"Donald Trump is a chump"

>"Donald Trump is a chump"
>Wins Nobel Peace Prize

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Bit silly to pick out one of someone's worst lines to try and make the point that they aren't deserving of praise. Bob Dylan has said some pretty fucking retarded shit over the years. Just admit that you hate black people.

Why can't they both be pathetic saps? Fuck both of those clowns

not even OP, but it is perfectly possible to not hate black people and think Kendrick Lamar is retarded.

>begs japan prime minister to nominate him for a peace prize
pathetic, and what has trump done to warrant it? he just wants one because obama got one and that’s unacceptable to him.

>>"Donald Trump is a chump"
Where's the lie?

>trump bad
agree, but this isn't 2016. change the record or at least have genuine criticism

meant for

how can anyone like trump, I mean, are you kidding me? Literally the worst president we've ever had and has done nothing in the past year but harm race and gender relations, and is killing innocent Muslims in the middle east as we speak. Plus, he's turning down and now deporting dreamers with actual decent educations, yet panders to retarded white rednecks. He's also sexist as fuck and is a threat to women's rights. Fuck him. He's literally making our country turn into a complete laughing stock. All of my friends over in Europe (mainly Germany and Sweden) are literally repulsed by him and his anti progress policies. He's fucking disgusting, and they are literally laughing at us since they're actually in the 21st century. Trump does not represent the people of our country. We Americans are open thinkers and we're tolerant to other cultures and ethnicity, plus refugees. WE ARE a nation of immigrants and refugees who travelled across the Atlantic, don't you remember? Yet this horrible dumb orange man is making us look like stupid hillbillies. What the fuck were we thinking when we elected this literal retard? He's so fucking dumb and everything that spills out of his dribbling mouth is just racist, sexist, and meaningless garbage. Or war mongering. Fuck, even the Swedish (or it might have been Norway) government make a video mocking him. Trump is supposed to be the leader of the free world, yet he's making America turn into something that would have sided with Germany, Italy, and Japan during a war.

He is literally trying to instigate a war with Iran (that the US would lose btw). Trump does not get credit for shit he said in the fucking campaign but then doesn't actually fucking do.

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this i dont want to die in some desert

He literally just tweets

No. When he's talking about immigration and jobs he just tweets. When it comes to helping Israel and destabilizing the middle east he's a man of action.

fucking THIS

>He is literally trying to instigate a war with Iran (that the US would lose btw).
imagine thinking your favorite candidate wouldn't do this

Also a man of action when it comes to supporting the Mexican cartels.

My favourite candidate was Blormpf

>that the US would lose btw
the only way the US could possibly lose any war is if Congress forces us to job. We could literally render Iran uninhabitable.

you think russia would let that happen? in the end the US will lose along with the rest of the world

i like how all of you lived through obama and still think american presidents are monarchs that fulfill their bullshit campaign promises

insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

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The recent track record of the US contradicts this statement.

We have way cooler shit now, we don't need to do the same thing, if Iran fucks around they can get hit with cruise missiles without anyone ever setting foot there

The most American thing I've ever read

Like I said, they decided to be jobbers. Bush could've chosen to blast the everloving shit out of Iraq and leave it at that.

I usually prefer left or right (economically) libertarians like bernie sanders or, webb, stein, or rand paul. not warmongering machines like trump, hillary, trump, bush's etc

>Bush could've chosen to blast the everloving shit out of Iraq and leave it at that

That's what they did though.

Still failed at achieving long term goals.

far better for a president to threaten violence and achieve peace, then use it to fail in achieving it. If burgers elected shillary you'd already be at war with iran, russia, nk, and china.

we've been sending drones to Syria virtually every day for the past 7 years and the government we set out to dissolve in the first place is still standing.

>pathetic, and what has trump done to warrant it? he just wants one because obama got one and that’s unacceptable to him.

I mean, Obama got one for being black, so I don't think it's unreasonable.

imagine getting an award for your worst album
must feel awful knowing your entire career amounted to a glorified participation medal

Kendrick Lamar never cared about doing anything other than making money, and if you believe otherwise you're definitely underage.

because it' a big step for progress and evolution. in the past (where people were less educated) people would have never though we would have a black president. guess not. we fucking did, so achievement box [x]

Ok bamanboi

>billionaire and president
i guess being a chump is a good thing then

That should make any self respecting person want the award less, not more. Even Obama thought it was dumb that he got it.

>The amount of cope.
Yes we hate niggers

>hurr durr uncle Tom acting white you should be put back in the fields
>bawww you hate black people

It's you fascist alt-left faggots who spew segregationist racist bullshit because divisive identity politics is all you baby-killing eugenist dumbshits have to offer. You fuckers are all about never-ending poverty and dependence on government handouts because a poor ignorant population is easier to control and manipulate under a socialist police state.

Fuck your Demokkklan hypocrite bullshit.

That lost its relevance when Obumass got one for doing absolutely nothing.

>complains identity politics
>strawmans the other comment into a "baby-killing eugenist (insert buzzwords)



Donald Trump is borderline retarded and is lucky he was born into money.

it's always "muk dik" or "muh race"

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