Best New Clairo

incels BTFO
clairo is an ARTIST

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Holy based

That’s cool stalker
How about you go be creepy af somewhere else

absolutely seething

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how do you find this face attractive

Still creepy af

I’m thinking it’s AOTY

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I heard it last night by accident, I dig it.

have sex

Fuck off and die you tasteless lardball

Rude, I still like it.

i want to fuck her throat

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That almost figures

crackin my shit UP
bussin my shit UP

you kys


These are the same people that give Lil Nigga's "Hoes On Mah Dick" a BNM

daddy upped the payola

3 years and $40,000,000 in industry money to plant her as a ’chill relatable genuine diy artist’ and this mumbling bar chord bullshit is the best they can come up with? lmao

>being this upset
dum boomers

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Yeah I fucked her

NGUTP is better

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Fuck You

Clairo out here making waifus great again

Wtf is up with her nose

She has a cute slavic nose

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