Use to always make fun of Kiss as boomer butt rock

>use to always make fun of Kiss as boomer butt rock
>start listening to their albums
>i actually like it a lot
Wtf is happenin lads

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This album literally 10/10

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KISS is just one of those bands to me I'll never understand hate for, it's pretty much just fun rock and roll, like Ramones or AC/DC, you won't find too many deep messages but I mean not everything has to be intellectual or brooding, sometimes it's just about rocking out and feeling good, Motorhead is the same kind of band IMO too but you never hear anyone complain about them writing dumb or simple songs or complain about the subject matter, despite Lemmy writing some lyrics that rival only the corniest Gene Simmons lyrics lol

The problem to me with those bands, particularly KISS and AC/DC, is that they get boring too fast as all their music is substantially the same.

Because gene and to a lesser extent paul are two of the most despicable people in the industry

Well they from late 60s early 70s wtf do you expect? Its early rock n roll

Strutter is the greatest rock song of the 70s


Ehh, I dunno...KISS have like different "eras" that had their own styles, and even then some albums that pretty much stand on their own like Destroyer, Dynasty, Unmasked, The Elder...all of those made some pretty big changes from their earlier stuff, and even then they pretty much became a completely different band through the 80's even if a lot of that 80's stuff kind of sounds similar to itself. I like both KISS and AC/DC, but I don't think AC/DC really ever changed much so people who say that aren't wrong, even getting a new singer didn't really effect the sound of the music that much, they pretty much just kept doing the same kind of shit which did get a little stale after Back In Black, I find myself cherry picking songs instead of really enjoying full albums after that point for them

Kiss is better than AC DC

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Apparently they hate this song but it's catchy


I think just Gene hates it, but Paul makes them play it. I don't think Paul likes War Machine, or maybe it was I Love It Loud


i think you mean Dynasty user

Ah you're right. Oh well, Gene is wrong.

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>KISS is just one of those bands to me I'll never understand hate for
Recall who Gene Simmons is and what he represents and then try using your imagination. When the face of your band goes around trying to get the entire world to hate him... it's going to lead to people hating the band. Weird how that works.
>like Ramones or AC/DC
You're overlooking the crucial difference between those bands. The ability to play musical instruments. Even the Ramones look like technical geniuses compared to the level of musicianship seen in Kiss.

There are 8-year-olds who can drum at a higher level than this.

I'm sorry that Peter Criss is a retard and I'm sorry that he injured himself. But you have to be able to play the drums if you're going to be a drummer. I don't know how else to communicate it to you, Kissposter. I would have rather seen Silverchair in the '90s.


I think the NPR interview is hilarious so that's not a good example to me of Gene being bad, he's being a troll because he thinks he's gonna be trolled

>Even the Ramones look like technical geniuses compared to the level of musicianship seen in Kiss.
This is just a blatant lie and I like both bands. Also, you always post these same Peter Criss videos, as if KISS themselves haven't been bitching about Peter Criss for years, and fired him multiple times and replaced him with other drummers.

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>I think the NPR interview is hilarious
Everyone who has ever heard it feels that way, but for very different reasons. He's incredibly insecure (especially about his intelligence) to the point that he allows a question about make-up to trigger him. Terry Gross is very well-known for being kind, professional and courteous. It's a shame that Gene is so sick that he couldn't open up and be honest with her. He has to do his Lex Luthor schtick and go off about "gentiles". And you know very well that Gene has acted that way on a million other occasions.

"I thought the person was going to be a dick to me so I behaved like a dick before they could get the chance" is an awful way to approach people in life. I'm well-aware of the issues they've had with Peter Criss from the very start. It really goes to my point. They knowingly went with, and kept bringing back, a drummer who by their own admission literally couldn't even keep his place in a song.

Don't follow in his footsteps, user. I mean that. Trolling the world just leads to everyone dismissing you and hating you. If you were more genuine and real in these threads Yea Forums would give you a chance.

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Do you really think gene Simmons doesn't empty cocka like yogurt pouches buddy


Gene CAN be a douche and has said douche things through history, but I also think he's said a lot of true things other people just wouldn't admit, I find it greatly entertaining regardless and regardless of that I listen to plenty of musicians I may not agree with or like everything they say or do publically. I also when it comes to Gene sympathize a bit more than most because while my background is very different than his, it's similar in other ways and I kind of know his game I feel like. I honestly think Paul is a bigger dick than Gene, just not outwardly if he can help it, while Gene likes being thought of as a badguy but I don't think he actually is quite as much as it can seem.

As for Peter Criss, I don't think he (in his prime) was quite awful, his drum solo was awful but I also think all drum solos are awful so I'm not the kind of drum nerd to even care about one, however his drumming sounds fine to me on the records and when I watch/listen to live stuff from the 70's sometimes he plays a bit too fast but I think it works, I like the loose kind of sloppy/frantic sound they had live on some shit back in the day. As for him reunion and onwards, I think we know why they did, and probably hoped for the best to be honest but old problems with Peter and Ace just happened again so they brought in Tommy when Ace left and brought back Eric when they fired Peter, but of course they were gonna do the reunion once they realized people wanted it after the Unplugged shit

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It's a good song, Dynasty is a good album.


Are you implying he's gay? Because apparently he tried to nail a tranny before but Sharon stopped him, and he said he'd have sex with Chester Bennington in prison

This post was written by a bonafide retard and probably a brazilian.

The late 60’s is one of the best eras of rock experimentation. Psychedelic, metal, punk, prog, and several other genres came into existence around then, theres no excuse for KISS

it's dad rock
doesn't mean it's bad, just means it's dad rock


As someone who doesn’t follow KISS and clicked this thread for no explicable reason, can you explain what they’ve done that makes them so “despicable”

A. KISS is a 70's band not 60's.
B. Their early sound was every much a part of that experimentation and influence on everything to come later. They blended Beatles pop rock sensibility and harmonies with the more hard rock style of just hard driving riffs and flashy solos, and with an obvious influence from the glam rock/glitter rock from both the NYC scene and the UK as well. This combination of influences pretty much set the standard for what was to come in the 80's, along with Van Halen who came out years later at the tail end of the 70's and the NWOBHM, I'd say they were one of the biggest influences on what would become popular with the next generation of bands.

It's largely a meme, Gene and Paul have both said and done kind of dickheaded things through the years but hardly anything worse than any other rock stars and mostly just comes down to ego tripping or beef with former band members.

People mainly hate because they've been told to by the rock media since the 70's and it's cool to hate KISS, and because those two guys are Jewish. Ace and Peter never get bashed yet they've been just as big of dickheads and egomaniacs, nobody cares when Nikki Sixx or Tommy Lee goes on some insane ego rant on social media, there is a portion of KISS hate that's driven purely by anti-Jewish agenda

You appreciate classic rock lad. It is especially a rite of passage for late teens/early 20s.

No, they are not. It isn't even close. AC/DC had a competent guitar player, and a singer with a unique voice. Kiss was never anything more than a bunch of posers. KISS was mostly makeup and gimmicks, they were not good musicians. I like KISS, but they are far inferior to AC/DC.

>Thinking Ace Frehley isn't one of the greatest rock lead guitarists.
>Thinking every member of KISS other than Ace wasn't a good and unique singer, at the very least

This is how I know you've never listened to KISS, and need to re access your definition of the word "poser" because you seem to be confused.

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For me, it's Metallikiss


You actually listened to the music you decided you didn't like and formed an actual opinion finally

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