Attached: 1491534235946.jpg (480x599, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1548926682397.jpg (616x616, 46K)

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When I tell you to post CX, I don't mean you should stop after doing it once

Attached: 1543262886779.jpg (1460x1230, 139K)

mina's fat jap ass bouncing on my...

Attached: mina deadlifting.webm (724x1080, 1.32M)

bleached and irrelevant

now that jaime lannister is dead baekhyun is my husbando

Attached: D63eyTyW0AMPH72.jpg (651x875, 54K)

Attached: 1550032143400.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

What does kpg think of queen tiffany?

Attached: 56492677_2614708728570474_4951252599128002627_n.jpg (1080x1350, 148K)

Attached: 【程潇】180729 CF火线盛a典 faded love-2.webm (1184x660, 2.83M)

i think her new name makes her sound like an 80s' whore

it means he is smart because philosphy but also hes in touch with the modern meme culture because he used the word cuck

reminder that if you fall for falseflags your iq is sub-60 and your skin is likely shot brown

Attached: CX_MOE_CM_2.webm (1300x1000, 2.93M)

Attached: bacon ice cream.webm (1280x720, 2.78M)

gaypop solos > gaypop group releases

>kyla leaves
>group does nothing for 2 years
>group disbands

Imagine working as a carnie/fucking off and going home having been the 4D chess move 2 years ago?


not my queen

Attached: 6f670a53befed527007ee4052aea7db8.jpg (1116x1400, 216K)

thanks for the webms



Attached: 1534976925576.png (1200x1800, 2.59M)

Attached: Capture.jpg (273x337, 13K)

have sex

fuck off

Attached: D6sG0k0UcAA67mY.jpg (1080x1920, 578K)

but gaypop is nothing without "going hard in a warehouse" group choreos

two best girls (sungyeon and yehana) stayed with pledis

what's a good tyler album then?

pretty lickable, ngl

60's would've been preferable but what can you do

my sunlight

Attached: 1529686907642.jpg (740x1315, 209K)

the mv that got me hooked on kpop

Attached: 1557456283736.jpg (900x1267, 171K)

Attached: 1539357997848.webm (640x886, 2.78M)

Flame of Love is godly tho

Attached: 1539318219741.webm (960x540, 2.81M)

i don't know any 60s pornstars by name

Attached: anal-anal-anal.jpg (567x957, 245K)

have sex with trannies

Attached: 1547340424436.jpg (2730x4096, 1.76M)

great feet

Attached: Tiffany(2)-Feet-3804563.jpg (1920x1080, 329K)

good song

cutest girl in kpop

Attached: 1533253991169.webm (640x800, 843K)

sorry, but I'm not a blackpink fan

expensive cum dumpster

what an incredible era for kpop
one of the greatest purepop songs ever devised

can they have kids?


there aren't any and odd future was always dogshit


never got this meme, the p is right there

great taste my friend

Attached: 1543520697697.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

what is she doing here? trying to get guys hard?

Even better when she peels a banana.

its better in theory as a taboo but in practice the p really can't be beat

grace kelly and marilyn monroe were a couple of great 60's whores

>reddit spacing
never got this meme, we're on Yea Forums after all

kill yourself nigger

severe downgrade...

cutest girl in kpop in mentioned

Attached: 1546105524819.jpg (1362x2048, 216K)

cutest girl in kpop right now

Attached: kpop celeb.png (224x248, 10K)

i want to cum on chuu's forehead SO FUCKING BADLY

Attached: jaime.png (768x1024, 1.3M)

mouth is objectively the best, but rarely as hot in the idealistic sense

Attached: 1529147308276.webm (640x480, 2.92M)

My waifus are Red Velvet Joy Sunmi and Chungha. Am I too high test for this general?

Attached: 1550130733363.webm (640x812, 2.01M)

>reddit spacing

that is just some forced meme lies

don't fall for it

they sound nothing like tiffany young tho

cute baekhyun
ugly xiumin

Attached: 1541166295444.jpg (1216x1852, 486K)

Attached: 1544872296872.webm (1280x720, 764K)

this isn't a thing, and never has been

among those, only joy is high test

Yes, but that's never stopped me from shitposting here

Attached: Couch.webm (392x740, 224K)

Is supposed to be her .

looks nothing like choerry


mouth is better as an idea
i think they did a study and figured out that bjs are mostly a visual experience more than a sensory one

chuu is cute!

Attached: 59A203B4-B1A3-446B-AEA0-302F8FCA930A.jpg (1080x1080, 44K)


body double with CGI-CX face

Attached: 1558105518796.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

that's pretty lewd while being pure

>ugly xiumin
no such thing

Attached: 1557085129300.jpg (1333x2000, 550K)

thats cause choerry is an ugly shit

her gab is a big yikes

Attached: 1556066790956.jpg (1080x1350, 219K)


cute semen demon

hyoon is best girl desu

Attached: 59471315_312423213022168_7220843606343200120_n.jpg (1124x1406, 150K)

Attached: rapapom.webm (750x1080, 1.93M)

maybe because most bitches are bad them
but it can feel exactly the same as a pussy but with a tongue moving around, making it objectively better


only need a few more

Attached: hairstyle.png (1920x1080, 3.92M)

based sex muppet

Attached: chuu s u c c.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

nice lips

how new are you? people have been using it as an insult for almost 10 years at this point

Attached: 80EF09CC-8BA6-4F18-9C63-8D6015347414.jpg (675x1200, 47K)

Kingdom Come is the best b-side RV song, but many are very close
Also Wendy has the best vocals and there's no denying that

Attached: Do_GuJFU8AA3_Fo.jpg (1000x1500, 336K)

Attached: 1545953898157.webm (720x720, 2.28M)

based me

Attached: 1531179045546.webm (438x844, 1.62M)

forgot your buckteethed glorified cheerleader

>putting her in shorts to hide those fat chinese lips


it hasn't been that long, and it's still not an actual thing. people used that spacing before and no one cared, and reddit doesn't even use it anyway.

Here she is

Attached: D7XEPyfXoAIxt_4[1].jpg (1461x2200, 444K)

what an unfortunate accident

it's on netflix, the show is called Persona

>it hasn't been that long
you have to go back

I'm mad because no one like loona here


no one likes poona anywhere

you're mean

Attached: choerry.jpg (960x960, 188K)


kill yourself kike nigger

have sex

yeah but the good thing is that even if she sucks at doing it, seeing her look up at you in a submissive position automatically bumps up the excitement factor

we love loona here

Attached: olivias.webm (658x1628, 2.84M)

bacon is not a whore

who is this pretty princess?

here IT is

Attached: gahbutt.webm (644x800, 2.91M)

uh oh the seanigger tranny shitskins are seething about loona existing again

i can't believe this guy is fighting himself yet again, jesus fucking christ

Attached: D6CUUZSVUAIoBLD.jpg (770x1024, 105K)

loona mentioned

Attached: IMG_20190511_101005.jpg (2048x1152, 139K)

based blindbro

Attached: 1531447650598.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

I like Loona and I am a straight white male.

Attached: loona.webm (615x800, 2.82M)

only the trannies

actually get a few blowjobs before you talk about fucking eye contact mattering that much

Attached: yuriculos.jpg (768x1024, 88K)

Attached: 1557248419582.webm (1000x702, 1.1M)

Attached: twice.png (1255x541, 659K)

Baekhyun is one of the two ugly EXOs though

they do that every second of every day lmfao

Attached: 1558224397278.webm (640x628, 1.75M)

dont roleplay seamonkey

pretty fucking based

Attached: olivias milk truck.webm (965x1318, 1.93M)

uh oh the seanigger tranny shitskins are seething about anti loona existing again

wtf is she balding??

Attached: D7WXZcSU0AAQVrd.jpg (1000x1500, 356K)

I am not sure what that is. Can someone explain it to me, a straight white male?


me as the wet spot on irene's jeans

>still roleplaying

Attached: saerom butt 1.webm (932x1440, 2.92M)

very nice pits



Attached: 6C6A5330-A597-4BE2-A26C-EE33E87DE1CD.jpg (304x282, 12K)

nice cope shitskin, stealing my post just like your ugly little island monkey race steals everything else

based trannylover


one loona post is worth a thousand twiceniggers

>and then he said "we love loona here"

Attached: 1557852298062.webm (640x842, 1.77M)

literally nothing

now show wenders

Attached: B8MEGH4.jpg (1364x2048, 246K)

there she is

Attached: 1556094680417.png (706x324, 61K)

Attached: 0AF41E72-185F-4132-BF2C-DFC81EC960F4.jpg (553x421, 43K)


oh no the tranny shitskin is seething

Attached: errytime.png (532x368, 147K)

pls don't lewd the idols

>'xiumin lasted two seconds'

i'm so hype for fromis comeback


loona looks good for once




Attached: .webm (457x545, 284K)

post the streamable


cant blame him, worth a try

post pretty white girls to sate my white fever

speak english nigger

i have a feeling that there are about 5 real posters here, most posts look like samefagging especially the fights

Attached: 1550909378870.jpg (3758x1800, 1.04M)

what a shithole

Attached: kang bye.webm (1280x648, 950K)


no shit

Attached: nayeon.jpg (368x569, 36K)

thought this was choerry

with who

nice 11s, face, and tits. those pleather pants are awful tho

predebut Kim Lip

chougly wishes

Attached: jenniereddress.webm (640x692, 660K)

is this guy crossdressing?

thinking about SinB...

thought you were a nigger
and i was right

As a straight white male I am not familiar with this minority term "cringe". Can you explain it to me, a Loona loving white male?

If you haven't nutted to Singing in the Rain there's no hope for you seaniggers

what are you a fucking fashion designer? fag

Attached: 1556250721767.jpg (1200x931, 265K)

blinks and miracles are the biggest cancer niggers here

choerry the ugliest ape shit

Attached: choerruggo.jpg (502x575, 51K)

single handedly mogs all of poona

with me

I just post my waifu and then leave when the next thread starts

this dress is too long

this pic is really pretty without context

big fan of jennie

Attached: 60121753_2376447079085274_6671311264179852940_n.jpg (1080x1346, 166K)

Attached: DgobQbMWkAENlUa.jpg (573x586, 30K)

what the fuck she looks like a caveman LOL

>that jiggle


I don't know what you mean, it's a perfect family photo
full of love

Attached: 1556249787421.jpg (1200x800, 186K)



what happened to slugroastie?

that's what i should be saying to you

jennie looks like a seanigger and has taken a thousand miles of inbred aussie cock

Attached: D5XiLFaV4AATjvI.jpg (2448x1836, 682K)

which one of you triggered that loona tranny again?

cute family

predebut lippy a precious

Attached: Dm6Rt7pVsAAHwov-orig.jpg (850x1062, 95K)

she posts choerry now

Attached: 1553540818804.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Attached: 1483145948847.webm (600x610, 2.8M)

a god

Attached: 0DF82738-5AE3-41F0-A2AA-E02CD1E66ADA.jpg (1018x1811, 277K)

she triggers herself by having no dick

seanigger samefagging his post
sad little nigger lmfao

get fucked faggot

Attached: 1552411761809.jpg (386x266, 32K)

predebut jinsoul is the only loona i care about desu

Attached: DtGK1faWsAAaYAb.jpg (767x767, 55K)

loona: exists
seaniggers: seethe and dilate

o fricking mo


chorbs a perfect

Attached: 170916-ltw-3.jpg (1000x1500, 330K)

wow, so cute

>that chin

>those nails
gay as hell but it surprisingly fits him


Attached: D6MdqHXU0AADnwS.jpg (734x702, 49K)

jinsoul looks like a roastienigger and has taken a thousand miles of inbred black cock

terminal yellow cancer bro...

Attached: 1545225550045.webm (640x802, 2.37M)

singlehandedly mogs every twice uggo ten times over

gib hapa milkies


Attached: 659C806F-170B-43FD-99D1-7189ADA5082C.jpg (602x633, 37K)

the slugroastie / anti-slugroastie fight?
he is in this very thread fighting with himself again, but using other characters
i wish i was joking

cute italian grandma....

Matthew mogs them hard

wtf happened to pristin

loonatrannies samefagging his post
sad little seether lmfao

Attached: xiuminkiss.webm (1280x720, 1.63M)



Attached: D58xokiUUAAsYNs.jpg (2160x2880, 936K)

>i don't like asian looking asians
based twiceuggoniggershitter

somi's sister a cute

When I first saw that picture ages ago knowing nothing about kpop I honestly though it was a couple with their young daughter...

didn't read

Attached: sprite.webm (1422x800, 2.9M)

mommy gib milkies

Attached: block head uggo tranny.png (267x248, 93K)

do not lewd a soldier
it's a sin

Attached: D7JWdeyXoAA49Zr.jpg (583x680, 58K)

delicious jiggle

singlehandedly mogs every loona uggo ten times over

based puresoul

what the fuck is that

the state of this jealous tranny

she looks fucking pretty

he’s so perfect fck


>only ugly Asians are Asian looking
very racist

the grease monster from taipei

Attached: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww.jpg (500x678, 70K)

what the FUCK

adult idol

not an accomplishment


good sites

me on the right


i'm not a retard shut up

Attached: xiumin .jpg (750x1061, 52K)

post mijoo being pure

ITZY needs better music. It's so trashy right now. Worse than Kesha tier

Attached: dcscds.jpg (781x535, 139K)

Attached: be23390c903dbe5ff74150d7c5185f59.jpg (866x1280, 142K)


ugly gremlin

mogs loona

Another Death Note bad cosplay movie, w4w.

If I wanted to see a naked korean getting rekt I'd go to xvideos or pornhub, you low life weebs amaze me getting your dick warm for such soft cute dressed asians.

Attached: nmpv-shot0006.jpg (1500x1000, 112K)

No surgery than double eyelids

Attached: 1531303474252.jpg (1004x1058, 256K)

meant for

the ugliest poop

posting hates about loona triggered me. fuck you seanigger

Attached: 1530462815524.webm (206x470, 630K)

why are you doing this, I know you love nosie

Attached: C0dc3zpUcAEMu5.jpg (1238x2000, 247K)

disgusting molerat niggerfucker

Attached: 1532184864283.webm (966x952, 2.96M)

meant for

sorry meant to quote

how come nobody is replying to me?


better profile than 99% of idols posted here

its how the tranny vents its anger

the only kpop i'm certain hasn't taken dick

my beautiful vietnamese wife


Attached: 63B34783-817B-4965-B85C-CF3397E85447.jpg (2561x1561, 543K)


our loona is for narutobros

Attached: 1543836845633.webm (640x1138, 1.22M)

meant for

loonatrannies lose again

why do cosmic niggers spam crops of everyone else then whine when it happens to them?

>getting jennie wet


sorry meant to quote

imagine falsefagging as a hater to get people talk about loona

the bsides on the cherry bullet mini are good!


Attached: 1539625592693.jpg (711x905, 68K)

Attached: 1539241528391.webm (480x600, 1.25M)


Attached: 0000048531_001_20180826091152522.jpg (2000x1333, 358K)

the absolute state of this place

other way around dumb nigger, he's been doing it for over a year straight every single day of his worthless islandnigger life

It’s just the slugroastie guy spamming the thread again, ignore him


get a new boogeyman

Attached: C5rRVWSWAAEqu90.jpg (800x1200, 152K)

*nerd marvel fan voice*
the absolute state of this place

meant to quote

blackpink sucks

i'm ashamed that, as a long time k-pop fan, i'm suddenly being asked about blackpink after years of trying to promote BoA; Girls Generation; and Oh My Girl

i feel stupid and ashamed

that thing is fucking ugly as sin stop posting it


meant to quote

the detective told me the crop spammer liked Eunseo

Attached: DSC_7721.jpg (1334x2000, 1.13M)

meant for

jennie is such an ugly nigger

Attached: 1506067548234.jpg (271x295, 22K)

even you know that’s a lie lol

195cm tall White male with 19cm dick here. This is what I want

Attached: 1548280752136.jpg (2000x1331, 915K)

what a cutie

imagine falsefagging as a falsefagging hater to get people talk about loona

look at her ala/alar crease

Attached: fig1a.jpg (360x200, 24K)