Holy shit this is amazing

Holy shit this is amazing

Attached: theblacksaint.jpg (500x500, 57K)

absolute madman smoking a blunt on his cover

yeah, it is, isn't it?

fuckin lunatic he is

I wish he'd just let the players solo without interruption, I don't get this composition style, it just doesn't fit the organic nature of jazz

It is a lovely album

that’s why it’s third stream and not jazz

sooooo fucking boooooooorring holy shit

jazz is for people who have no intelligence of their own so they look for it in the music they listen to.

Dumb adhd zoomer

What kind of projection is this?

>any critique of anything is a projection!! :^)

t. 32 IQ

if anything lacks focus, it's jazz.

Dumb adhd zoomer

Dumb adhd zoomer


agreed, real intelligent men of taste listen exclusively to nightcore

lmao this made me laugh hard

I prefer the more structured and composed sound of this album to literally any other jazz album I've heard. You can tell that every moment was carefully crafted, and without improv the instruments are designed to work well with each other. Genius stuff.

McClintic Sphere is better

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He's juuling

I don't like the implication in your post that improv leads to musicians not working well with each other.


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where did he say that

They certainly can, but it's not guaranteed. When every sound is predetermined you know that it was intentionally made that way.

in his post

no he didn't

He implied it you tard.

no he really didn't

So whats the point of improvising ever if it carries this risk?

>without improv the instruments are designed to work well with each other

>You can tell that every moment was carefully crafted, and without improv the instruments are designed to work well with each other

yeah, he's saying that you can design the instruments to work well together when you write it out ahead of time
same thing
saying one thing is good doesn't mean everything else is bad

You tell me. I prefer composed stuff. Musical diversity is a good thing though, and improv is really respectable since it's hard, but it sounds worse to me.

He said without improv the music works well, implying with it it would not. Honestly give up man, you're wrong.

it's a pipe

>He said without improv the music works well, implying with it it would not
no. again, saying one thing is good does not make another thing bad.

When you imply that including it would make it bad it does

no, he said not including it is good.
if i say i like an electronic album, and you say you don't like it because it has no guitars, and i say i think it's good without guitars, does that mean i hate guitars?

now listen to Ah Um

It means including guitars in this context would be bad. His post was talking about music in general. He even said in this thread he doesn't like improv at all.

>He even said in this thread he doesn't like improv at all.
he doesn't like it. doesn't mean it's bad.

It's bad to him.

>It means including guitars in this context would be bad.
Generally improv in the context of Third Stream is bad, yes.

Exactly. Which is why it is the only tolerable jazz.