How are you holding up, Yea Forums?
How are you holding up, Yea Forums?
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kill yourself wojakposter, you have no reason to be sad and you don't deserve happiness
but it’s not winter
I don't have to justify myself to an overcompensating smoothbrain like you.
What you have to do is kill yourself, faggot, you have no rights, especially not the right to draw breath.
take a pencil and stab it through your neck this instant
just waiting patiently for death
kill yourself, 3Dwojakposter
I feel very tired as a result of all the work I had to do, but summer is almost here and it gives me hope that I'll finally rest for a while.
Got a mixer and soon I'll start to make music in a proper way. I only have to get the speakers and several cables and I'll be ready.
Also ordered several albums (Faust IV, Hand. Cannot. Erase.) last month and I'm still waiting to arrive.
Overall, quite well. I gave it up on wanting a gf, as I realised is not what I truly want. Now I can concentrate my mind towards a higher ideal, which is music, obviously.
Is this what the smart people do? start feels threads on mu?