If you aren't intimately familiar with all 16, should you even be allowed to post on this board???

If you aren't intimately familiar with all 16, should you even be allowed to post on this board???

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>OMG Yea ForumsCORE

Attached: C9CC5CDC-632E-4F3D-A744-7F3A5B6404A3.gif (413x243, 51K)

If you aren’t familiar with all 16, you have to leave. If you like more than 5, you also have to leave.

>hip hop

If you are familiar with these you need to kill yourself, subhuman

remain in light, spiderland, lysf and the glow are the only good albums on that list

Now how does the other 12 pages look like

I love all of these albums, fuck you

I believe you forgot the kino of 2010-2020

Attached: 623512311.jpg (1000x1000, 88K)

okay this is epic

>overrated trash: the list
Yea Forums is worse than reddit

where should I start then?

>already heard MBDTF

but Kanye is and some of death grips are good

start with spiderland as it is a really good album

nowhere. just post the music you listen to already and read recommendations. ignore any hot take on this faggot board.

that's what I usually do, thanks user

although I am interested in the boards "essentials" just to see what they hype's about

what website is this


Since when was death grips considered hip hop?

If you have listened to less than one hundred classical composers your opinion on music is literally and objectively worthless.

Here is the latest essentials chart.
You are welcome.

Attached: 1111 Essential Recordings of Music (LowRes) (1).png (2500x10000, 3.73M)

not singing plus black = rap

1 7/10
2 6/10
3 9/10
4 8/10
5 8/10
6 9/10
7 5/10
8 9/10
9 7/10
10 5/10
11 9/10
12 8/10
13 9/10
14 10/10
15 9/10
16 8/10

If you don’t like Yea Forumscore, there is a great site with no scary Yea Forumscore: reddit.com

Redditcore and Yea Forumscore are almost the same thing.

thank you