Coming from somebody who usually hates Yea Forumscore, this is actually amazing.
Coming from somebody who usually hates Yea Forumscore, this is actually amazing
this isn’t Yea Forums core
This is not Yea Forumscore. Jesus Christ let this be bait
it will be
How much money do you make per post?
mu core is just a collection of albums that are commonly discussed on mu, so im sorry to break it to you sweaties but this is mu core
no it won’t. end of story.
What's the name of the rock you've been living under?
epic bait
i make /pol/ bait threads of all ideologies and this managed to piss me off
Funny, because yet you can't come up with a single valid argument.
Just because it is constantly shilled here does not mean people here actually like it. I'm sure that if you conducted a poll the majority of people here either would have not listened to it or disliked it.
You like gaudy electro-pop sung by a 17-year old white girl mumble rapper?
And just because a loud minority of tourists from /pol/ complaining "derp non white male music bad!" doesn't mean it hasn't received universal acclaim otherwise and the vocal majority of Yea Forums.
For something to be considered Yea Forumscore it has to be extremely influential on this board. Last one that you could make an argument for would probably be this album. But even then probably not. Yellow posting was a thing for a bit though
Shill in hell.
OP is amazing
OP, could you answer me here?
That has more to do with the nature of music journalism and pop music in general than it does with Yea Forums being reactionary. Record companies need to push the next big thing, whether it's good or interesting or not. The fact that Pitchfork and Fandango liked it doesn't mean it's good, it means that it has hype behind it. Billie is in general pretty boring, she's just being aggressively marketed towards plebs because she looks and dresses and acts just different enough from the last generation of female pop stars in order to seem like a shiny new thing that's worth your attention.
dude even rym which is full of trannies, girls, gays, and liberals rates it like a 2.6 which is low
>boring vocals with shit-tier range
>gentrified soundcloud beats
>fake deep/fake woke lyrics
What about this crap did you find enjoyable, OP?
2.89 at 4600 ratings, but yes, still not great.
>>gentrified soundcloud beats
Like Ghostemane if you took out the edge and replaced it with pink sugar.
i've lost counts of how many fucking times i've seen this post
late but yea
Imagine thinking this
Possibly the new Weyes Blood album (though it seems controversial)