What's the appeal?
What's the appeal?
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they serve as a reminder that anthony fantano has garbage taste
their music is good
Accessible, loud-soft dynamics, hooks are easy to wrap one's head around, but also coated in a thick veneer of fashion that makes them feel like the next big thing.
god tier music that suggests extradimensional understanding. they know something humanity doesn't
Wesley Willis with Tool tier production.
So, precisely nothing, as I'd expected. Thank you for your valuable input which confirms my views. -OP
Good weightlifting music
they make me go AAAAAAAAA
based and /fit/pilled
Very expressive evocative music that zones into a choked out state of mind. Edgy aesthetic for hipster points. They're just so fucking fun and bring in the grooviest beats.
They all banged your mom.
NLDW cover was taken right after your mother was banged
get your head out of everything that isnt the actual music's ass and listen to a song off year of the snitch at random and tell me it aint a fresh original two cents three lads put on a veritable table
even if that tea tastes bad to you its still well made tea
This, Death Grips Is Online, Streaky, and Disappointed are some of the best songs in the past 2 years
They're literally the only original thing to come out of hip hop.
notm > tms > gp > nldw = exm >>>>>>>>>>>> everything else
they're awful now
Low testosterone levels and sub-120 IQ
just look at the stare of the three of them, the first one his long girly hair and girly pose, the middle with his autistic gorilla stare and the third looking like a pedo checking out kiddies in the playgrounds
can we talk about how soft stefan’s face is
>tms higher than nldw and exm
exmilitary and niggas on the moon are their best albums and if you haven’t realized this you’re deluded
kill yourself manlet
this heehee