Thoughts on this album?

I've seen it posted recently a lot, why is that?

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it's a cheap ver. of Merriweather Post Pavilion

It's a great modern-ish shoegaze album. It's very comfy and sweet.

Also, this board seems oddly patrician right now for some reason. Lots of good threads and discussions going it. I'm shocked.

It’s really good! If you haven’t listened you should. Tropical, dreamy, blissed out.

Not even remotely similar

Dude, same. Normally it feels like I'm talking to a bunch of 14-17 year old zoomers on here, but today feels oddly "early 20s, college age"

try again next time you little baby

I have, white seal is my favorite track, overall a really sweet album, it just intrigued me the sudden rise of interest for the record

Honestly think its the summer season that brings out this album

it gives me summer vibes, really love this album
its better than MPP

it's awful

i've been listening to this album since I was 16 so maybe people are just retarded, not young

I've got this album on vinyl signed by both band members.
I'm better than all of you.

I wish they played anywhere near me :'(

Oh then you should check out the instrumental versions of the songs. They are mixed in “dual mono” which is kind of interesting. Overall it sounds cleaner too with less distortion, not saying the fuzz over the whole thing isn’t a good choice. It’s on their band camp.

Oh this album is wonderful! Was pleasantly surprised by it, very catchy and melodic. Deserves all the praise it gets IMO.

Lol sucks being a retarded flyover drumpf supporter doesn't it you inbred fucking faggot fuck you

It always astounds me how Yea Forums users always manage to compare two compeletely different albums together. Merriweather Post Pavillion is indie pop, that Candy Claws album is dream pop

Amazing, dense tropical shoegaze with heavy naturalist vibes and many different genre influences.

>omg green cover, so it has to be the same

>early 20s
>not zoomers

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