Post your favorite albums itt. if i don’t like it, i will throw a slipper at you

post your favorite albums itt. if i don’t like it, i will throw a slipper at you

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Other urls found in this thread:

stfu nigger

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cringe. try harder

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no slipper, i approve

>having a favourite album
yeah I remember my 20s


Gonna get fucked up for this one

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nah nigga i’m unironically a massive fag for csh, i’m listening to htlt right now. no slipper :)

Thanks friend :^)

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2/9 kill yourself

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will give it a listen, seems kino so no slipper

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god im straight fucking retarded

it’s ok user

Kiss my ass gaylord

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you get a giant fucking slipper because 1) kid a is for posers and 2) you were mean to me :(

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no slipper this is top 3 porcupine tree

does that mean no slippers?

ya that means i approve

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jenny death
no slipper desu

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slipper for death grips as a whole nigga

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album was kinda hit or miss for me so you get half a slipper thrown at you

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listening to this right now, not bad so far. no slipper

w-w-whats wrong with death grips, s-senpai?

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they are for SOYS NIGGA >:(

boring and overrated

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I’ll take it :/

I don't think any other album can be as powerful.

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Based. Up the Downstair is one of the greatest albums done by Steven Wilson. I'm amazed how underrated this one can be.

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avoiding this album because there is no way it’ll live up to the expectations Yea Forums has set for it



low quality b8

oh shit i missed this sorry
no slipper bc it’s more hit than miss imo

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nah, the money store and exmilitary is for soys. soys cant into anything past tms. i dont fuck with either tms or exmil.
jenny death is very good and you should listen to it when you get the chance.

Let's go.

My dumb ass forgot the image.

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just bite the bullet dude

i’ll give it a listen tonight in that case. thanks for the rev :)

big mac

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no problem. beware of On GP. its a very depressing song.

god tier smashing pumpkins, you get a very special king funny froag of approval

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radiohead big gay but ok computer is undeniably their best work ..... no slipper


no slipper because it’s top zappa

do u like double trio king crimson

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Oh god nobody’s safe

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where the FUCK are you


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i’m back nigga just eatin breaky :,(

you sir, have shit taste. i spit on you

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What you eatin friend?

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biscuits apple juice n grape jam from this terrific local place

What's YOUR favourite album, fren?

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the plebian’s favorite king crimson album

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Island is my second favorite

>Yea Forums BTFO by a slipper-chucking frog

absolutely based

the patrician’s favorite king crimson album. nice choice fren

>"don't try it"

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answer mf

it’s not terrible which is the best i can say. never been a fan of wu tang clan. partial slipper/10

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:( sorry fren. if it’s any consolation i much prefer island

dis nigga got a lot of slippers

this looks absolutely ridiculous so i’m going to assume it’s kino. no slipper

ya nigga i gotta keep em around for all the shit you guys are postin itt >:/

This isn't a slipper, it's a flip flop

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Always be prepared for shit taste

only plebs listen to music. i do consider john lennon’s “woman is the nigger of the world” to be a near masterpiece of a song though

never been a big fnm fan. the only thing more epic than this album is the fucking slipper i’m throwing at it

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second very special king funny froag of approval itt. patrician taste my friend :)

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kino jazz album, very nice user. no slipper

Don't hurt me

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will listen to a few tracks rn and report back. one sec

Second favorite is Love Supreme for jazz. Just curious if that would of gotten me a smack or not?

i knew someone would post this album eventually .. some may see this as a waste of my precious supply of slippers, but i see it as the only response suitable. may god have mercy on your soul user

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coltrane is top tier and i would say that that’s one of his finer works. no slipper

You don't like Pet Sounds but think Surf's Up is patrician

here’s a special slipper just for you detective dickfart

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B-but that makes no sense


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P-please no slipper... This album means a lot to me :(

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slipper wouldn’t be appropriate in this case

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i don’t have to justify myself on a polynesian basketweaving website

But you can if you want

i keep coming back to this image i-i don’t know what you want from me user :/

pretty cringe, bro

its a yikes from me

Holy based

get fucked my nigger

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oh shit idk how i missed this i love this album. no slipper

slayer sucks my FUCKING dick:/

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slow country is the only song i enjoyed on this album. sorry user :,/

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Burnt Weeny Sandwich

No worries

At least you acknowledge the best song on this album

>Ready for the big ol Weezer slipper

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imma go fuck that bitch

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Is that a thong in the distance thong expanding or a thong coming toward my face?

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ehhhhhhhhhhh i’m going to lose what little credibility i had in this thread but i personally loved this album. it came during a period where weezer was releasing consecutively shitty projects, and idk it just clicked for me in a very enjoyable way. no slipper

Yeah look I fucked that sentence up ok

carti’s better than his contemporaries by a small margin. i’m tempted to hit you with a partial slipper but this album was ok

i love mars volta no slipper nigger

Where did u go op?

I guess that's a slipper then.

nah sorry it wasn’t bad, just not my cup of tea really. no slipper

you motherfuckers. i want to hit you with slippers but it’s been an endless stream of good to decent albums for a while now

no slipper pls i beg

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i just really don’t like modest mouse sorry :/

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never heard of them but i don’t listen to a lot of screamo so that’s probably why

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It is literally impossible to dislike this, you lose, slipper man

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Does the world's coziest album need a slipper?

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this should not come as a surprise >:/

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call me a faggot but i wouldn’t say that spirit of eden is their best. i like color of spring more but that may just be me

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no slipper necessary here lads

Colour of Spring is definitely the superior album.

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fuck you, I eat slippers. you would be feeding me, therefore contributing to the extension of my lifetime

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>Sony Music
wtf, Vampire Weekend released another album?? damn.

Just search the image user

You wouldn't even dare

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Please Don't

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i have returned even though i told myself that i was finished throwing slippers at you all. gimme a sec to catch up here

special froag for your patrician taste my fren :)

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it’s not even the best gaye album :/

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well i’m obviously not going to throw a slipper at you for this

you have tempted the hands of fate user

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you're missing a masterpiece

you wouldnt throw a slipper at a crab, would you?

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throw it

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i love qotsa and this is my favorite of theirs so you get a pass fren :)

i’ll be back in a bit to throw more slippers

Please be gentle slipper man I have a family

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Stupid nigger.

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I'll give you one of my favorites

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What a disgrace you ended up being user