Music for this feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

young guv - firing squad

the arrogant sons of bitches - kill the president

Fuck this stupid bitch.
Roar- Katy Perry

Open the borders
Join the EU

why do politicians act like they have emotions are anything but empty sociopathic husks? does anyone still buy this?

based retard

Was Brexit even a good idea? Seems like more trouble than it's worth

no more heroes by the stranglers

Bojo becomes PM
no deal brexit by october
scotland goes independent
"troubles" start back up in NI leading to irish reunification.
only wales and england are left in the UK

cap this post

Its a dogshit idea. Its a protest vote aimed at the wrong institution. (inb4 cuck)

i cant wait for wacky white hair man to call a general election in the next 5 months

>at the wrong institution.
which institution should we be aiming it at?

The traditional parties that usually form the UK Government, they are directly the cause of most of the things Brexiteer's vote against.

Parliament and the Tories. Most of the things people are complaining about at the direct result of the austerity policies, they have been lieing to avoid the blame and keep power

whoever caused the 2008 economic crash

Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us

It's not actually that much trouble, it's the politicians fucking up the process out of sheer incompetence that's fueling the mess you bongs are stuck in.

i wish wales could go independent but it would be a disaster

[This post has been blocked in EU]

From what I understand, a third of parliament support a hard-line Brexit, another third wants a moderate/lite Brexit, and another third don't want Brexit to occur at all. which is why no actual compromise can get passed. Is that correct?

From what I've seen (as a burger) the specifics are just there to hook voters. The real Euroscepticsm is more about concerns over more philosophical things like centralized government, transparency, national sovereignty, etc.

also the UK could only get a shit deal from the EU because the UK is significantly smaller than the EU and the negotiation team was out-gunned and incompitent

It's kind of scary that the EU treaty allows member states to leave, but as soon as one does they're do everything in their power to make you stay or deal you the worst hand possible if you don't.