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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: D1tf6XGX0AEzu90.jpg (903x1200, 150K)
should we be worried

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cute asian girl in front of me how should i proceed bros

Attached: arinface (312).jpg (1800x2700, 879K)

busan princess

Attached: 1558289603552.webm (1280x720, 3M)

why are once so insecure?

[ #가현 ] Today's performance was wonderful

I was happy like in a dream.

Gahyeon Hwiting !!! Twice seniors Fighting !! #드림캐쳐#Dreamcatcher

Attached: D7awZpIV4AEzoNA.jpg (1200x901, 273K)

>Dreamcatcher with Twice
jyp is stupid af. twice keep doing covers of beyonce and ariana grande, shit that no male once listens to, instead of metal covers that lots of male once would love.


Attached: dubuggo.jpg (1401x2001, 623K)

I hope Somi ages well

Attached: Hiichan my waifu.png (1200x790, 566K)

Attached: ourloona.webm (480x508, 2.92M)

>yerin and dc went to twice's concert


Attached: 1558262980497.webm (800x450, 590K)

hey asshole can you at least speak instead of silently posting to yourself

stfu bitch twice mogs your nuggos

>metal covers

what did they mean by this

Its momos hand? The difference in they height like 5cm. wtf.

Attached: hands.jpg (900x900, 153K)

Show her your big white. They usually beg on their knees on first sight.

so fucking cute

Attached: new.webm (720x720, 939K)

Attached: 3d5ca.jpg (1080x1080, 111K)

Not saying DC aren't busted, but those concert pics are never fair desu, the performing group is always wearing professional makeup

dubu mogs sua


Attached: 1558288258271.webm (1280x720, 1.62M)

Attached: D7VeITwUEAAZ9jp.jpg (1125x1114, 126K)

who gives a crap about dreamcatcher when there were real stars at the concert

Attached: 61164827_2252004138231718_941961040007082311_n.jpg (1080x810, 223K)

keep yomi pure

>tfw we will never get dubu death growls

SM used to do them

Born this way lyrics.

Oh no bros what do we do the poonashitters threw a curse on us we got too cocky

Attached: 1544373547525.jpg (720x399, 49K)

I’m going to erase this Dubu from my mind

i was watching a vlive from a couple weeks back and nayeon’s hand was freakishly huge and doesnt even look like it belongs on her body

Attached: D7ab6wdUYAESsm5.jpg (3000x2189, 1.03M)

the only reason to go to a twice concert is to laugh at the perfs

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)
>Ich liebe euch and auf wiedersehen

her facial expressions are wild, they go form lewd to cute in a split second

Attached: 2019052516034383591_1.jpg (1024x1428, 900K)

>hey asshole can you at least speak instead of silently posting to yourself

Attached: file.jpg (708x800, 61K)

Nayeon, not momo

Can't be bigger than Rose's

Attached: 4G4A4996.jpg (1500x1000, 823K)

the only reason to go to a pristin concert is to- oh wait you can't LMAO

i dont have one of those i am brown

The videos are even more lewd than the pictures

shut up

Attached: CTVc2VZUwAAaPXC.jpg (243x400, 13K)

these hips are fake news

zoomers really like to throw that word around, don't they?
sua is not on the photo

Attached: Nugu.png (635x647, 321K)

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Attached: Haseul10.jpg (1000x1500, 234K)

SM gaypops are the only ones who've done screams/growls in kpop iirc

oi faggot tell me how to meet koreans online

Attached: LTC.png (717x781, 745K)

more like pisstain

She looks busted.

Attached: IMG_20190526_002235.jpg (1366x2048, 521K)


twice mogs every group

Attached: fixed.jpg (1500x1126, 915K)

Attached: WinterFrame-1078971010014040065-20181229_190829-img2.jpg (1400x2100, 705K)

What's got Creamcatcher antis so worked up? The fact that Dreamcatcher can dance and sing and they actually have a thicc member?

Attached: D7Z5zk0VsAA-Zey-orig.jpg (1687x3000, 1.59M)

Attached: 190426 우주소녀 보나 라라러브 안산노동자대축제 4K WJSN{thQYNb5Q234}-4.webm (720x778, 2.89M)

what point is that picture supposed to be making

maybe she is just quitting sns


some people have long spidery hands
the sort of hands help you be good at Starcraft


when did gowon get dat ass

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Thanks for fixing the photo.

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dreamcatcher are friends with arin and OMG also maybe twice
fuck your nugus they are all ugly and talentless and muh views and muh singing lol anime intros lmao jline so dumb lol chinks lol no sales reeee
never change

hips don't lie

calm down we hate all nugus equally

having a thicc members is not a big deal, kyla was "thicc"
the differential is having a cute and attractive thicc member like gahyeon

cheers lad

eww who is this uggo

Attached: 9a2.jpg (736x736, 128K)

that wasn't funny idiots

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

>they're not nugus because they debuted first

Attached: IMG_20190425_094247.jpg (791x480, 70K)

that bitch is ugly god damn

Attached: tumblr_pii3lrB6JG1xh6tw8o2_1280.jpg (780x936, 79K)

>can dance and sing and they actually have a thicc member?

imagine how much better loona would be with chubby members

Translate this rice rune

Based Redditor

blessed genetics

it says annyeong

>phonecancer made a post
who you're right they are nugus!

Is it true that kpop is considered pleb music in Korea?

Attached: 112605113e7099.jpg (736x727, 100K)

i thought the one to dubu's left and jiu's right was sua

bet you she can have a six pack whilst having cellulite on her thighs

blind retard

Attached: D4SsN_3W0AA9Q9F.jpg (750x750, 47K)

They have two of those

Waiting for your argument

why is dubu slutpop now?

be quiet Geodude tranny

Attached: 1555181197809.jpg (1400x3600, 474K)

never seen Hyunjin?

Attached: D2uSy8DUYAEkFx4.jpg (1800x962, 290K)

any sharkman in

Anyone else want Heej to keep on em?

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Attached: bf722b6.jpg (736x727, 106K)

>can't make a point
>Ur phoneposting!!!

Attached: sana_876c.jpg (1365x2048, 593K)

her name is in the post you originally quoted. try reading next time

Attached: D7awZpHUIAApVr0.jpg (1000x1331, 285K)

what was this from?

Attached: D6SHeeAUIAElbWz.jpg (1600x2400, 913K)

So Fancy only won 3 music shows? Wow it was their best song

Attached: 697f59b.jpg (736x725, 109K)

wanna fuck nagyung


yes you're right quantity and popularity = quality

Olivia is too skinny now


sana is sexy as fuck bros

Attached: 1501461549633.jpg (433x390, 30K)

can you link that live?
maybe dubu hands just too small. she like 155.

Attached: b59fe9f7c02.jpg (736x774, 124K)

Go buy it we need to fight BP!! Fuck everyone else. You're allowed to like only ONE group as true once.

indeed it is time for anjoonk

Attached: DhmMwkRUwAYbsBm.jpg (4095x2730, 1.19M)

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The point was about DC being nugu, and you posted a pic with debut date like it was a valid point.

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Nancy is pretty plump now

Attached: 01F7D620-39D4-4881-ABC5-9F003FA40B97.jpg (540x879, 135K)

I would be so disgusted if I had a kgf who was a twiceshitter
I want a twice anti kgf

Attached: 160208lsj01.gif (396x450, 3.05M)

>haseul's trainwreck of a body

Attached: 1558757637865.jpg (1340x1242, 181K)

hitomi a cute

Attached: 1549510210725.webm (840x700, 360K)

i hate that gookpop is killing my white fever

Can't read hangul in 2019 UH OH

shut the fuck up bitch

they don't even look bad

pick up twice or your groups will continue to perish

sex the hitomi

>wonuggoshitter talking about facial shapes

Attached: kek.jpg (275x299, 9K)

Attached: 1542298024916.webm (1280x720, 2.73M)

tv show the gashinas
yves is getting a super positive response

Attached: wizmo btfo.webm (640x358, 1.19M)

Dong and Dami are super busted

breaking news

I would rather neck myself

Attached: 1420007802886.jpg (600x589, 28K)

Guess why numbnuts? Twice didn't exist when DC was already on stage. As of april dc was ranker 29th IIRC in kpop and they barely play kpop. And no more (you) for phoney

Attached: 5381d3b1f29.webm (480x480, 1.91M)

finally something we can agree on

Attached: 190525 에버글로우 (EverGlow) 아샤 직캠 - 달아 (U클린 환경콘서트) By.webm (506x900, 2.94M)

dong is fine

Nancy’s big bum

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she's a melting plastic horse face

the things I would do to this fat faced cutie

i looked at yiren more than i looked at aisha in this


Attached: lessfuckshead.jpg (400x515, 29K)

>so mad he can't even quote
Okay dude, calm down.

Attached: 7642842azdaen3wazx74.jpg (699x874, 161K)

Aww what a qt

fucking SNIFF

Attached: ShockingPastelLcont.webm (400x432, 128K)

joonking arin's eyes out

Eunha-Gahyeon special stage

Attached: DtYVRFqUwAEuLa--orig.jpg (609x1024, 60K)

will keep you updated as the situation develops

Fuck. Can't get enough of this whore

why does Hiichan's smile look so pained?


Attached: 190525 에버글로우 (EverGlow) 아샤 직캠 - 달아 (U클린 환경콘서트) By 2.webm (506x900, 2.96M)

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too much uggos not enough loona

Legs are so fucking amazing wow

>Cub is the leader of the Lady Gaga sub-unit
I bet Cub and Irene are members of the same fem*n*st book club

Attached: saneirene.webm (1280x720, 2.75M)

holy shit i am fucking diamonds

Fancy is hardly their best song (although way better than DTNA and YoY) but BTS are way too strong for them right now.


>cripple trying to kill everglow

>too much uggos not enough uggos

Attached: 160514.10.jpg (1000x1333, 841K)


what's her problem

I love her so much bros...

Attached: 1548101384243.jpg (564x846, 93K)

Cripple should pick up twice...

any miracles?

how many times has she drained you this week user

Not even Wheels can kill Everglow

Attached: D6E-tMMWsAE6HGr-orig.jpg (1364x2048, 421K)

Attached: Princess.webm (344x344, 1.03M)

based sharkman saving the thread

onda's eyes are a lil far apart if we're being picky

Nancy has been eating well recently

Attached: 7B757126-9912-4C08-A975-429D65898C4F.jpg (600x784, 96K)

Yes pic related it's me

Attached: 1546517689509.jpg (1920x1280, 453K)

is she the one with the tits

fuck no

link please

any news on the pristin comeback?

yeah izone become famous.

wrong every everglow is perfect the way they are

Quit lewding Aisha anons, she pure unlike Kyungri and Somi

Attached: aisha.webm (1250x1080, 1.51M)

they announced one for the end of june


>not enough reddit

said no one

tight and tall. just the way i like em


might work as a new group, I doubt Eyoung would ever join.


hey leave the innocent kyungri out of this

Attached: DkxPhFrXgAEBWNW.jpg (1100x1716, 366K)

uggo post twice or fuck off

Hey. Good morning.

Attached: moslut.webm (430x720, 891K)


Attached: yurióculos.jpg (768x1024, 88K)

Kyungri is weirdly pure sex and sort of prudish

Attached: 151018A004.jpg (800x1200, 871K)


amazon somi...

Cute slug

Attached: 1540509078150.webm (1396x1428, 2.95M)

you people ruined yuri posting

who's going to support another pledis girl group after what they did to the fans


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busan _____

she won't. her white genes are already showing.

Attached: 1557640808477.jpg (1080x1440, 248K)


cub booty

Good afternoon then

Attached: 1555558919501(1).webm (608x1044, 2.98M)

Attached: 1558190767255.webm (500x500, 1.1M)

god I would ravage ahin

Attached: 1162.gif (300x386, 2.12M)

whos been really hot lately?

she looks better than ever

Attached: D6OCDZpV4AICeAE.jpg (1500x1000, 171K)

bangarin is so pure

Attached: 1558191273522.webm (570x570, 1.03M)

you should notice that these pics do not cover the lower half of her body...

>bang arin


Delete this


's forehead

don't believe that heavily doctored picture

Attached: 1555469007136.webm (640x640, 2.75M)

No Bangs, No Thighs Arin is better than old Arin desu

nice whore

Attached: D2MPrPoWwAAjCEx.jpg (1333x2000, 399K)


Attached: butte0.webm (658x1000, 2.95M)

w-what's going on?

they beat BTS at the shows they went to, they just stopped promoting early to prepare for the world tour

Watch your tongue boi

Attached: 1556729549478.jpg (1000x1500, 198K)

post cheeseburger

okay sorry

Attached: DkxK3DmUUAAzbCD.jpg (1100x1716, 302K)

Attached: D7MMetJV4AATNfe.jpg (1500x1000, 134K)

AKB is what happens when you collect a ton of random somewhat attractive girls and give them basically zero training before sticking them on stage. For every ace there are like 12 talentless girl next door types.

sorry I meant slut

Attached: DSC_8111 (2).jpg (1200x801, 825K)

Attached: JYPETWICE-1132299475647549440-img1.jpg (1024x768, 250K)

im frothin for a fromis comeback

wow, she's beautiful...

Attached: D7L3F66U8AEXb0b.jpg (1365x2048, 276K)

i'm going to squeeze that bun

Attached: JYPETWICE-1132299475647549440-img2.jpg (1024x768, 252K)

>i meant pure

Attached: 1556497246536.jpg (1001x1500, 203K)

This but unironically

Attached: 1557819170411.jpg (640x996, 107K)

Attached: 1543156566664.jpg (1920x1080, 179K)

>not kpop

Attached: D7IIYB7UYAAoIiw.jpg (800x1200, 71K)

You better not be doing that.

Attached: D7X2xVaV4AAU1CL-orig.jpg (1600x2399, 530K)

Post the pics with DC

Attached: 213B3B435762A3800311AD.jpg (1600x2844, 821K)

what makes you think i'm saying that ironically bro?

BIG maknae

Momo is looking at the jokbal on the table.

or army stew.

Attached: 1545666874645.webm (720x800, 2.91M)

her legs are so fucking good

Guess who

Attached: 15587966999692.jpg (850x1200, 172K)




Attached: 1549953469263.webm (640x988, 875K)

Nice ____ _____

Attached: 1530846953490.jpg (1200x800, 140K)

Dreamcatcher attended twicelights concert or just one member?

Attached: 1555708430690.jpg (1080x1920, 243K)

Happy Birthday, mommy

Attached: D7a9PHfVUAEozUP.jpg (2000x2000, 583K)

Attached: jiheon5.jpg (630x945, 109K)

Let me know when they beat them in album and ticket sales.

Attached: D7EFGDzUYAAomk2.jpg (1365x2048, 207K)

Damn Yeri looks like THAT?

Attached: 1553800124536.webm (490x868, 2.86M)

Off limits

Attached: D7L9WX0XYAAi-OG-orig.jpg (800x1199, 125K)

Finally a cute girl

says who

Attached: jiheon.webm (1920x1080, 2.95M)

I was at the Twice Lights concert in Seoul tonight, ask me anything.
Or don't, it's midnight here and I'm tired as fuck.

Attached: 20190525_175410.jpg (4032x3024, 3.71M)
>dear wheels, you didn't buy enough albums and merch, so that is why we are dead. thanks for nothing you broke bitch.

Attached: 9d4831cb64ce4f3395df7aa513c1adbc.jpg (900x600, 87K)

i'm frothing for a fromith comeback

she actually looks good here

JIU and Gahyeon apparently.

shes a freakin cutie

Attached: ro14824280_ori.jpg (1100x1716, 277K)

>comparing boy groups with girl groups
That's not fair. Also Twice is doing great for a gg.

Attached: IMG_20190525_092800.jpg (516x313, 30K)

she look like jennie here.

Attached: D7EFGixUYAAYeJY.jpg (1365x2048, 247K)

is this setlist accurate?

Attached: 60894857_153705422348352_4171487527405879296_n.jpg (534x899, 64K)

Gahyeon is friends with Dubu

Attached: 1558009905552.webm (312x552, 998K)

Did you get to smell chewy's farts? I would pay a lot for that.

Attached: ee20a6ee17a3856249c6624e4d0ee42b.jpg (736x1308, 67K)

do you mad at them for that 30 minutes rant.

how was it. did dubu have a solo again?

Attached: 1544378222364.png (611x669, 432K)

Damn more than double. Also strange that Big Bang is on there.

please kill yourself

Attached: 1547548585850.jpg (960x913, 151K)

reading this shit makes me realise how not fun going to one of these would really be

Imagine if SM even tried with EXO, Shinee and TVXQ. Doesn't even measure concert revenue though


Attached: 683A5E1F-DC23-4C16-AD8A-7258628FF8E3.jpg (822x720, 141K)

>no turn it up

what's your shoe size?

I knew pledis would do some shady shit that's why I never gave them money

Attached: DLmb1dCU8AETPaV.jpg orig.jpg (1280x1920, 438K)

Fat literally spilling out

Why would the subject themselves to doing Heartshaker when they clearly can't sing it.

I don't know why anyone would pay to watch them lip sync.

>start with stuck in my headlight

Attached: disappointment.webm (1280x732, 1.5M)

we were pristin

She's really letting herself go

Oh my god. I’ll die if they perform this in Los Angeles

Attached: cub_scrunch.jpg (1536x2048, 778K)

i didn't said it a good thing.

>dubu friends with gahyeon and sinb
uggos stick together

because it's the best bside on the new album

that and the ratio of things i would like to actually see performed vs. filler bullshit is not good, and that's nothing against twice it would be the same for any kpop concert



Attached: girl groups in 2019.jpg (886x549, 136K)

don't say that

Attached: DKvSNRaV4AAhSmx.jpg (960x720, 91K)

>no girls like us
>no one in a million
>no rollin
>no look at me
>no ffw

100%, yeah. the remixes were all right. they slowed the tempo of the songs to make them more "sexy" and added heavy guitar riffs. i woulda preffered to have heard the originals, especially Dance the Night Away.
the special stages were so hot tho. the Sana+Tzuyu+Dahyun stage was incredible, tho i felt bad for Sana and Dahyun. next to Tzuyu, they look like stumpy little midgets. i didn't know Tzuyu is so fucking tall, god she's a model.

sadly no, but i did gawk at her a lot. if you wait i'll try and upload a few pics i took.

yes, very mad. i missed my bus home and had to pay 50,000 won ($50) for a taxi home. but i forgive them.

#15 on the list is Strawberry, user.

no solo, but a dance stage with Tzuyu and Sana. the show was fantastic, one of the better kpop shows i've been to. Dubu is adorable.

280. hard to buy new shoes here.

Attached: the_architect.jpg (470x313, 17K)