I'mma be real with y'all, IGOR is AOTY, it ain't even debatable. Y'all feeling me on this?

I'mma be real with y'all, IGOR is AOTY, it ain't even debatable. Y'all feeling me on this?

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i most definitely feel you brother
what is your favorite jawnt? for me, it's GONE GONE / THANK YOU, shit got me damn near cryin


listen to more music dood


stop shilling this painfully average album you fucking cuck

A testament to how fucking dire music is in 2019.

Listen to more music and that wouldnt be your opinion :)

That’s right

>pic related

he even seems underwhelmed by his own music


it's pretty good though


Stop talking like that. Not all black people talk like that. Nobody likes wiggers. It comes off like a parody of black speech patterns.

Eh, it's not his best work. I put at his second worst, in front of cherry bomb. I enjoyed a few songs but he really shouldn't make an R&B album where he can't sing. Pitching up the vocals isn't the solution. Also there are a lot of parts where if he didn't fuck with his voice and did it normally it would've sounded 10x better.

This. I'm pretty far-right and I've noticed that it's always leftists doing this without realizing how condescending it sounds. Black people hate this shit. They respect you more when you act like yourself.

>They respect you more when you act like yourself.
This right here is the key. You have to respect yourself. Nobody respects those SJW weenies on Twitter. I'm a white dude who listens mainly to metal. I don't care for hip-hop, and black people think I'm cool. I don't try to be one of them, and they don't try to be me, but we respect each other. I think it's cool as fuck when they know a Metallica song, and they always think it's cool when I put on Parliament or something. Do you know how many times I've heard
>Shit, white boy. Is that Marvin? What do you know about Marvin Gaye?
>Hell yeah it is. This song jams.
>Shit, you cooler than I thought.
I do the same thing back.
>Is that Anthrax? I didn't know you liked Anthrax.
>Yeah, Anthrax goes hard. You hear that shit they did with Public Enemy?
They get annoyed when you try to imitate them. Nobody likes wiggers. Not all black people only listen to rap and talk like retards, and it's racist to think that they do.

The left are the real racists


Aw yeah brother that jawn some real shit! Let me tell you though, whenever I put on that mug, IGOR THEME got me like FIRE! Shit fuckin lit as hell, dawg

i dunno man I thought the vocals were great

Igor is the shit you take after eating Flower Boy

How can this be AOTY when Titanic Rising exists?

>listens mainly to metal

>Zoomers are out for summer already
sigh, its all so tiresome

hey, you can always go back to your kpop gook containment threads or the dead genre generals.

is this an inside joke im scared this is why i dont go on Yea Forums anymore

cringe and reddit.

sex. Experience it