So... who was in the wrong here?

so... who was in the wrong here?

Attached: moby.jpg (1200x1200, 541K)

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Moby. Moby is always wrong. What a fucking putz. Never let him live this bullshit down:

Bitches be trippin

damn moby looks demonic there wtf

nice shoop

Moby is a creepy perv
Natalie should have ignored him or told him to fuck off

the jew-controlled media

Did he rub his penis on her?
also this

unironically neither. the usual outrage circle jerk

Hope he got a whiff of that brapper at least

Attached: brapper.jpg (1600x899, 294K)

As if any smell could exist among Moby's overpowering patchouli smell.

maybe both, but moby made his sexual interest clear by:
a- taking a cab
b-kissing her under the centuries old oak trees

and his 'decent guy' cred was earned by not raping her in her sleep *decent guy move!*

she should have however made it clear from the beginning that Hey I think youre a SWELL GUY THAT I DONT WANT PENIS FROM

admittedly that might be tough for an immature 18 year old however, so they both get a pass.

fuck this hype train tho


cursed image

Moby, let it go man, she was pitying you, she gave an inch you took a mile

Attached: 90D6A100-DFEA-47A9-920E-F43ECDBEFAFA.png (1960x1236, 2.35M)

>he can order water
why can't he get coffee or juice

Natalie is wrong for not having my babies and making little future IDF soldiers.

>Goes to Denny's
>mad he can't eat anything.
I've been a vegan for over a decade and Moby is a fucking moron. Fuck that beta-bitch retard.


Very cursed

There is nothing worse than a preachy drunk.