The more you fags shit on her album the more you’re unintentionally memeing me into becoming a big fan of hers...

the more you fags shit on her album the more you’re unintentionally memeing me into becoming a big fan of hers. i just bought one of her hoodies and i’m going to see her on tour. :(

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Uh your loss lmao

Kill yourself
Get a gun, get some pills, get the rope, whatever not my business
Just fucking kill yourself

Good for you, but If I see you wear that IRL I'll probably do something fucked up, like stick gum to it when you're not looking

this is meaner than the guy above you, who is literally telling me to kill myself

I hope you're baiting, otherwise you're really fucking pathetic

I find her oddly sexually attractive. I didn't like her album but I just don't enjoy her style of music in general. It wasn't made for me. But enjoy it if you want.

How come nobody told me some of her songs are good? I thought they were all watered down Lorde but bury a friend, bad guy, and you should see me in a crown are actually interesting wtf

Attached: BEvsAL.jpg (736x736, 100K)

i want to fuck her throat

Guess you really showed me what's what there OP. Well done.

I thought I saw her getting fucked on a porn recently on pornhub... it was pretty hot


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the ep was great the new album sucks balls

>bury a friend

is that the one that sounds exactly like 'people are strange'?

I want to fuck her face

i want to bury my dick in her snozzie wozzie

I am going to stab you in your stomach

God I wish she would just do porn

stop putting this on us retard

Must be all that hot curry sauce.