Attached: D7IDJkYVsAA49lD.jpg (2048x1404, 192K)

Other urls found in this thread:

anyone have lovelyz lewds?

Attached: Arin and her BF.jpg (454x714, 186K)

i really really like you
i really really like you~

arin milkers

Attached: twiceboys.jpg (1080x1081, 111K)

fucking MORON


he likes em thicc


Attached: E0Q8aRC.gif (442x388, 2.58M)


who is that guy? wtf

imagine training 11 years to be left unemployed

noooo arinbros noooooooooooooooooooooo

Attached: 1543351475003.webm (864x900, 2.96M)

Attached: Jensoo10.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

kpop is so fucking depressing

Attached: DBuCAxZUQAAsNkc.jpg (1000x1500, 231K)

Now I'm listening to Carly rae jepsen

Attached: 1550261947142.jpg (583x757, 59K)

>That double chin
Where did it all go so wrong?

Attached: D7WSnabUIAAU1_6.jpg (1314x1666, 154K)

how many of you post the same shit every day?

Attached: PassionateParchedIberianmidwifetoad.webm (996x1368, 2.82M)

why do they keep forcing that guy?

Attached: 875e7c3abb687f27efe4cc8e79f175c3.webm (307x495, 1.59M)

not me

Attached: CKMYn8nUYAAcLUR.jpg (1106x960, 57K)

zoom in

Attached: mijoolight.webm (1080x1920, 1.47M)

dbh I'm surprised pristin tapped out before gugudan and wekimeki

ioi was a curse

>roastie hours
>blackedposting happens

Attached: RenaV.webm (606x1080, 2.94M)

kpop is ok but carly rae is the best

Attached: YoonFany.jpg (551x537, 44K)

Attached: nicefeetbitch10k.jpg (10000x10000, 3.89M)

american hours*

her new album is actually great

should be slowed down

just got some fresh pics for you

Attached: D7QdmD8UEAA_Ynb.jpg (1500x1000, 194K)

Attached: AffectionateOpulentHellbender.webm (1080x1920, 2.87M)

can anyone compete with her?

cute shit

Attached: 187_.gif (410x601, 2.2M)

fuck i gotta do that

it's a burgerhours thing

babysoul has cute toes

Attached: 28303278187_991495c746_o.jpg (4500x3000, 3.64M)

i love dubu

arin you fuckin hoe

Attached: 490e26_79eba8e5e89945d0b1cccad56534b586-mv2.webm (277x396, 180K)

button girlz.....

reminder that according to edgy 15 y/o neets spending their entire life on shitposting you're low test beta cuck sóyboy if you don't consider brutally abusing hookers to be epic based and for the win

all those jelly boys in the background just have to sitback and watch, fuck



you have to go back

why did they hide that one girls feet...

pretty good

Finally a cute OP

Attached: 1544957675298.webm (1700x1382, 2.96M)

who is your husbando?

This is my wife.

Attached: 60837146_406868803237730_8703394332749700723_n.jpg (1080x1350, 104K)

>you will never sit next to dubu in church

that's a man, baby

pretty sure i saw her last time i was in thailand

based black user

How do I pick a waifu?
How did you pick yours? What made her the special one?

I like many idols but I can't pick

Attached: bf426d671ec0528c42c455f82d53637fa7190e17.png (610x781, 1.07M)

Attached: EnlightenedMemorableFlamingo-size_restricted[1].gif (521x250, 1.68M)

ok satan

people who talk about muh consent sound like degenerate bdsm roasties to me desu


Attached: 1529236637553.webm (996x1280, 2.81M)

Trust me she isn't.


it went from cute to lewd...

based, lisa is bae

you don't just pick one, but when the time comes you will know

I usually put my hands on her waist and then use my muscles to lifet her above the ground

She has the manliest shoulders in kpop.

based rapist

jisoo is pure

she has to be good looking, which is why i never picked dubu

good post ty

Attached: close up.webm (768x678, 2.73M)

Attached: mijoos.webm (498x890, 1.86M)

don't be such an autismo about it, i drop waifus all the time, i pick em up all the time too, just let it run it's course

some of the best feet in biz

who's your waifu?

we feet posting?

Attached: MJR9PAg.jpg (1080x1080, 111K)

fuck pledis for killing after school and wasting yoonjo and yooara's careers
pristin were shit though, so im not too sad about them disbanding

you're waifu picks you

Attached: harem v2.png (1400x1229, 1.6M)



big finger feet. gtfo.

picking dubu ofc it's an easy choice
>devoted christian
>reads the bible
>will go to church with you
>cute and not excessively attractive (not unapproachable)
>will never cheat on you
im thinking about her all the time

>his harem isn't 8 pictures of the same girl

i was waiting for pristin to have a comeback so i could add siyeon to my harem
now what do i do

Attached: 04.gif (500x350, 2.48M)

maybe sohee if she wore stuff like that but she's pure so...

Attached: D2ecns0U0AM7s66.jpg (1000x1500, 170K)

you just made this to insult Soob, didn't you?!




Attached: 1558153970844.webm (510x906, 2.77M)

those are the best kind

Attached: gd7inunkp4u11.jpg (750x937, 86K)

that's how i know she likes black guys

cumji doesn't fit here

id swap soob for cub

Attached: 2.webm (1224x1080, 2.88M)


Attached: Hohee.webm (620x720, 2.97M)

She's yellow as fuck without filters

stop projecting, arby's sandwich

possible the worst one i've seen. all it needs is babysoul swapped for daisy.

kys yourself

no? i love all my girls

Attached: IMG_2371.jpg (2821x4231, 665K)

are you gonna post it or what

Attached: DzvKnbHWwAUEGVd.jpg (960x540, 64K)

Attached: 1502494969694.jpg (1080x1348, 81K)

Attached: hi9AOW6.jpg (1242x1656, 234K)

Lookin' for a duck
That's ready to suck
Cute face, thin waist
With a brother she fucks

Attached: yena needing it.webm (456x1018, 558K)

shut the fuck up sohee is pure

that was comedy

Attached: Dm04iN5V4AAqr3u.jpg (1365x2048, 305K)


You have a weird taste

Attached: harem.png (1221x841, 1.09M)

daisy is ugliest than babysoul

Attached: Chungha (29).webm (1100x618, 2.51M)

i picked her for her top tier feet

sohee is a literal fuckbot she's not pure at all

10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10

>two ESLs arguing about girls nobody gives a shit about

Attached: Kpopharem.png (1400x1229, 2.21M)


Attached: slut.jpg (1200x1920, 713K)

based minabro

Attached: 32680100278_90b3ba52fe_o.jpg (3000x2050, 547K)

hella cute harem

get her disgusting ass

better than yours


why hasn't kpg gangbanged a korean girl yet

it was a typo

so this is what sohee learned in america


i am not els


Attached: sumSmash.jpg (720x960, 126K)

jinsoul doesn't belong on this uggo list

Attached: my_life.png (1024x600, 28K)

anyone have the blank version

having a nice body doesn't mean you're a slut it means your a strong minded individual that has the focus and determination to commit to good healthy exercise

Attached: mykpopharem.jpg (1400x1229, 1.02M)

Attached: my kpop harem.jpg (751x532, 94K)


Haram posters are lazy shits with only 8 pics get on our level plebs.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-cwqYlemlDeu-1.jpg (1854x2697, 3.94M)


Attached: DFf6vAnUwAAFLp9.jpg (1000x1500, 238K)

would be perfect without dami


she didn't know that there was a camera behind her

Attached: DkZ5nEMUcAArglF.jpg (690x690, 71K)


I don't have the corrected version on my phone

Attached: 1547687480398.jpg (406x556, 24K)

love sohee protector

cumji doesn't belong here

it's much hard whittling it down to just 8 idols and pictures desu

for me, it's son chaeyoung unironically

show off your harem with pride

Attached: harem template.png (1400x1229, 106K)

quite frankly she belongs on tushyraw

Attached: umji jiggle.webm (634x1516, 1.48M)


Attached: mykpopharemv2.jpg (713x1229, 221K)

Attached: harem.png (1400x1227, 1014K)

Attached: dream harem (2).jpg (2189x1922, 464K)

Attached: cum dumster.jpg (1280x1920, 237K)

>slandering purity princess sohee
that's the lowest this place has ever been

actually, i think this one is cleaner

Attached: template.png (1400x1229, 106K)

all these unironic gaypop posters need to get pozzed and die

that's actually shopped

I like wheein.

Attached: Wheein.full.49296.jpg (1002x1500, 886K)


this mv looks like it'll be even worse than bibbidibobbidiboo

can't agree on which one isn't uggo

t. feetlet

word did you hear her and hwasa's new song? its nice

Attached: wheeinslap.webm (660x1068, 2.29M)

i like her friend

Attached: 4243d243b3970bf5bdf66406bb76145ddf64c002_hq.jpg (540x719, 53K)

whos the dude

nope all my groups are alive
kys yourself

Sohee is very cute.

Attached: Kim-Heechul-Ahn-So-Hee.jpg (1080x608, 76K)

Attached: DpxvPifU8AExyAe.jpg (1145x1700, 349K)




Attached: 1552071143216.jpg (1606x1002, 210K)

they didn't disband? bibidiwhatever mv looked like it cost ₩50 to make

how did they go from

How are they still around

was expecting a honey popcorn teaser i am disappointed

It's the same girl

Attached: 1558287046977.png (1236x1805, 2.77M)

that's doah

we don't need everyone to agree, just a few who are willing to do it

Attached: DoVCGTrU4AARdyh.jpg (2048x1537, 383K)


imagine them double teaming you

Attached: my kpop harem.jpg (2849x4096, 2.13M)


Attached: Wheein.full.49366.jpg (1000x1500, 587K)

>not even a png

take some pride in your work, clearly you don't even think you're waifus are worth the effort

Attached: DAlMJK-XoAAWFAH.jpg (1920x1080, 152K)

>that nose on third row third column

like trying to beat me up? i don't think they would do very well

post that ugly feet pic that goes around like its Yejis but isnt
you know the one with the long ugly toes

10 10 years old baby

there's so many korean girls I want to have sex with it's driving me nuts

are sonamoo finito?

your waifu may be pretty, cute and talented, but can she do THIS??

Attached: 1558724451342.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

gahyeon mogging

quality over quantity

yeah, she refrains from doing it tho

as usual twice bros put in more effort than anyone else

i'd let them take turns to smash my nuts

wtf Sonamoo is actually relatively active on vlive

>posts a collage of every kpop singer ever
rate my harem


prove it
it's pretty hard, a highly skilled move

sexy chuu

thinking about SinB...

those are quality pics man

Attached: Capture.jpg (273x337, 13K)


stay out of our thread nigger

i'm so fucking depressed

Attached: C-bl302VYAAMDmq.jpg (1500x1115, 206K)

arin looks good here

Overall pretty solid

Attached: 65.jpg (1366x2048, 371K)





girls doing this drives me wild dbh. one of my co-workers does that when she sits in my cubicle and i have to force myself to not stare

harems are for the weak

Attached: 1555019422594.jpg (860x1376, 107K)

what's wrong bros?

cutest girl in kpop

Attached: 1555771092032.jpg (1080x1350, 186K)

Attached: 6fbd386a4625d6801815b931fffdbdd7.jpg (1920x1080, 223K)

like beating up your manhood with their mouths or something like that
I listen to old childhood music when I'm down. It cheers me up

Attached: FEF51EF946404E69A3781907525B521C.jpg (820x820, 43K)

selecting the very best pictures takes more work and discretion than dumping your whole generic folder


Attached: DZsa89TVwAABMbm.jpg (2048x1366, 275K)

pledis girlz should've just debuted with the lewd pledis girlz concept instead of going for shit memepop wee woo bullshit

Attached: 1481666960969.webm (440x720, 2.96M)

What you leave out is the toughest part of making a harem

You need to stop bully Loona. We didn't do anything and everyone is always mean to us.

>join pledis as a kid
>become pledis' princess
>graduate high school as a normal non-idol student

Attached: C1ra7mdW8AUngT_.jpg (444x590, 49K)

she loves showing them off

we love LOONA
we love gaypop
we hate twice
we hate izone
we hate gfriend
we hate mamamoo
we hate omg
we hate dreamcatcher
we hate wjsn
we hate gwsn
we hate bp
we hate rv
we hate snsd
we hate gidle
we hate dia

but can she do THIS

Attached: 1555803057355.webm (1280x720, 2.69M)

Attached: 1553279149156.jpg (1536x2048, 386K)

this, but my balls with their feet and fists

based stuck in the past bro

>that chin

Attached: D7WflcMV4AER-r0[1].jpg (3000x2000, 1.43M)

it's the opposite actually

>stuck in Sonamoo
poor New Sun

You fucking asshole incels ran LOONA stans out of kpg but kept nugushitters here? You have no rational response when LOONA stans are more civil than nugushitters that constantly ruin threads

good morning doug, how are we feeling today

>we love Gfriend
at least you got that right, buddy

Attached: 57620828_135896084212635_7241857368457335110_n.jpg (1080x1080, 116K)

pick the waifu that has a birthday closest to yours

loona is better than pristin anyway

I don't know why kpg continues to tolerate these mentally ill schizophrenics that post nugus and start shit with everyone, Loona didn't even do anything to deserve the shitflinging.

fat piece of shit


Attached: 1550963586418.gif (250x250, 122K)

Daisy isn't coming back so it doesn't matter anymore

there's lots of kinds of shit, it's true
some types preferable to others
but shit is still shit at the end of the day

nugufriends are the only good thing here

Attached: 1539616254111.jpg (1200x800, 130K)

wony's cute tongue

Attached: D7U2iavU0AA2Dj7.jpg (663x1199, 102K)

Stop falseflaging you pathetic criplecuck

Attached: DIdwrGQUMAEc2_C.jpg (1911x2048, 397K)

based high test user

Attached: Halloween Moon 2.webm (660x1178, 1.03M)


mfw they bully loona posters

Attached: 1530807686445.jpg (1500x1000, 819K)

fuck nugushitters, they bullied loonachads

how are people still this bad at powerpoint

huh lisa was born the same day as me. guess im a blink now


this nigga is actually triggered by loona roasting lmao

Attached: Screen shot 2019-05-24 at 2.35.23 PM.png (296x90, 14K)

gugudan and weki meki sell a lot better than people seem to think they do.

Attached: D54s3VaV4AASI7u.jpg_orig.jpg (2730x4096, 1.39M)

I've seen this exact post before and I still can't figure out if it's against or for loona

Attached: 1550784436640.jpg (1400x1920, 1.46M)

fat as fuck
disgusting would not bang

post eunha for me to blast on

I'm a friendless mentally ill neet with worsening symptoms every year

not anymore, they were hot when they were new, but the bottom fell out of those barrels

Attached: 1528508759160.webm (1280x720, 1.53M)

Do you secretly take pictures?

Sana looks like NCT Mark and Tzuyu looks like a half-mexican's mugshot.

Cool she was already one of my waifus

Attached: 1530573435419.jpg (1080x1314, 173K)

want to stuff eunha until she bursts

Attached: stuffingeunha.webm (1066x600, 2.94M)

Attached: 1558352061017.jpg (1144x602, 103K)

it's this dude again

Attached: 1555767200535.jpg (1075x704, 250K)

we loonachads did nothing wrong to deserve these treatments

no because she's facing me when she does it

She has enough pit meat to feed a family. Why would you blast to her?

Attached: Oh.My.Girl.Banhana.full.172369.jpg (1920x1080, 238K)

not fat enough

Attached: 1538648456910.webm (578x1080, 1.15M)

this pic i so fucking creepy

it's just that one guy on his daily falseflagging tantrum"remember when you assholes"/

Attached: the average izone hater.png (385x446, 46K)

I'm behind all the twice posts btw


Pristin's disbandment was their own fault. Pledis did nothing wrong. They were supposed to be a self-producing group and they just didn't fucking deliver. Guess that's what happens when you put 10 roasties in a room and expect them to work together.

why do you people have such random screenshots saved for months and even years sometimes

fuck you

baka"remember when you assholes"/

Your waifu will never be this cool

Attached: 1540240279471.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)

>eunha pits

good idea

Attached: CqlKhZRUMAAREFV.jpg (1137x1200, 173K)

Are you retarded?

Attached: 1556306315833.jpg (540x321, 31K)

Attached: bona fat thigh.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

not this one

Attached: 1555724602113.jpg (770x901, 57K)

born on the same day

Attached: yoona.jpg (1066x1600, 234K)

shut the fuck up pussy

>ruining my life
lmao how pathetic

same day?

Attached: D7Q1-PpU8AAX0C7.jpg (1366x2048, 525K)

stop bullying us LOONAbros

to remind you

fuck, using a phone is practically impossible

that's talent

98% of idol groups don't produce their own music,and that is for a good reason.

Pledis were expecting to strike gold a second time like they did with Seventeen which was not realistic.

Shut up!!!

There are the meaty pits

Attached: ohgawd.jpg (720x960, 114K)

unironically this


Attached: 909270216e0b0b4de44222e90919aff054bf01.jpg (3276x2254, 3.59M)

really want to fatten her up

Attached: DpckV5FUYAA77_R.jpg (2048x1368, 260K)

Step up your game user, you could post them in foot threads on Yea Forums

No but the closest female

Attached: 1530241963168.jpg (1600x2400, 448K)

>implying woozi is actually doing shit


Attached: 1555759587594.jpg (585x1080, 264K)

But the songwriters stuck with Pledis, to my knowledge. Leads me to believe that there was actually just drama or scheduling conflicts with some of the girls who weren't responsible for producing the music. Maybe there's an unused album or two they'll use to debut a smaller group of the Pristin members that stuck around with Pledis.

jo yuri is pure therefore we should be pure also

Attached: D7VwKtUXkAEkIcL.jpg (1362x2048, 382K)

rangeban all mobile ip addresses

summer comeback soon

how close?

Attached: D6cavo2UYAAkzrl.jpg (1677x944, 654K)

Attached: 1551587318407.webm (670x1080, 3M)

>kpg discord

idols don't produce shit for their groups it's just a marketing gimmick don't fall for it. at best some of them make mediocre demos that never get released.

how to step up game

>tfw this was a one time thing

Attached: 1555777015034.png (640x960, 502K)

Purity but not necessarily temperance

Attached: YQfsRZ9.jpg (1500x2250, 526K)

Pristin V shit wasn't self produced anyway

>we pledis produce our music, we deserve all the awards

Attached: 1552778286704.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)

pledis is shit but so is pristin

we need more amazons in kpop

Attached: 1524180767574.webm (1000x1000, 3M)

I don't know I am not a pervert.

make it a late thread

2 days later than her but almost a decade before... oof

Attached: 1534607438143.png (640x960, 668K)

some of them go on to produce more stuff when they leave their companies though
or do it for other groups

rangeban all anti loona ip addresses

the one where the attention whores who would've been tripfags 5 years ago now go to both post in these threads and comment on their posts in these threads with other people doing the same in a discord
they probably also do sex RPs and shit
discord is for trannies and furries exclusively

we will kill us
she is merciless

Attached: kpop ban.png (598x190, 15K)

Apologize to Baekho, he produced stuff under a pseudonym

Stop attention whoring and samefaging spreadsheet pedo. It's pathetic

When is the new iu album coming?

Attached: pxp77ruj67031.jpg (700x933, 73K)

I will never understand the investment some people have in this place

a different kind of autism

why is she always showing her feet?

>that guy that makes the same posts literally every day for a year plus


that's most likely leafmanlet

are you guys gonna make a new thread or not?

Attached: guy says stuff on kpg.jpg (1080x437, 171K)

Attached: 458419684161.png (849x328, 261K)

make it a gaypop thread

Because she does whatever she wants.
Benefit of being solo

Attached: eqw3v37mqzy21.jpg (820x1229, 196K)

let's just keep this thread, it's comfy here

We should start waiting until we hit the image limit

we already know the autistic loona anti is doug

are we going for image limit?

Attached: DTBtkm_VoAAxiBN.jpg (3071x4096, 1.18M)

"the" suggests there's only one person who shits on loona

Attached: DPzOu7uU8AEi71L-orig.jpg (1000x1500, 326K)

So sad. 6 years old and still true

you guys suck as detectives

oh man make a new thread so we don't have to see this ugly bitch any more


Based Basedeon. Her talent is seriously impressive

i'll help by posting cute girls

Attached: gooey.jpg (768x960, 60K)

post some proof

we all love loona here only one faggot hates and shits on loona

I can't believe she got surgery to look like that




I don't love them but the faggot who posts the same anti loona shit daily needs to neck himself already

based intelligent bro

Attached: D4r0U3fU0AIoUv2.jpg orig.jpg (997x1497, 226K)