Moby? More like _______

Moby? More like _______

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"Oops, I missed a tinted rock"

I should have been quiet about dating a teenager when I was in my 30’s especially a celebrity with her own microphone now I have escalated things oh god

Moby, more like Kobe
get dunked on bitches

How is it gross man they're both consenting adults.

mo bamba

if you think 18 year olds are full adults you are very clearly no older than 18 yourself


I'm 20 man I'm not gonna let a haggard trannie pound my ass just because they have money and influence.

At what point are you a full adult? 19? 20? 21? 22? 23? 24? 25?
Im 25 and i still feel like a fucking child despite having my own place, going to work and paying my bills.

The left:
>Children in kindergarten should be taught comprehensive intersectional gender-free sex education
>Pedophilia is natural
>8 year olds can consent to sex
Also the left:

Bald rapist

You're making this political it's just morality, nothing wrong with fucking a legal teen


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33 is full grown. People's brains aren't even fully developed at 18. Just because something is legal doesn't make it right.

Your brain fully develops, on average, at 25. YET we give privelages to consenting adults to have sex, join the military, or become a porn star at 18. Can we not put more regulations on 18 y/os?

she was a brave independent woman stop being so sexist user

moby's actually a very high iq individual unironically

>Can we not put more regulations on 18 y/os?
Perhaps we should
The only one bringing gender into this is you

18 is a somewhat arbitrary line because there has to be some line. no one is saying what he did is illegal, but using his fame to "date" girls half his age who never even like him to begin with makes Moby a loser and a creep

her body her choice fascist

Being smart doesn't make someone any less of a scumbag.

>Moby? More like _______

isn't that what "groupies" are? the girls chose to do this. musicians are usually praised for banging hot girls (sex drugs rock n roll, led zeppelin, gnr and all that boomer shit)

but moby gets hate for having groupies because he's ugly and looks like a weasel

fucking this

People are dumb, yes. But there's a point when age stops being the excuse, 18 is kinda past that point.

The boomers were wrong, obviously. We've moved on from groupies and rock stars banging college girls. It's predatory shit. I like today's pop and indie stars because they're very respectful of women and don't degrade them as sex objects, and we don't see 25 and 30 year olds prey on 18 year olds.

Blow me

and this

good posts

>18 is kinda past that point.
Only someone under 25 would think this.

I don't give a fuck about this. He didn't rape her, so who gives a shit?

groupie culture is weird too. this has nothing to do with the individual and more with a cultural shift with how we see sex and age relationships, people are moving away from accepting the antics of those 70s stars

it's more relative to the other person involved, if she was fucking some 19 year old who was far more famous then she was no one would care, but someone in their mid 30s is clearly more emotionally developed than someone fresh out of high school, and that combined with a power dynamic can be used to influence people

bad and clueless post

Anal Proby

>who gives a shit?
people who want to b8 for replies mostly

Guardian article originally headlined as "Moby's treatment of Natalie Portman is a masterclass in beta-male misogyny".....then a few hours later they changed the headline from "beta-male" to "nice-guy misogyny".

how many betas do you think complained before the grauniad changed its headline?

I just think it's funny that a liberal newspaper is using terms invented by red pill mgtow retards.

You're going to tell me she didn't have every right to fuck him? He's a pretty attractive dude and from his sitcom he seems to be personable fellow. You mean to tell me he coerced women, ok buddy. Next Really sick of the flagrant bismirchment of another dude just because he has unconventional taste

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first post i've ever seen from this dude but already filtered lmao

>says a lot about the extent to which the sexualization of young girls is normalized in society.
this selective pearl clutching is ultimately what makes this so laughable.

change the law so no one can have sex before 25 then


Pedophelia is a conservative thing though

Shit like this is why I never bother talking to women or flirting with them. I don't even say anything to them unless I absolutely have to for school/work, because one misstep and you will be forever branded a creepy piece of shit. It's not worth the hassle when you're not good looking.

What makes you think that? There are many things involved in decision making, not just the average age on which the prefrontal cortex is fully functional.
I guess this is the case. Power dynamics.

the german left ran child sex orphanages in the 1970s

the abolition of pornography laws in denmark in 1969 by the left led to legal hardcore child porn studios (color climax) operating for 10 years. same is true of netherlands for 15 years

dating is like stepping on a landmine if you're ugly and socially awkward, i gave up after freshman year of college

sure she had the right to fuck him. but by her reaction to the whole thing it's clear that she didn't like him and if they did have a relationship it didn't come from the same place mentally/emotionally. and it's the fact that he is bragging about the whole thing that is creating this reaction

>There are many things involved in decision making, not just the average age on which the prefrontal cortex is fully functional
But that's where the decisions are made.

Daily reminder sex is inherently coercive. Women (and men) scientifically and empirically get more orgasms and arousal from being assaulted. Consent is a meme and people who develop without sex do not have children (i.e. the West)

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look at his picture and the "sitcom" wording again
he's making a joke about mosby from the suite life of zack and cody show (kids sitcom from the mid 00s, it's shit but zoomers know it)

extremely low iq post

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But you can influence it with external factors ranging from cognitive methods to drugs to various degenerative diseases.
Not to mention we haven't measured exactly at what level of development the prefrontal cortex could change a response.

yeah and it fell completely flat

why does he have the trip even.. embarrassing

reminder that drake is far worse
that nigga was flirting with millie bobbie brown a 14 year old actress when he's 32

No one cares if Drake does it, because Drake is cool and has clout. Literally NO ONE 'cancelled' Drake over that. People only do so for Mobcel because he is ugly and has no financial utility now

Attached: moby_trump.jpg (790x395, 93K)

Drake is sketch but he's too big for them to bring down right now, the revelations for him will come in like 10 years when he's irrelevant ala R Kelly and Moby here.

these are correct. drake is bad, but he is putting countless record exec's kids through college right now, so they won't let anything happen to him

>But you can influence it with external factors ranging from cognitive methods to drugs to various degenerative diseases
You can, but you'd still be augmenting something that is not fully developed.
>Not to mention we haven't measured exactly at what level of development the prefrontal cortex could change a response.
Than let's go with what we know now.

I just think Moby should make Techno/House again
nobody needs a poverty Brian Eno

You do realize that Drake being a scumbag doesn't make Moby any less of a scumbag?


>Than let's go with what we know now.
Executive mediated functions of the prefrontal cortex are developed at age 16 on average. When people say it's not fully developed, they're talking about other functions, like memory.

But drake gets away with it and isnt widely denounced as a creep. You guys wanna pearl clutch about an 18 year old having an uncomfortable experience twenty fucking years ago and ignore 'cool' pedos right now as usual