happiest.

live life according to your duties as a man, and happiness will come naturally.

stop following your basest desires. get fit, get married to a woman and have many children as is ordained by Natural Law, fgt.

>tfw every local woman is some tattooed coalburner or a single mom
wat do? get a mailorder bride?