Vaporwave is electroswing tier. It represents the new cringey nerd now that the Fedora archetype is dead...

Vaporwave is electroswing tier. It represents the new cringey nerd now that the Fedora archetype is dead. Instead of a classy atheist neckbeards its epic A E S T H E T I C discord trannies that subscribe to fringe political beliefs. That's who still listens to vaporwave.


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Pseuds who read college freshman philosophy texts and tumblr teens into yung lean type shit liked it for a while

Show me one time where electroswing showed any kind of inclination to subversive political thematics. Also steampunk is the worst fucking aesthetic.

>Show me one time where electroswing showed any kind of inclination to subversive political thematics
How many communist or alt-right discord servers are you currently in?

They hated him because he spoke the truth

I'm not a into politics, just saying that's why intellectuals liked it. And it's a lot more pleasant to listen to than that other shit

Dude I feel like I'm in 2010 again

you mean people who think they're intellectual, but really aren't.

>intellectuals liked it
Name a genuine intellectual who cares about vaporwave. Don't cite millennial Brooklynite """academics""" either.

I don't know what the fuck that means but I can deduce that you hate vaporwave.

That was a brief period when soundcloud rap was new and normies thought vaporwave aesthetic was part of that because of Yung Lean. They didn't care about the music just tumblr images. They thought mac demarco chamber of reflection was vaporwave. It's not cool with that crowd anymore, now it's just lame Yea Forums tier fedoras or politics shitposters online

Yeah this is true, early on the two were linked aesthetically very much. I would probably enjoy meme rap more today if it kept going into a vaporwavey direction

No shit lmao

I dunno, I like the idea of plunderphonics + hypnogogic pop. Pic related was nice, but I think it could've stood to be a little more glitchy sounding. I like post-irony and criticism of capitalism and all, but most vaporwave underwhelms me.

Have you heard Vektroid's other shit though? Starcalc was pretty good if you ask me.

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> Electroswing is cringey
Has he not heard City of Lights?

How many communist or alt-right discord servers are you in?

how many other buzzwords do you know

Faggot shit. I only hang out in a mumble full of washed up ex TF2 players.

give me sucky fucky smart man

Fuck this asshole. He is everything wrong with what the genre became. His name is Pad! Like a maxi-pad. Or an Oxy pad for cleaning up your greasy acne-ridden face.

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Anyone see that "vaporwave" magazine that was funded by Patreon? Private Suite, they receive nearly $3,000 an issue! AN ISSUE! What a disgusting joke. All it amounts to is them circle-jerking all the "stars" of the vaporwave "scene". It's really slimy.

I miss vaporwave. It was the last musical movement that I cared about.

It's too bad what happened what it turned into.

That was nearly 10 years ago, it is baffling how stagnant culture has gotten in comparison, considering back then new, retarded microgenres were popping up and dying every other week.

That is a good point, and I thought it was bad then with witch house and nightcore and chillwave whatever the fuck.

Interestingly it's also kind of the same with popular music. It's still a lot of the same names that were big 10 years ago, almost 20 in some cases.

it started when this terrible 80s neon grid thing like in replaced late 90s internet/vhs and Japan aesthetics. That and simpsonswave made it really corny

Yeah, Facebook, and R-eddit subs also killed it.

lol facts

it's absolutely embarassing how every facet of modern culture nowadays is trying to copy 80s aesthetic, the cringe started with Drive in 2011 but it really died with Stranger Things and all the dudebros recording synth based music.

It's all faux-80s neon grid run a e s t h e t i c s spammed over and over by teenagers who weren't even a thought in the 90s. Look up vaporwave in a photo search and it's all purple neon grids with a orange sun in the background.

imagine generating strawmen of what fans of a type of music are and generating your opinions entirely on your impulsive reactions to those strawmen. can't imagine what kind of mental state you have to be in to think like OP.

Attached: lifesnotfair.jpg (640x640, 93K)

the neon grid is synthwave, not vaporwave and inspired by one single corny aspect of the 80s (tron, blade runner and other sci fi shit visually, musically I think it comes from italo disco but unsure). In mainstream pop culture it seems to be almost dead by now.
True. I guess the retromania fad is over at least, once they ran out of old shit to copy there isn't anything left so they are holding on to whatever stuck around?

It's more like increased centralization of patterns of consumption and modes of thought following the near ubiquitous adoption of the smartphone and social networks.

>the neon grid is synthwave, not vaporwave
Except they have melted in a way that is hard to tell the two apart. See:

the old 80s japan shit and vhs screencaps of cinemax actually looked cool, it was often mined from authentic old media too
the neon grid shit looks like some 2010s disney representation of "generic 80s look" for an ad

I haven't listened to either in ages but they used to sound quite different, but visually yes definitely.
This is quite depressing, but probably true.

I agree.

>muh underground music was ruined by normies
Bunch of bitch babies I’m seeing here

I feel like synthwave/retrowave like Carpenter Brute is basically the inheritor of the electroswing loser audience

I want to kill every single person on this planet that thinks that "aesthetic" is a descriptive term

>t. Pad.

It's a genre with a lot of the appeal tied into the visuals and the visual art got worse looking as time went on, with the recurring neon grid or fashwave edits being prominent examples.

vaporwave is not intellectual you retards...that's the point.