ITT: Your favourite album and your favourite drug

ITT: Your favourite album and your favourite drug.
>Public Strain

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Other urls found in this thread:

>My girlfriend's saliva

>weezer blue album

>Greatest hits


>Bish Bosch

>gomba reject ward japan
>my girlfriend's salvia


>The Unseen


Drugs are degenerate and all drug users deserve death penalty

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>t. addicted to food and masturbation
Psychedelics are easily less degenerate when used responsibly, compared to your masturbation addiction.

I always find it ironic that people who are so proud of their European heritage can also be so obsessed with Japanese culture, detest European women in favour of Asians and masturbate to anime drawings like degenerates. The people who complain about degeneracy are often complete degenerates theirselves.

He just wants attention. His parents never gave him any.

>the kinks
>beer and weed

The Tired Sound of Stars Of The Lid

>the doors

Shut the fuck up weeb, you're more dangerous to western civilization than any drug user


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>raw power
>jesus christ

weed with mescaline a close second

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>Pure Guava

>backstreet's back

I have only ever smoked weed.

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The Dreaming

>The Cardigans - Long Gone Before Daylight
>magic mushrooms

The album feels more like codeine, though

> f#a#~
> alcohol & weed

That album is fucking timeless. It sounds like it was released yesterday.

Bitches Brew

weed, adderall, and most hallucinogenics

life sucks and you die. might as well self medicate as much as you can before your miserable short life comes to an end.

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> Blackstar
> weed

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On avory Island


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Alcohol and cocaine

But alcohol first

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>The Powers that B

> Caffeine

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You sound based af. Can we be friends?

>ween mollusk

I love dissos so much

>Pere Ubu - The Modern Dance

>The Doldrums
> The 'Erb

>alcohol and caffeine

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holy shit, why did I ignore this album for so long

drugs are so cool my fellow 16 year olds.

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imagine living ur entire life sober ah haa ha

>i-i-imagine being living a naturally fulfilled and successful life ah haa ha.
not that i think the weeb faggot does that.

>yeah, i like to inject crack in my veins

>Vision Creation Newsun

based as fuck, doldrums is wonderful when high, all the weird mouth sounds really POP

just kys already

>tfw no qt overdosed arthoe gf
Why even live bros

Mushrooms & weed

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This but unironically



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what's the point of posting it if no one will reply to your post?

Most listened to Gas - Pop, who has a favorite?

Weed, but if I’m being honest about my behavior then booze

If of all time then definitely acid, but I only got cheap research chemical shit. And so will you, so be careful you idiots



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what's the point of doing literally anything if someone doesn't clap every time you move


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Hydrocodone and wine.

LSD, Weed, & MDMA are all V close.

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>he doesn’t schizophrenically imagine a studio audience in his head all day everyday

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drugs are for degenerates and losers

On Fire

Your body can't make Cocaethylene without alcohol.

Oh that explains it. It's little kids that have been on Yea Forums for 2 days that make these epic drugs epic music threads

>Tempest by Bob Dylan
>phenibut and weed, but never together

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Clutch those pearls.

Just be glad that kids are getting into shoegaze, gramps.

imagine actually thinking psychedelics are better for you than jerking off. how delusional can you get

The Mars Volta- Amputechture
Mdma and bath salts

>Teenage Hate

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Remain in Light


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congratulations- MGMT

Skrewdriver and PCP

>nothing because i'm a good boy

weed and They Spent Their Wild Youthful Days In The Glittering World Of The Salons by legendary American shoegaze band The Swirlies released in 1996 on Taang! records.

>DPH or Weed depending on how I feel.

>City Morgue Volume 1: Hell or High Water



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>>Public Strain
>>Public Strain


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based and doomer

Al Green I'm still in love with you
Underated album imo

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What's wrong with Public Strain?

just tgaot

Mary Jew Wayna

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>Public Strain
Me too user.

>Heroin obviously

i'm pretty sure there are more people on this planet addicted to porn/masturbation than there are people addicted to psychedelics.

The funny thing about those two is that a few sessions of psychedelics will probably help you realize that a few thousand masturbation sessions might be a bit much

Anime is degenerate and all weebs deserve death penalty

I Smoke weed everyday, but psychedelics are the most essential to who I am, and to the current state of human civilization

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I've been on Yea Forums since TMS dropped in 2012. I've just glossed over that album this whole time for some reason.

>The Argument

ya'll are weak lol

>Soul Mining

The amulet

I stopped smoking weed, now if I could do the same with beer.


Caffeine (snorting lines of the stuff)

Air Duster

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This guy knows what's up.

Not often, always. The people calling everyone else degenerates don't know what the word truly means. Literally everyone in the world is a degenerate. And anyone who wishes death upon others for using drugs that affect solely their own bodies is a completely lost individual with totalitarian view points firstly, and secondly, a massive no-fun allowed faggot.

The high after weightlifting.

GAS is top tier for psychs, based