/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


Gibson is overrated

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based caveman riffs

lmao is it because he's black

Reminder that if you spent half as much time practicing as you do shitposting about guitars you could actually be good at something

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>not using shitposts as lyrics and making songs based around them

no, because he plays literal fucking bestial caveman riffs

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according to the guy that has to stay the fuck out of society because he has a history of burning churches and murdering people based on a hunch

more like man of color of the storms

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why do people think that tremolo picking half notes is shredding

Hey guys, my name is user and this is "every doom/stoner/sludge/psych riff ever"


You don’t learn your guitar. You should play it and have fun. Learn the blues scale and practice to the blues. Focus on rhythm. Start writing songs and develop your own ideas of what sound good to you. If you don’t do this you will never have good sound. Only good sound comes from original thinkers. Otherwise it is always derivative and always will be. How much shit do you hear that it sounds like someone is playing guitar rather than living it and expressing themselves through it. Guitar solos are for chumps, the best know how to write songs using chords creatively and uniquely. People sound like themselves because they are themselves. Nobody can teach you that but yourself

the notification was the best part

>Guitar solos are for chumps
t. can't play solos

thanks, i should've silenced my phone huh

Guitar solos are improv. If you can't improv you can't write songs and you're only capable of sounding like generic chord strumming "singer songwriter" #1000.

but user

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>Guitar solos are improv
not always

working on a song all. just gotta do vocals, and maybe change some dynamics

>I can't actually play guitar but maybe if I flail my wrist hard enough you'll think I can

rude desu, lets hear you play some harmonic minor/phyrgian dominant, homo :^)

It's hard to play that style and not sound basic as all fuck.

sounds like Marilyn Manson and Cyuss had a little goth stoner baby

im taking the piss m8, some of my best friends are in psych/doom bands like these. but sometimes it sounds the same

You're right though.

Great tone for a shitty recording though

Post rig

>Looking for bands I can cover
>come across this thread
>djent and deathcore for 13 year old emos
is it possible to have any taste worse than this?
literally the only good one that came up is Carcass

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Guitar soloing is the lamest focus any musician should have. Like I was saying, yes learn the scale but real shit starts happening when your understanding of chords and rhythm create songs and melodies. You have your solos built into the song already. Music theory is helpful to a very early point for the basics of resolution and intros to jazz chords. If you play with it enough you’ll get your own feel of your preferences. One four five is obviously important and the variances of that

>ultimate guitar
Probably full of spics of all ages which explains the garbage taste

Hey guys, my name is user and this is "every fucking AC/DC song ever"


Now do Brian Johnson's puking-his-throat-out vocals to go with it

Thanks but /gg/ tells me that I have too much attack after I finally figured how to have as much attack as I wanted

i usually do when i "perform" this parody live, i just whine like a cat and it gets the point across

>he doesn't have enough testosterone to own a Gibson

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hi my name is user. i call this one "the average metalhead's guitar playing".


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did you only turn the gain to 10 and the mids to 0? it'll sound better if you turn the gain to 11 and the mids to -1.

why is it SUCH holy relic for shoe-glaze beta males?

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Does this VOX product, too, have LEDs in it to make it look like its tubes are glowing?

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stop pretending to be me. your playing is dogshit, im going to start a trip so you don't impersonate me faggot but your tone and playing is garbage

git guud m8.

It's dogshit on purpose. You see I'm actually really good but I won't show you.

the average metalhead has too little self-esteem to even attempt anything more difficult than Korn

No, it's just LEDs for aesthetics.. The nutubes glow on their own.

>2 more weeks

>a lower power, lower gain tube that costs a lot of fucking money

couldn't have chosen a better name for it honestly

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>and then he got it and it was so shit it needed immediate work done on it
>he's too stupid to do the work on it himself so he had to pay someone to do it

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What kind of guitar does Castreau play?

So you haven't listened to it?

lets hear you play without the parkinsons

rate my new riff: youtube.com/watch?v=qIJ-lchwqVA

he got bullied so hard we haven’t seen his gear since

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Obviously you can get the same gain with a lot of nu-tubes like if you had twenty nu-males to lift a single cardboard box they might get it done

And a boss katana still sounds better

Because the guitar (was) unpopular and ironic, and hipsters were the forefathers of the modern beta male.
Yea Forums(nel) has always self-policed attention-whoring well.

Just say you know nothing about them. It's ok.

Nutubes are low gain, high impedance and most of the actual amplification is done in an SS section so the amp sounds like it.

Not worth the money

>i was only pretending to be a shitty guitarist

>so the amp sounds like it.
I guarantee that you couldn't reliably pick the tube amp between a random tube amp and a random solid state amp in a double blind test.

You can't tell reliably by listening but you can tell by playing. The flaws of pure tube amps change how the dynamics of your guitar work while an SS amp just reproduces the strings with some added effects.

what do you want to hear m8, normally i don't entertain pleb requests but i'll humor you

if you can't pick them out in a double blind why spend $800 on muh nutubes when you can get a solid state modeling amp for less than half the price

>you can tell by playing
You wouldn't be able to tell this way either, guaranteed.
Also, even if you could, which you can't, it wouldn't matter if nobody listening to it can tell.

they both distort amptard

Poweramp sag, fags.

I know that he can't explain on a technical/scientific basis exactly what he means by "change how the dynamics of your guitar work," because he's pulling that out of his fucking ass and has no idea what that actually means.

>it's all in the preamp
Why does everybody agree that hybrid amps suck then

just play on your computer or tv then

wrong again

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If it can be measured and quantified and it follows mathematical laws, which that does, then it can be easily simulated with an all solid state/digital rig.

Well I can. Simply real amps respond better to the dynamics in your playing, while ampsims and shitty multifxs have one single flat tone (because it's an impulse based emulation) and because of that the sound usually don't change as goodly when you use dynamics, or if they do the threshold is weird.

This explanation was as technical and scientific as Bill Nye is an actual scientist.

>childhood: tube amps technically sound better
>adolescence: you can't hear a difference!
>adulthood: i have money and glowing tubes are cool. wanna see my gibson?

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This is a technical/scientific answer, and a good one. It can be simulated, but it's a good answer.
This is close to word salad.

stop gibson shilling and avatarfagging you fucking weaboonigger

I have a Gibson but find tubes terribly impractical. I can get overdrive sounds that sound just as good without them. Do they sound exactly the same? No. They're just as good, in a different way, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Don't you also proclaim that gibson is the anime girl guitar of choice?

t. bedroom player

imagine owning a tube amp that doesn't glow or cost more than $1000 lmao

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You can get the job done on shitty gear if you're a great player. But there's a point where it just becomes comedy.


Wrong at least for me
>Adulthood: damn my guitar sounds good and I've gotten so good that I can make any gear sound good. I'll plug to whatever new amp and see what crazy sound I can get with this, and it will sound good because I have a solid touch at this point.

>guitars with P90s
Avatarfagging is using a picture of the same character in every post. Nobody's avatarfagging. Not that guy, btw.

Hi, my name is different user, and I call this one "Babby's first 7 string"

Ugly amp.
Moe anime girls go right for the protection instinct which is strongest in high test males.

This one goes right for my "punch in the face" instinct though her sister is much better

Avatarfagging is
shut up nigger, post vocaroo or kys

>it's so impractical to take care of a tool

You might be too pleb for a tube amp that literally outshines the competition, but at least your guitar is adequate.

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It's impractical to own a tool that requires more maintenance than an equally effective, cheaper tool.

It's less complicated than changing a lightbulb and the rest of the maintenance is "don't drop it, retard"

>"don't drop it, retard"
a.k.a. "just be psychic and swerve out of the way of that pothole in advance at night on a poorly-lit highway while going 70 miles an hour on the way to the gig"

Heard of a case?

Or are china vases still transported by a guy holding a box and walking very carefully?

You don't have to bias a fucking lightbulb.



get it biased once and then buy matched sets of a fairly consistent power draw for the rest of your life

I've literally had a tube amp in a fucking case stop working because we hit a pothole on the way to the gig. It worked that day before that trip to the gig, and when I plugged it in at the gig it didn't work.
That won't happen with a solid state amp.

Why do you faggots think metal and 70's punk are the epicenter and logical conclusion to guitar music?

Everything starting with and going past them is just guitars working their way back to flamenco and other classical pursuits desu

Must have been a shitty case

Yeah no shit but people think playing chords in dorian is a fucking godsend, the question still stands, why are you obsessed with shitty sharps and descensions?

tell me you can find something that pushes [read: stretches] the definition of music further than this youtube.com/watch?v=bXi-sydxtVQ

Jazz > Classical

Any idiot can repeat the same thing over and over until they can regurgitate it via muscle memory, but not every cat can improvise magic.

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technical death metal >>> all

you frickin plens

classical > jazz

reason: i hate black people.

Tech-death faggot here, Diminished minor>Dorian

Yeah I listened to about thirty seconds of it. Dogshit. Try classical. Changing keys effortlessly without relying on the last note. Hit me harder boo

>strong emphasis on rote, note-for-note memorization of compositions
That's pleb shit that any idiot can do.

>adulthood: shitposting about guitars

get a job fatty

I've never seen a gibson shill actually post their gibson.

Could it be they can't afford them?

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If someone goes to school to play classical guitar, they'll be able to play classical guitar really well when they graduate.

If someone goes to school to play jazz guitar, they'll be able to play any genre really well when they graduate if they possess improvisatory talent.

I literally just told you what I wanted to hear you fucking retard. Get to work bitch boi, I'm waiting.

There's a couple of us with heritage cherry sunburst LPs and one of us with a tobacco burst LP, as far as I can remember.

*There's a couple of us with dads who own LPs

and one guy who has a headstock but not the rest of the guitar


Can I borrow that I lost mine

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This guitar has two too many strings.

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>Diminished minor
uhh what? there's whole-half and half-whole diminished scales, both have a minor third
Phrygian dominant is the best techdeath scale anyway


Fuck off Randy Bobandy


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Someone had to adjust them for idle wattage.

Get a cathode bias amp.

If someone doesn't go to school to play music, they'll actually play with emotion and heart making music that people outside of soulless vulfpeck fans appreciate

Don't you have a band?
I'm having a tough time finding that one..

Yeah I do it's called First Fragment you dip

It still has 8 more than yours.

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>he bought a Gibson that sounds worse than a cheaper Korean PRS
>he doesn’t have enough money to even get a CE or S2 American made PRS if he was smart enough to get one

>sounding better than anything

snake oil guitars if they've ever been made. the man himself says his woods are magic but from what i've played whether or not they're truly great is a roll of the dice. some are heavy, some are light, some sound dead, some don't. same workmanship and care you'll find in every other guitar in that price range just way uglier.

i mean it's a fucking solid body electric guitar at some point you're just paying for excessive labor because you're a collector of authenticity and want CNC precision from human hands hanging on your wall.

They have cool tuners though

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I have 50$ to spend on amazon or whatever, what should I pick up that isnt strings or cables

crings and stables


9 years player and my self-taught technique is really starting to show its limitations

what do you recommend from the repo for tightening up my graphics?

I mean snake oil is a bit harsh, and that would also apply to Gibson anyway. and any electric over about $600, really. I paid $1000 for my PRS after some upgrades and it is marginally better than my schecter that was $550. I love both of them. I would never shill out $4k for a guitar unless I specifically wanted to waste money.

The tubes in a typical 50w tube amp are worth $100 or less, but the amp itself costs twice as much as a solid state amp of equal caliber. Just changing to an SS power section slashes the price most of the time despite cutting the actual value by $50 maybe. Fucking why?

$1000+ guitars can definitely be worth it since there are few other ways to get things like stainless frets, out-there bridge types, good FRs, ultra-stable 11 piece bolt on necks with heels that are comfortable, etc and other shit that matters to players who have enough skill to care but a lot of the time it's just the same shit but with nicer pickups and locking tuners.

>and that would also apply to Gibson anyway

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how poor do you have to be to think a $2000 guitar is "expensive" instead of "stupid"

a $20,000 piano is expensive. a $2000 guitar is for people with more money than sense and not much more for that matter.

Lmao still waiting on that recording where you aren't tying to impress strangers on the internet with your inability to tremolo pick and your inability to do pretty much anything else.

Get a load of this guy coping with poverty.

That's a collectors item, not a guitar to be played. There are a lot of fenders that cost a literal fucking million.

>$20,000 piano is expensive
huh? You're off by a factor of at least 6.

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Speaking in normal person terms not "i had my dad buy me bitcoin when i was 12" terms

Confirmed retard

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>not a guitar to be played
Who says?
>he's so poor he wouldn't ever consider playing a 350k guitar

There are lots of nice premium features, no doubt. I personally wouldn't pay for the difference. Small things (nut, tuners, electronics, etc) I can easily do myself cheaper, and more expensive features (bridge systems, fancy necks, etc) are sort of lost on me. As a functional object I feel like about $1k post customization hits a wall for quality unless you want something like an evertune or whatever. If someone enjoys their Gibson that cost multiple thousands more good for them, but they're just paying more to feel cool.

if your neck if fancy enough you'll only have to adjust the truss rod twice

once when you buy it, again when you drop it on your foot

Gibson has been the most shit on brand for like a decade now, the fuck are you on about.

Not a guitarist, but what's the point of these?

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imagine you have two guitars and want to play them both in a short timespan

Why not just get a higher stringed guitar? And what songs are so demanding?

Jimmy Page used to play The Song Remains The Same => The Rain Song, as well as Stairway to Heaven, on that guitar live. He wanted parts of those performances played on a six string guitar and parts of those performances played on a twelve string guitar, just for how they sound. That guitar allowed him to do both in the same song.
Plus, back then it was really cool and new and got audiences talking a lot. That was an important thing.


also these pickups sound really good

>he can't afford a Gibson because his findom spends all his money on her bull

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What do these words even mean

Back to your weird fetish community

>mfw I want to paint Darkstalker's bat really bad on the stock of my strat
>mfw I know it's retarded

I fucking dig those tacky guitars and I'm not even a weeb: youtube.com/watch?v=9iJBWBhRxpk

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> here's your jazzmaster, bro

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put tele humbuckers in there and slap on 14's and i'll take it

*snaps it in half*
nothing personnel kid
*teleports behind you*
*draws schecter hellraiser c-1*
omae wa emgderu
*destroys your ears with scooped mids*

could it play a very black metal?

metal so black it'll steal your bike

2 niggers too many in that classroom.

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What do I need for psychedelic sound with guitar?
Does bass have much impact/presence in any psych stuff?

>tfw didn't fall for the Katana or nu-tube meme

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define psychedelic
are you talking like early Stones records or fuzzed out garage rock or the Byrds or what

I'm not sure how I'd define it really but to list a few;

Beach Boys/Early Stones
The Byrds
The Animals
Mazzy Star
Shocking Blue
The Doors
The Murlocs
Jefferson Airplane
Brian Jonestown Massacre

Because changing instruments in the middle of a song is a major pain in the ass.

>Lists Jefferson Airplane

yeah through shit headphones so I don't experience much and I mean the genre as a whole

It's the most varied genre since "prog". Listen to shit like Ozric Tentacles and come back and tell me that bass does not have impact.

is there any way to further refine the word "psych" then so I can actually identify what I like?

How much stronger are 10 gauge high e strings than 9? Snapping the latter far too often

About 5 of your Dick's width wider than 9s


If you're snapping .09's, there's something wrong with your guitar.

the music will only be soulless if you lack the soul to make music that is true to you. Studying music does not honder you, it only makes you better.

Some people just don’t have it, which is also why working with others helps, like forming a band.


Market value, child.
Also good luck making a hybrid amp sound worthy.

Micropog or Pitchfork?

>le soulless maymay
Guitar, the only fucking instrument that gets ridiculed about needing "soul". Just fucking enjoy the music

his main source of income is just residue from when he played a guitar lmao

Guess what, it's the instrument that's most filled with hacks that play visually.
Wind instruments you have to practice each damn scale up and down instead of memorizing a visual scale and playing mindlessly. It's no wonder that every wind solo sounds good.

How do i get early peste noire tone?

That has nothing to do with 'soul' though? Soul literally means shit all, you're just trying to compare the guitar to other instruments in how they are played and making up some soul bullshit in your head. If you like those other instruments thats fine but it doesn't mean other people would consider some form of guitar playing as 'soulless' like you would

No idiot. I'm not making shit up, it's more like your micro brain is rejecting information. I was clear in my point.

Nah, you are making shit up which is why you can't argue. Like I said before, no other instrument gets ridiculed like the guitar does of this made up soul meme. Its completely made up

A wind player can play as mindlessly as a guitarist, memorizing licks and hackneyed phrases. They can just as easily rely on rote memorization as opposed to musicality, the only difference is that their memorization is tactile as opposed visual. Following your line of thinking, acapella vocal work is the most "soulful" music on account of the fact that it's impossible to vocalize a pitch without hearing it internally.

I don't know what you think it means to play music with soul, but I think it's more complex than you're making it out to be.

I argued in my first post and you ignored it. I'll write it again because you're begging.
Guitar doesn't require as much practice to get to an average level as wind instruments do. It's a flooded market. You learn a couple of scale SHAPES and you're set to noodle on whatever key you need. No need to learn intervals, no need to do ear training, no nothing.

Learning to sing has improved my guitar improvisation so you just helped me prove my point.

BTW I'm not the one that started the soulless discussion and I do not take onus for his words. My first post was

>Guitar doesn't require as much practice to get to an average level as wind instruments do

Highly, highly subjective. For playing what music? What style or anything? Music can be as simple or hard as you want to make it on ANY instrument. This applies to guitar, wind instruments, etc. You're trying to create this highly sophisticated argument about muh superior and inferior instruments but really its limitless no matter what instrument you play and anything can be as hard/easy as you want to make it out to. Simple as that.

>No need to learn intervals, no need to do ear training, no nothing.

Total bullshit lmao, you're so dumb. You absolutely need to know this for certain styles of playing, again your argument is super flawed because you're over-generalizing without providing specifics. This goes back to my first point of that you can make any instrument easy/hard as it all depends on what you're trying to play.

What guitars have a headstock similar to pic related?
I really dig it.

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I’ve found that people who talk about ‘soul’ are mostly trash at music unless they play Neo Soul guitar.

It's easier to get away with being a shit guitarist than it is being a wind improviser
For guitar you can just look at the frets and play a shape, for wind you at least have to understand the notes the combinations of buttons make just to noodle a scale.

Well it is a cheap squier so yeah probably

you must be real shit at playing any music with that attitude


Hey /GG/ just starting to get into songwriting howd I do with this guitar track

How long does it take to learn how to play this?

>fretboards are bad because theyre convenient waa waa
check out this buttmad cuck.

Fucking sucks bro

Depends on how badly you want to learn it and you're current skill level

If you're a total novice it'll be a minute but keep at it stuff like that gets easier the more familiar you get with the fretboard and learn how to build chords


Probably the worst place to ask but what the hell. I've been learning how to play for 5 months now and have made some decent progress, I am starting to ecperiment with the different barre chord shapes around the neck and all. During all this time I have made a conscious effort to also learn theory on the side so I can put whatever I learn to use and it's been great fun being able to "write my own songs". The issue I have is I have neglected esr training for the entirety of my time learning and now I am in a crossroads. Shoul I continue to learn more things and start with ear training now and have my ear forever be behind the rest of my musical ability or should I stop advancing for maybe a month and dedicate to ear training so it is on par with the rest of my guitar playing?

Life isn't a video game you freaking nerd skills don't work like that just add ear training to your practice routine

It costs more to make everything in a tube amp. Higher wattage only makes this worse.

SS is very cheap to make.
Value is subjective.

Pretty solid your mixing needs work tho

Hello :)

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Jesus get an interface

I have one but I usually just post quick stuff here. I don’t like sharing my real projects :$

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>5 months
you've barely started literally work on anything because you're most likely deficient everywhere. nobody gives a fuck what you practice

ear training is a fucking meme

>okay now which note was deee?

read sheet music, sight read sheet music. not tabs. ear training is a natural part of that.

12 string 1979 ricky for sale near me. yay or nay? also is it possible to use as a 6 string without any modifications?

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Nay, old guitars are lower quality than new guitars.

If this nigga is anyone notable he's probably one of those youtube producer-shitposters, not an industry artist

someone else is selling a 2016 6-string for a grand less. better off with that?

Close enough, thanks. I always overlook Yamaha guitars because they are entry-level (whatever that means).

How much would it cost to order a custom headstock?

These have very narrow nut width, beware

Yes, if you need to ask these questions you should be spending a grand less.

some time in wood shop or several hundred dollars to have someone carve it down for you

That's some good indie rock you got there

Thank you, I'll think about it. Or a whole fucking guitar.

Why are the major differences between fender Mia and mij

Depends entirely on the model. Quality wise they're really similar, usually MIA has superior electronics/pickups. Hardware and wood and finish quality is basically the same though. From my experience I've played more good MIJ ones than MIA but it really depends on the specs. Some of the older cheap MIJ use shitty basswood bodies and other stuff that makes it worse than MIM.

This is for you PS. It's a little sloppy but I'm happy with how some of the harmonic ideas come out


you're sperging out about nonsense

electric guitar's problem is all the people who just know pentatonic minor with a blue note and maybe two other scales and try to imitate the hack "rock stars" who spent most of their career playing power chords and consider that sufficient.

acoustic guitar's problem is people who learn a few open chords, strum, sing "countray" (harsh vocals out of key) sand consider that sufficient.

if flute were more popular it would have a similar problem with people just learning pop music theory and calling it a day.

the fender marketing department tells the japanese workers to install slightly less nice hardware and allow for greater tolerances than would pass QC at the american factory, because made in america fender is supposed to be the best (despite american labor not being any better or worse). and there are no magical jap craftsman memes at work there, they follow their employer's instructions and make guitars that are slightly worse than their american counterparts.

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Everyone plays visually retart. Playing an instrument is a visual-spatial skill. You associate a visual point in space with a sound and a visual symbol on paper. That's how it works.


That said, read sheet music, not tabs.

why people of color can't play metal?

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if you're black you can only play djent

Tony is good desu

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Didn't Suffocation have like two black guys at some point?

Oh wow, that’s great user! Lots of cool stuff in there. You don’t post your recordings here a lot, do you? I wasn’t expecting to hear anything like that lol

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kek and guitar players are aware of this


So if I buy pic related it should be decent guitar ? Obviously gonna try it out in store before I buy it

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if you have to ask go over to where the guitars say "schecter" and "squire" contemporary on the tag and pick up something that costs more like $500

$900 is not what you spend when you don't know what the difference between MIA and MIJ is dude. Chances are you wouldn't be able to tell between them and MIM in a blindfolded test.

Anything past 2015 is really good because Fender revamped the MIJ production completely. They're all a lot better than the older ones now, way more consistent. For those new models I like the hybrid 50s or 60s the most, don't like the 70s as much

Nah, I've posted a few things before, mostly short improvisations demonstrating technique. But I spend a lot of time transcribing jazz/fusion licks and studying jazz harmony and a lot of that stuff has finally translated to my playing so I'm trying to record more. We probably listen to a lot of the same guitarists.

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I mean I have a 500 dollar squier right now I just never bothered to look at the differences between fenders because I spent most of my time practicing so I could justify such a purchase but thanks for being an elitist jerk much appreciated

Don't buy a 21 fret guitar if you're new. Most songs that go past the 15th fret at written for 22 fret guitars.

Can I ask why not the 70s? I'm partial to the darker frets on the 70s than the 50s

I mean if you were good enough to justify a purchase like this you would have already figured out that you wanted a good les paul. Back to practicing, kid.

Can't you just go down a string to hit those extra high notes

Thanks Dad enjoy your blues on your off day from the office

>can't you just play out of key

you do realize fender only makes 21 fret guitars for two reasons, right?

>making an authentic copy of a dated guitar (ie: reissues)
>giving you an excuse to buy an MIA strat or at least the neck

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Squier vintage modified or Yamaha Pacifica?
or is there a better strat style 'tar at this price range

Darker frets? Do you mean the fretboard? The 60s models all have rosewood and the 50s are maple. Anyway, I just don't like the big headstock and 3 bolt neck joint. Also the 50s/60s hybrids are both the U shape neck which I prefer over the C shape of the 70s which I consider to be shit. This is all preference based though, some people prefer the 70s. You really have to try them to know

It's a single fret dude I think he's right you can just play whatever not you wanted from the b string on the e string

>it's a key dude just play one key down it's easy

That's not how you music

Yeah the fretboard the 70s have a maple neck but a rosewood fingerboard also the 70 has a u shaped neck

Switching strings doesn't mean you're changing keys dumbass If you have a not you can't get on one string one solution is to go a string above that and find the same note on that string it'll be in higher octave that's it

Have fun finding someone to work on it.

>he's so retarded he can't fix nearly everything he owns by himself
it must feel awful being incompetent at everything

They must have changed it I guess. Anyway I still would take a 60s over the 70s for the other reasons. Also the 70s probably have a narrow nut width too if its a Traditional model vs the hybrid model thats another dealbreaker for me as well

Must suck living in the 3rd world, I have lots techs around and this is one of the most simple Mesa amps. I've never had a problem with any Boogie that I own other than tube replacements

I'm better than most of /gg/. What's your problem with my attitude? That I'm saying the straight truth?

Fretboards are not bad because they're convenient, retard

redpill me on Epiphone SG basses

>That said, read sheet music, not tabs.
I don't need neither, loser. I can sing chromatic notes and learn anything by ear.

>written for 22 fret guitars.
>guitar music

Cheap and short scale.

Those are some sour grapes m8

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Weird thing is, a lot of the bands I play live with all own at least one Gibson or a good custom shop guitar but a good number of them primarily play sets on their other guitars because it's "too risky" at times
And another thing is, they don't often have a preference of Gibson vs any other brand and vice versa, they all seem to agree "Yeah, they make pretty damn nice guitars, sound great too" and leave it at that instead of jerking off around toanwoods and scale lengths and all this other retarded stuff that people here seem to shitpost about nonstop. Another thing, they never care if you don't have a "real" Gibson or Fender, as long as you manage to sound decent no one cares if you're playing an Epiphone or a MIM

I'd suggest transcribing some Miles Davis and Chet Baker for more song like melodies and phrasing. Also wind instruments in general. Even though guitarists don't have to breath to play it should feel like you do.

Agreed this general is full of children who think the name on the headstock is what makes you good I've played squiers that have felt way better than some made in America fenders

Is the fender mustang 1 v2 a decent amp? i got it for cheap at a pawn shop

I'd say that too if I made shit music like his.

>ear training
>a meme

Pick one. It’s not something many do consciously, and theres more to it than just name notes.

Knowing the intervals and chord qualities often require dedicated training. You should to be able to listen to a short phrase and play it back after a certain point. That’s why any music degree will have Ear Training(sometimes called Musicianship) as a mandatory class.

it's a decent little practice amp with some neat built in features and effects. It's good for starting out and bedroom playing

How do I stop thinking my lyrics are cringe, I read them over the day after writing them and I want to die

does anyone have any advice for getting noise rock/punk/emo guitar tones ITB (with an amp plugin)? I usually can't play my amp loud enough to record and every video I see of someone using an amp vst is a metal guitarist or some dadrocker play mediocre blues riffs.

Some examples of tones I'd try to get close to:
-Sonic Youth
-90s Modest Mouse
-Dinosaur Jr.

also to specify the goal is to get it to not sound like absolute ass when I add any gain to it

When I was a teen in a band I was surrounded by the same kind of teens who just bought whatever they could afford and they had really weird cheap guitars sometimes, myself included. I loved my Zombie plank because it was shaped like a Jackson Kelly and had a floating trem, that's all I ever needed from a guitar. Remembering now how many no-name brands were around back in those days it makes me wonder if any of them were actually decent, because no one for sure could make them sound good in stage, but also nobody really cared. Now you see people demanding a good instrument from a guitarist even in beginner bands like it's some kind of elite club. I guess people got more aware of quality instruments because of the internet.

SY's sound is a lot more nuanced and can't really be emulated with just software. There's a whole site dedicated to their gear they've used throughout the years sonicyouth.com/mustang/eq/gear.html

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I'm struggling with lyrics too. I recently found this video from Ben Levin that I think will help
He also makes great guitar, theory, and composition videos.

Oh yeah for sure. I've got a nice assortment of gear that I use to jam and I'm happy with it. I know you can't get close with any software but I was just seeing if I could get in the ballpark of getting a decent tone with a plugin that wasn't metal or blues

Is the Yamaha Pacifica 012 good for principiants? I cannot afford a more expensive guitar.

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>I cannot afford a more expensive guitar.
You should. Flip burguers for a while.

I usually pretend my lyrics are just bad on purpose and are ironic until I start changing them little by little so I start liking them unironically. So they usually start off by being a bunch of cliches and abstract things and end up as something I care about and want to explore for real.

Explain why the Yamaha Pacifica 012 is bad, i need to know.

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Not directly related to guitars but is there any good audio interface i can buy for my electric for under 100? Or is basically any cheap audio interface gonna have shit sound quality

It's a good enough starter guitar and the most guitar you'll get for that money. You'll quit playing in a couple of months anyway, so it's not a huge loss.

I started learning four days ago. When I think I'm starting to move my hands without looking retarded, the next day the reality brings me back to earth. It's still fun.

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What would you suggest? I've been playing on a $50 Squire for about a year and a half, thinking of upgrading to something that doesn't sound so muddy

try fiddling with your amp and tone controls, try to turn down the lows and turn yours mid and highs up


ID on his axe?

i just realized that i dont play this intro with the correct timing

Does anyone remember this from a couple threads ago? Does anyone rember seeing these same posts months ago? This is really scary. I'm suspecting it's these AI bots they announced a couple years ago they would start putting on imageboards to create fake posters.

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Classical at its best is a unique performance every time, even if the notes remain unchanged.

Fuck you those are my posts of admiration

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that's actually a really cool idea, not the guy you replied to but I'm gonna try that sometime

Absolutely based. Improvlets will never know

roman™ already told us he is using bots.

And jazzlets will never improve

oh im sorry
heres a song for you as an apology instaud.io/3J1y

i improvise magic and it feels good (or used to)

>tfw you keep writing songs you're not good enough to play and record

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Had the joy of trying out one of these last week
I can't go back to a normal B string anymore

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That's like my entire youth. I got rid of that habit by getting good enough to improvise with guitar in my hands without writing anything down first.

So I took my guitar to a local luthier to get the pickups changed on my tele. In the neck position sounds way louder than the bridge. What should I do to fix it? Also it seems the knobs start and end in different spots than before based on side screw location

Lol i have pedals that cost more than that. Find a new hobby

It's fine. Got to start somewhere.

reposting this shit
Squier vintage modified or Yamaha Pacifica?
or is there a better strat type guitar at this price range
pls respond ty

this was kind of funky
no guitar picks

I don`t use any pedals just clean and fine tuning and chromatic scale and play by ear and no guitar pick
you gotta be funky

Nice cope theorylet. Enjoy playing pentatonic scales forever

Used MIM Fender

I'm gunna eat a cbd gummy and hope to go back in time to not click that link.

beware guys i'm COMPOSING

How the fuck do women play the bass with their small hands and the bass' scale length?

impossible right?!

oh hey, im here to join the band

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Skip to 32:00 and watch

Very slim neck, might cause cramps if your hands are big. Also unnecessarily frustrating for fingerpicking due to the string spacing.

it's made for japanese hands so it will work well since youre a beginner. considering that you're a beginner in your teens, right?

lmao if this is composing then I composed a thing or two like this on the toilet after eating copious amounts of nachos yesterday.

put your trip back

Check the pickup heights.
Raise the bridge if it's low, and/or lower the neck pickup.
You'll find a balance point.

take the knob off and put it back on the spot that you wish

I have never nor will I ever post with a trip. It's not my fault that you can't comprehend the fact that more than one person would dislike you after you constantly spam your trash ass songs to this general for ages.

Are these any good or shit?

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Damn you Jay