As always, obscure post-rock recs are always appreciated :) preferably from the 90s!
Rym Last Ratings
too pure's enitre catalogue
i love 90's post-rock too much
Whaddup Wujtah
oh thats a great idea! Too pure has so many excellent bands :) the best seefeel record wasnt published by them tho
hey man! respectable ratings as always. Have you listened to dorkcore 101 yet?
they have long fin killie, pram, moonshake, a stereolab album too i think
also, go listen to this right now. this is the best song ever imo
i OnLy rAtE aLbUmS i LiKe
yea I know, I did disco runs on all of them I think. Long fin killie makes so much excellent stuff, I honestly cant dissagree. However, I think amelia is still his best record because how danceable it is. All the drum and bass elements blew me away.
luke did make a few trip hop albums after that though
i can't give Houdini enough love. It's THE perfect album in my eyes, the one and only
Dead Rat Orchestra - The Guga Hunters of Ness
Teeth of the Sea - Wraith
Aretha should really be mentioned on here much more
finally exploring more 2019 albums. open to any recent ambient recs please!
>obscure post-rock recs are always appreciated :) preferably from the 90s!
boris good!
did you see the voting thing for dorkcore abridged?
grinderman wasn't all that bad. never got the hate, even as someone who worships almost every nick cave project.
what's your favourite aotysf?
igor a shit
not a dear hunter fan i see. respect for going through all of that stuff though, what are they like?
Actually I quite dig the dear hunter, that series of EPs were varied experiments in different directions, and not all of them succeeded. What I've heard of their studio output has been pretty great. The Black, Red and Purple EPs are worth hearing, too
igor bit too high but i gotta give you a based for the skepta rates
oh yea I should check em out. how are they?
thanks for the rec! also I wasnt aware there was a new ulver record, Ill check that out as well
explain that hanl rating
>recent ambient recs
check out the new black bombaim record. Its crazy ambient psych rock. Incredibly tastefull shit
also thanks for the rec!
yes boris very good :) currently doing a disco run and I feel embarrassed for not doing it earlier
oh yea I have, I voted a few times with different IPs already :) really cant wait, gonna buy that shit ASAP
>how are they?
no idea, actually. i wishlisted one of them today, you reminded me of it. scaruffi refered to them as 'trivial', if you care about his guy
Nah not yet, got it on the queue tho.
Aretha is the GOAT female soul singer and is every bit deserving of her legacy.
Gonna sound cliche but Titanic Rising is a gorgeous album. I can’t get enough of it. Billy Woods’s Hiding Places is an easy 2nd place though. Listening to that right now actually
Toe (not the Japanese band) - Toe 2000
Wary about listening to that new Mac DeMarco.
dOn'T WE aLl
Recently heard a Dear Hunter song from a friend. Thinking about checking out their discography.
Accurate Boris ratings
That Ulver album was underwhelming
Those 2019 records seems interesting, too bad I'm never up to date with the current year
the pod prolly will go to 4 one day
I loved Igor
And liked here comes the cowboy a lot
Hangman’s beautiful daughter is def overrated but idk if that bad
Agree with NLDW
Igor should be higher
I’d put goldfrapp up half a star too
Amyl & the sniffers be mad underrated by people, glad to see them getting some love
This is happening & unknown pleasures should both be higher
nice to see you still bumping emamouse :-)
Daily reminder that you're a fucking pleb if you have less than 10K ratings.
feedbacker is far and away the best Boris album
NLDW is def too low, a 5 for me. Woman is too high as well but I respect the Orange rating
Earth Wind Fire are incredible. Underrated discography outside of the popular September
I have the same Murmuure rating
Penfold are fucking incredible dude, good taste. Favorite song on that masterpiece? Also love Protomartyr
Unknown Pleasures is too low but I agree with most other ratings here
whats the 1000th rating gonna be man? Also Of Montreal is my favorite band, good looks. Favorite song/album of theirs?
>Favorite song on that masterpiece?
not that September isn't a great song though?
I couldn't even stop if I wanted to
oh obviously, September is euphoric. I saw them live a couple years ago and was floored by their talent being this old
M is a beautiful song. Ill take you Everywhere is probably mine
I don't understand why the trannies come here to have their discussion threads. Doesn't RYM have their own forums and messaging system?
But I'm transphobic.
too hard to post reactions to others on mobile ill do it later
you seem to have a very clear head... your evaluation of b&s and tom waits here seems correct
agreed with your assessment of Flood. Feedbacker is great tho, listen if you haven't
good death grips choice no comment on the others
is all of fly pan am that middling? disappointing but to be expected ig
Listening to a TV on the Radio cd I got a few weeks ago atm so it’s probably gonna be that. Plan on listening to the caretaker series after that though for my first set of ratings afterwards.
And that’s actually my favorite album I’ve heard of theirs. Followed by Hissing Fauna, Cherry Peel, Satanic Panic, & then CAITP:AVOMV.
Favorite song is a bit more tough as I’m very partial to heimsdelgate like a promethean curse, but Triumph of Disintegration might be just as good.
enjoy the caretaker series. The third installment especially I am a huge fan of. For me it's Cherry Peel > Hissing Fauna > Sunlandic > Paralytic > Satanic for their top 5
>not showing off your last several ratings using the printable page format
absolute pleb-tier
half of your taste is based as fuck and half is absolute dogshit
unfortunately i dont have much to add to this thread in the way of recommendations
I agree on penis album rating
Operation Doomsday is way better than the KMD album
Too much to read