Let's remake Yea Forums core

no gaydiohead edition

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this should be Yea Forumscore

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I vote for this

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Ok, I'll start with one album for each decade starting from the 60s.

>The Beatles - The Beatles
>Pink Floyd - Atom Heart Mother
>Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
>Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik
>Metallica - St. Anger
>Death Grips - Bottomless Pit

OP here, based
maiden debut, real fuckin based

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don't remember that version of disintegration

u don’t remake Yea Forumscore you retards it changes naturally

too bad


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everytime someone does this the new chart is forgotten in abt 2 days

cant change someones thoughts on music with a chart retard. trust me id have stopped liking eilish by now if that was how it worked

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do you understand what Yea Forumscore is?

pretty sure the OP isnt being literal about this, retards

Do you understand this? *unzips dick*

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I love unzipping my dick

I feel like we should make it a rule not to use any albums from the current mu-core charts just for fun
Lol what a troll

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do you??? dumb faggot

Fuck yes

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Take pic related off Yea Forumscore. No one ever talks about it or seems to appreciate it like I do, and frankly I don't want my favorite album to be associated with you mouthbreathing underaged turboautists anymore. Go replace this masterclass of skilled composition with another one of your random computer noise collages or something. You don't deserve Song Cycle.

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put this in the chart


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Ew, at least use Origin of Symmetry

How does it make you feel that no matter how many replies and albums you guys pick, the mucore chart will never change and your choices here will have virtually no effect on the current and future taste of the board?


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It's for fun. Since when does Yea Forums do anything other than kill time

True. When was the latest addition to the top group of Yea Forumscore anyway? Money Store?

Yes! Pillow of winds into echoes

Yes! Pillow of winds into echoesAtom heart is a gem. Summer 69 great song

That was great. Thanks
Knew the song but didn't know who

this over Music Has The Right To Children

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The Pod is in top 10 Yea Forumscore albums

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every single one of these fucking suck.

we need some EPIC and LOUD music

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Based lmao
