Is it a 10/10 for you? If not, why are you such a fucking idiot?
Is it a 10/10 for you? If not, why are you such a fucking idiot?
Because I have not listened to it.
Because I have not listened to it.
Because I have listened to it
Because I have not listened to it.
I expected to hate this thing since I'm a plebian contrarian, but I gave in a listen the other day and it's pretty good. Not something I'd relisten to much but it was enjoyable. 7/10 I can see why people like it.
It's more of a strong 8 to a light 9.
i've listened to nearly 1000 albums and only 2 of them are what i consider 10/10. that is not something i take lightly.
you are everything wrong with this board, and music listeners in general
which albums are they?
please elaborate on this bizarre statement
Because I have not listened to it
I think it's a perfectly fine album, but I don't see what sets it apart for so many people as especially great. Among the countless other releases in its sort of dreamy, baroque-y indie/"art" pop genre that I've checked out (and forgotten quickly afterwards) it just feels like a 6-7 in a sea of 5s.
I would've forgotten it existed not long after hearing it if people weren't going crazy over it.
>hasn't listened to very much music, brags as if this isn't the case
>overly considered with giving a number rating to music
>thinks your personal opinion is in anyway meaningful to others, without actually offer anything of substance
>not willing to embrace fully ones own enjoyment of something
Not him but you're taking something as subjective and unimportant as music taste and the ratings you assign to what you listen to far too seriously, which is something rampant on this board.
what makes it good. how is it a 10
It's a 9 or 10 for me and I'm confused as to why the fuck mu is behind literally everyone else on this album and just don't get it
Kind of overrated. 70's soft rock pop with some dreamy tones. I'm assuming enough time has passed to where reiterating that style is unique and impressive.
Beacasue Fantano says it wasn't
everything you've said here is false
All he said was that he's listened to a lot of albums and only consider two of them perfect. You two are the dweebs reading too far into it.
boring, shallow
but the artwork is cool
Its good but not a 10.
I don't know user, the water looks pretty deep to me
It's not reading very far into it at all, it's just what he said.
I'd call him a dweeb for treating his music ratings/taste as if they're sacred texts that have to be extremely accurate. He makes it sound like he's expecting to be given a massive test on his own taste (or like there's some audience constantly keeping an eye on his ratings in case he rates something the "wrong" way).
Just rubs me the wrong way because this is exactly the sort of thing you SHOULD take lightly, and because nobody asked how many albums he's listened to -- a less obnoxious way to say what he's saying would've been: "No, it's not a 10 imo [optional expression of why he doesn't think so here]".
I'm going on far more than he ever did but that's because it's not just him, but something that tons of people do on Yea Forums. Just like in other cases, when you have something that's subjective, insignificant, and not serious business at all and you treat it like some grave and serious matter, you come across like a pretentious prick. And a lot of people on Yea Forums could do with being generally less pretentious-prick-y, and it'd be a major improvement for the board if they were. That's all I'm saying.
Holy shit he really triggered your autism with that one sentence, huh?
He's listened to a lot of albums and wanted to say he had high standards for 10 and the album didn't meet them. That's all. Nothing more.
It's an album about love in a post 3rd wave feminist world, questioning everything you thought you knew about love, and trying to come to terms with the mess that's left in the wake of it. She's lamenting the near death of traditional love and romance, of a poetic romance. She plays with the same 70's aesthetic that other female artists were using while trying to figure out a post 2nd wave feminist world to draw that comparison. The music itself is beautiful and melodic and atmospheric, and cinematic at times too.
She's even got a line about people being left behind in love completely, so maybe she's seen r9k lol.
>1000 albums
>even remotely close to 1% of music
It’s a 9, I’ll listen again in a bit though, my gf wants to hear it.
I first played it while at work, smiled the entire time