the choice is yours, user
Fuck, Marry, Kill, Rape
Nicki Minaj, Cardi B
Paris Hilton, Rihanna
kill rape fuck marry
Kill Cardi b
Fuck Nicki
Rape Rihanna
Marry Paris (although that would be fucking miserable
Fuck - Rihanna
Kill - Other
they're all roasties, but I would kill Cardi because she's the shittiest of the three
kill cardi because shes annoying
marry nicki so she can sit on my face every night
fuck rihanna
rape paris
Fuck Nicki cause she's hot
Rape Cardi cause she deserves it
Kill Paris cause she's a raging cunt
Marry Rihanna cause she's freaky as fuck and classy at the same time
kill kill kill kill
exactly this
>cause she deserves it
am ded
The only sensible answer
Rape Nicki
Fuck Cardi
Marry Rihanna
Kill Paris
>Rape Cardi cause she deserves it
Why does Cardi deserve to be raped when Nicki's the one that has a pedo brother and is dating a rapist?
Fuck Rihanna, marry Nicki Minaj (to fuck that ass everyday), kill Paris Hilton, rape Cardi B (revenge). Easy.
Cardi B used to drug men in hotel rooms after having sex with them, then rob them and leave before they woke up
Marry Paris rape Rihanna fuck cardi kill nicki
Marry Paris because she's white
Fuck Nicki
Rape Rihanna
Kill Cardi
yes and?
she’s annoying
Rape Nicki
Fuck Cardi
Kill Paris
Marry Rihanna
Wtf cardi b is almost white