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Other urls found in this thread:

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why did the average age of this general fall by like what feels like 7-8 years since last summer..

I've never seen such a drastic change in this place before


Attached: 1545944865063.jpg (818x1024, 103K)

delicious pitmeat

>last summer
it was exactly the same then and has been since 2017

Attached: 1558449172317.jpg (500x366, 42K)

Attached: IMG_3163.jpg (4000x2666, 2.6M)

stop fucking erping already take it back to your dead thread

nigga it's just friday night
you think fat girls who like kpop and were too autistic for tumblr or reddit have anything better to do?
stream it you cowards

checked and based

Attached: 1553267392205.png (437x89, 22K)

no it wasn't

lol she finally got gogo fightin, i remember she was complaining in the car vlive she couldnt get it because it was only available in the japanese appstore

Attached: 1555096889837.jpg (1000x1498, 230K)

not quite

Attached: .jpg (421x604, 55K)

it's sat morning tho

imagine falsefagging as a falsefagger to get people talk about loona

link any thread from there that wasn't shitflinging

Post skinny jinsoul

Attached: A00A3D8A-8991-4B18-B35F-5415E3F47702.jpg (453x680, 80K)


drinking tea and playing chess with my daughterwife

Attached: purehoney.webm (1078x1080, 1.17M)

i want to find all her moles

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where did I say it wasn't? it's just that now it reads like 90% of posts are written by literal 14 year olds

you have to wait until she's done putting her feet in all the boy's mouths at school

any kpop girls who sound like pic related? or have a voice suitable for rock/ish music?

Attached: hitsdd_photo_gal__photo_432442461.png (806x805, 826K)

>eyes are literally two Japanese flags
why won't she admit it?


Attached: 04098.webm (590x656, 2.43M)

Attached: jennie kim.png (1200x800, 761K)

nobody in western music even sounds like stevie nicks, what the fuck kind of question is that?

lmao do the other 2

Attached: 181207 05.jpg (1200x1800, 1.37M)

do you mean there is fat jinsoul?

Attached: 6F7379C5-573D-4DD2-8E32-8A5CA3EEC86C.jpg (655x369, 44K)

pristin is dead

probably because it is fucking 14 year old seaniggers spamming all day every day. you should have taken the hint and outgrown this place by now

Jeongyeon's thighs

Jinsoul from May 2018 - December 2018 is fatsoul

Attached: 2C19345A-4264-440D-920F-AE5F357EB331.jpg (383x680, 62K)


what are you referring to exactly?

Attached: rose.jpg (640x712, 37K)
I'm crying

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

oh i have, i used to browse thi place 8-9 hours a day before, but now I'm barely here once a week to see how things are



Attached: Dq9OKs6U4AA5YXr.jpg_orig.jpg (2048x1364, 345K)

love this pudgy lil cutie

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Attached: D7UTGYsU0AEcd6A.jpg (1092x1500, 237K)

>twicelights arena world tour starts today
i cant wait to see cub again

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right back at ya

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imagine not being able to muster up proper english for a single sentence

helping my eunha bro out

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Attached: Dtp_AZsUcAAWqRx.jpg (1000x1500, 545K)

sunny did it better

imagine not fucking her brains out

are they going to sing live?

>he doesn't like cherry bullet

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Attached: 1472420131342.jpg (1000x1500, 1.45M)
buddies btfo

lil uzi vert, hyunmin and rui hachimura taking all the azn qts

i want to make this thot mine

Attached: 1537327036209.jpg (2000x1331, 324K)

Attached: eunha_drunk.webm (1920x1080, 1.93M)

>tfw wanna be a fisherman
kpop for this feel?

19 million views

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how about that kokoro pit cam? is it online yet

Attached: D7Q-PUSVsAAjAoP.jpg (2321x3500, 1.36M)

sure, that's why all your shit reads that way

how so?

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you going to the one today?

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oh noes someone please stop that niggress from saying hurtful things about buddies

It’s good to b honest

Attached: 67BB1CFF-AC7C-45CD-B05F-202FDC487482.jpg (1365x2048, 538K)

please stay away from my אשה

Attached: D7UvwGuUEAAyomb.jpg (1080x1080, 106K)

>fat roastie calling people ugly
yeah btfo

she brings out my desire to breed.

sometimes they sing live, sometimes they dont, sometimes its a mix. it just depends.

Attached: 1532445312905.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

how will we ever recover?

Attached: 1554056936958.jpg (1088x1631, 195K)

only if you stop kpg from shitting on loona

cry more uggonigger

id blast on that bitch's feet

I'm going to LA personally.

I can't wait bros

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Attached: eunha clinique3.webm (1066x600, 2.12M)

no clue sorry friend

Attached: D7VjPwCUwAUuWeK.jpg (800x1200, 263K)

any sharkman in

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i'll be seeing them in newark

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any slugman in

any sharkuggo man in

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Attached: 161008 코리안 뮤직 웨이브 - 신비 '너 ᄀ� (586x1080, 2.73M)

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what's up slugman aka sharkman

Attached: 1532500364676.jpg (2048x1473, 389K)

sup broski

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loona mentioned

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i like that haircute

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Attached: Eunha cute 1.webm (640x800, 1.14M)

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Attached: eunhas wave.webm (720x1280, 1.1M)

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>forever young
rosé fansite what are you doing aaaaaaaaaah :D

nayeon is begging for it

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Attached: jhg.webm (660x500, 2.99M)

why kpg continues to tolerate these mentally ill schizophrenics that post nugus and start shit with everyone, Loona didn't even do anything to deserve the shitflinging

Attached: D3SBZ4lXoAEV2Rx.jpg (1352x2048, 268K)

The reality is slowly killing me bros

Attached: Diz0rb5UYAAkjgA.jpg (1000x1500, 266K)


thankful to whoever is posting eunha

Attached: 3922733C-96CB-4C8B-BD85-F8285633F80E.jpg (567x850, 107K)

times when kpg is based:
twice posting

times kpg is gay:
everything else

im begging to give it to her

Attached: imbunnybong-1131978594782081024-20190524_194142-img2.jpg (2219x3329, 505K)

Attached: LOL Jacket Shooting Behind eunha 1.webm (1066x600, 2.86M)

Looks like all the gayposters are out getting laid again.

the shorts that saved kpop

Attached: youngeun.webm (536x952, 1.94M)

rape bait

twice posting is the most boring shit

why are wujushitters spamming

Attached: ArcherWaifu.webm (616x1000, 2.82M)


Attached: D7Xf_5mUEAA7PIE.jpg (2048x1536, 391K)

times when kpg is based:
loona posting

times kpg is gay:
everything else

more eunbutt

Attached: 1546212207567.jpg (1920x1080, 418K)


Attached: sharkfuggo.jpg (391x489, 10K)

>five posts in 40 seconds
I see

Attached: dsf.png (1762x826, 196K)

nostalgic roa fap incoming in ~30 mins

life is pain, mon ami

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Attached: D7WaR7jVUAEaJuI.jpg (660x1024, 74K)

Attached: eunha pelvis.webm (400x942, 2.81M)

Attached: eunha got a fatty.webm (1804x1920, 2.79M)

Based Once bro

Attached: 1557455298862.png (1903x1006, 2.5M)

i usually find a nice fancam then go do something else for 10-15 min while my dick goes completely flaccid
after not thinking about anything sexual related for a while i immediately open up the fancam and try to cum before getting completely hard
it almost always works and i cum buckets befote the fancam finishes
does anyone else do this? if i just do it normally i can spend like 20 min trying to cum to fancams and get totally exhausted before giving up and just going to pornhub to find some degenerate shit that will make me cum


Attached: chadette.jpg (433x289, 15K)

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she looks like that Vitas guy

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Attached: 1556891999537.webm (876x1080, 2.97M)

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based fellow uggobro

Attached: 1533439618855.jpg (1333x2000, 978K)

someone post chuu in those pants


just one swift tug...

Attached: 1543694823625.jpg (2048x1482, 178K)

ugliest fucking shit

very nice thighs


Attached: 1549040523373.jpg (640x1136, 81K)

apologize to based vitas

can't wait to see them in chicago

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Post taeyong

Attached: 4DAF230F-FA8D-44D3-B99A-202C4641A44F.jpg (682x1024, 87K)

I feel bad for legit falling in love with her

Attached: WEND0066.jpg (1000x1500, 1.67M)

same person?


>no wendy wife

wuju are based. especially bona

post more thottie

Why did gays and trannies latch onto Loona

can someone explain

Attached: 1470185521931.jpg (475x700, 94K)

Attached: JSAOIHFW.jpg (1784x2675, 621K)

that's not her name.

Attached: aishapout.webm (640x456, 1.04M)

Attached: 770B2A38-635F-48D9-A7DF-3C8B6BEF9A5A.jpg (1010x800, 93K)

probably the same reason you latched onto posting about loona posters

lyrics and themes in the mvs i think

only twitter roasties know the answer

bonuggo is gross. we only like luda

you wound me with such a baseless accusation

Attached: Capture.png (313x88, 3K)

I want a Chinese girl to make me kiss her feet

Attached: 99C3433B5CCCCD762A.jpg (1333x2000, 932K)

No fatsoul allowed

Attached: 3ECA1DC5-AEA0-4D5F-9EBA-301B41155B63.jpg (1350x2025, 978K)

Attached: 1537774072495.webm (1280x720, 1.69M)

Attached: DSXjORXVwAAYm7_.jpg (1388x2048, 302K)

this guy has been spamming complaining about loona posters for 6 hours now



she's like a sluttier ahin

Attached: DmiV1xGU0AAkl2J.jpg (720x960, 109K)

Girl front

Attached: F48B9175-63CC-4E1F-82C0-D6C60320C209.jpg (1000x1500, 215K)

kys cocksucking nigger

more like 6 months + another 6 months

Kim Lip's girl crush release attracted them, they stayed for the one girl revealed each month thing, then projected their typical gay narcissism onto the pure Chuu solo

somi + kyungri + ahin

you dun goofed, but i share your sadness

Attached: IuPBtbn.jpg (1200x1800, 203K)

oh, well, the alternative is so fucking stupid it didn't even occur me.

Attached: chengbite.webm (1120x1080, 2.12M)

he looks a lot better in motion, these fansite pics all look weird

all kpop is a magnet for gays and trannies, you just use twitter too much

you mean like literally every other person to have ever existed? people are never naturally in still pictures

How does it feel knowing your plastic uggo kpop roasties will never be as naturally beautiful as him

Attached: 397B7DDE-00FD-40B9-BB19-F4F93DBBB72B.jpg (360x360, 23K)

missing itzy rn

kim jisoo feeling it

Attached: 1544605491534.webm (720x1280, 2.14M)

Attached: IDC.jpg (1200x1800, 263K)

Is Eunha natty?

naturally a fat pig yeah

mouth pussy tier

fuck pledis and fuck miracles

Attached: IMG_9001.jpg (1000x1500, 972K)

the nattiest

Attached: 1474224928680.jpg (600x1079, 125K)


what a doll

google her predebut pics

search twice + lgbt on twitter and you'll get thousands and thousands of results as well
kind of like the entire medium is built to market to gullible women and gay men

Even finding a replacement for her is impossible here. No one would even could come close

Attached: DlsNceZV4AA1UlR.jpg (1000x1500, 183K)

Shut up

Attached: 94612FFC-8A8D-4831-87AF-849E6617839C.jpg (1000x1500, 196K)

>people are never naturally in still pictures
what are you trying to say?

lol no

I'd kill a man to feel her

Ahin isn't even in her league, fuck off momoshitter

Attached: aishapractice.webm (424x752, 2.82M)

just remove the ly. not hard to figure out autist


i thought she was really plastic when i first saw her but after looking i think she did fix her jaw mainly, plastic but not as plastic as i thought

No fatsoul

Attached: 7A37FCCF-32A1-4F80-A59F-B7B9D0614B35.jpg (800x1200, 177K)

why you have to be so mad?

Attached: DtjpyWNUcAANUfn.jpg (720x960, 117K)

Attached: 1558002386019.jpg (1080x1293, 535K)

when the FUDGE is my taeha mommy coming back?

Attached: DuYLR5zUUAE1UPU.jpg (720x960, 54K)

most people look better in cherrypicked and edited though

imagine falsefagging as a hater to get people to talk about loona

any uggosharkman in

Attached: 1532243362589.jpg (1700x1275, 308K)

i'm not sure if that's entirely true, but it most certainly feels like it

Attached: 1533467364580.jpg (1500x1000, 196K)

Attached: D1TCqJWVsAA.jpg (800x1200, 103K)

uh oh the seanigger tranny shitskins are seething about loona existing again

Attached: 1550546042292.jpg (1365x2048, 420K)

>better in cherrypicked and edited though
what are you trying to say?
jokes aside, no, human beings objectively will always look better and more natural in motion and especially in real life

Attached: eunha1.jpg (600x655, 87K)

>calls my girl slutty
>tries to use my girls popularity to boost up his girl

go away leech

Attached: D7V9EkxV4AE1BUd.jpg (800x1200, 208K)

heart shaker is still goat song

one might be out there, but youll never get to see her like wendy

Attached: [ENG SUBS] 180809 Super TV Season 2 Ep 10 Super Junior & Red Velvet.webm (622x642, 2.33M)

Attached: img_6.jpg (1200x1800, 1.59M)


i ain't even know who she be. this image is going in my ear folder though.

Attached: DV1o9piVwAIjeZO.jpg (960x1280, 94K)

alien language

Attached: D3i4wMCUUAEK0ug.jpg (1000x1500, 292K)

i miss high teen

Attached: hey.webm (620x600, 710K)

Attached: 1558239652674.webm (480x480, 2.31M)

Attached: DR4ME1pVoAA-ZmW.jpeg.jpg (1080x1080, 306K)

How could most other soulless idols compete with her

Attached: Dz7gCJiUcAEiHfD.jpg (1502x1623, 188K)

Attached: 1534259334202.jpg (1044x1570, 290K)
who hype?

Attached: 1544838827897.jpg (1800x1089, 1.01M)
Can’t believe Basedeon ended racism

how are yall going to let one pathetic seamonkey stop you from posting our girls.
kpg needs to be based and like cool music not normie fag shit.

LimeSoda comeback when

glad pristin is dead

Attached: D5bEICZXkAA8kWa.jpg (1080x1080, 107K)

imagine spending every waking moment of your life doing what this guy does

fucking this. ZZZ was a banger.

i never knew korean women could be this beautiful

Attached: 1536682140550.jpg (1600x2482, 1.82M)

imagine spending every waking moment of your life doing what this guy does


stop being so sensitive. our titty friend isn't even wrong

Attached: D0Q0DKRWsAAwnyp.jpg (768x1024, 123K)

she looks like a budget slug

I guess all those Instagram models should start uploading unfiltered videos then

slug... why are they so cute

dont look at her ears pervert

Attached: D7S7yTGWwAIUqss.jpg (1199x800, 154K)


imagine being such a loser you actually think a (You) has value so you actively deny them others

she's not a slut
that title belongs to shihyun

Attached: yirenoops.webm (1518x1080, 2.98M)

slug is a budget lu

Attached: NATURE_Lu_Allegro_Cantabile_promo_photo.png (1080x1080, 1.4M)

no everglow is a slut, faggot

do you think otherwise? you enjoy looking at people that are extremely edited rather than what they actually look like? a person will never look natural in a still image because there is not a single case where you will ever see a person irl that is completely still

Attached: DJiXkDWUQAEscr-_75.jpg (1023x1536, 242K)

imagine spending every waking moment of your life seething

not all other idols are entirely soulless

Attached: 108098786c8b99d84f399cf89635ac48.jpg (752x942, 88K)

what is wrong with you?

make it a sluggy thread

Attached: 103507_89885_538.jpg (700x1050, 646K)

he's a seanigger, this is what they do

clc comeback soon?

Attached: C5fq5OdU8AAjv2e.jpg (960x960, 149K)

imagine spending every waking moment of your life doing what this guy does

They wouldn't be so successful if people thought they looked ugly in those edited pics.

Attached: hcbkp0r44ih21.jpg (1200x1800, 239K)

that's not even remotely what i said at all nor is it what the discussion was about

wow, i didn't even notice the image limit approaching

I most certainly agree with that, it just seems that many are

did this chick ever host celuvtv?

because it was an ugly thread

all 3 look slutty and that's a good thing

you're right Im sorry.

>you enjoy looking at people that are extremely edited rather than what they actually look like
people clearly do

what isn't wrong with him

imagine spending every waking moment of your life doing what this guy does

ugliest shit

freaking cute


make it a yeji thread for the shark warriors

>having superhuman stuck in your head
that amalgamation of shit isnt even close to worthy


you said a fansite pic looks weird compared to a person in videos
and i said no shit, all pictures look unnatural
that was the conversation

except they don't spend every waking moment doing this, unlike you

yes, she hosted when wjsn were on

>except they don't spend every waking moment doing this, unlike you

is this a Fanta CF comeback?

makes it a seulgi thread

I was talking about scammer's fansite pics specifically and why are you equating natural looking with better looking

not at all, cause i don't spend every waking moment doing this

make it a seulgi's ticklish feet thread


you do

in fact, no


yes, you do. stop projection your grudge onto everyone

no, but that esl can be spotted whenever one comes to kpg

no, but that grudge can be spotted whenever one comes to kpg

there's the tryhard cryptic response, you couldn't be more obvious if you tried

there's the tryhard cryptic response, you couldn't be more obvious if you tried

are you actually autistic or what makes you behave like this