Kanye, what the fuck?

Kanye, what the fuck?

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>heelturns two weeks before the midterm
fuck off

Liberals show their true colours when a black man tries to leave the plantation.

Everyone bullies everyone. If you have to resort to that defense, you already lost.

>Liberals show their true colours when a black man tries to leave the plantation.

Kanye betrayed the movement.

Fuck the movement. Freedom of thought.

This, but with feeling

People with an IQ lower than 110 are infringing upon freedom of thought by existing.

That's a real smoothbrained thing to say

what a cretinous and actually quite evil thing to say

politics are fucking gay

extremely based and red pilled.

What movement lol

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why do conservatives care about the "plantation"? they hate black people regardless

everyone hates black people

democrats are cringe but so are republicans when they think those morons diamond and silk are so great just because they're black

Wow attacking both sides, you are so smart. You must watch South Park


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sounds like projection to me. GOP freed the slaves before, looks like they'll have to do it again

>they think those morons diamond and silk are so great just because they're black
well they're just cheerleaders, superficial qualities are key

weren’t the gop and democrats exact opposite parties during that time?

literally no. That's a common technique for deflecting rightful criticism, though

"literally" yes

prove it. a few members defecting doesnt change the fact that the GOP is still the party of Lincoln and MLK, they still believe the same things.

>"republicans gave blacks freedom and civil rights, sure, but they also dont advocate infringing on other's civil rights in an effort to afford people positive liberty that no citizen is entitled to, so they obviously switched sides!"

Lincoln championed the power of the central government against state will. How does that align with modern Republican values?


the democrats are literally the kkk (but with better pr these days)

>Lincoln championed the power of the central government against state will
in a civil war, dumbass. do you think it was ever de-facto GOP policy to suspend habeas corpus, too?
The idea that you have to be 100% federalist or 100% state's rights is a fallacy, as we have always had certain federally protected rights superseding state authority

>republicans gave blacks civil rights

Last i checked Johnson was a Democrat as was the majority of Congress at the time of the Civil Rights Act.

Kanye is such a coon. Shame what the Kardashians did to this nigga. Look at this fool dying his hair blonde and obviously bleaching his skin. An embarrassment to humanity.

This is a disingenuous conversation. You know this is about comparing values not actions.

>in the Senate, the measure passed by a 77-19 vote, with 73 percent of Democrats and 94 percent of Republicans supporting the bill.
wow that was hard

besides, if we go by modern standards of reporting, Johnson was quoted several times detailing his plans to exploit blacks for votes

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actions speak louder, faggot, and GOP values have always been pro-civil rights

Yeah, over 140 years ago dum dum

Doesn't alter my point at all. I also am not defending the Democratic party just trying to clear up the historical accuracy. You're very ideologically driven. I don't know why I expected a good faith discussion on Yea Forums.

He's right

I filter "faggot" and "retard" so I can't even see your dumbass response lol.

treat a bitch like a bitch, bitch

lol lil bitch

what sort of argument is that? Do we need to re-enslave and free them every 50 years?

Only the most ignorant of twats think the GOP reversed their stance of slavery and civil rights because they oppose abusive welfare states.

>people are unironically using "BUT THE REPUBLICANS FREED SLAVES" as an argument
why is most of this board so clueless

>Doesn't alter my point at all.
except that it show you didnt HAVE a point, just fallacy

and yet you're still butthurt

Hey man you're the one arguing this to death, I'm out.

Imagine giving a shit what Kanye's politics are.

He's not a politician.

not an argument

“I hate niggers and spics”
-Donald trump

shut the fuck up stefan

The Irony of this is that back when Kanye was shitting on Bush, white people, and interrupting Taylor Swift, they were calling him an ungrateful nigger who didnt know how to act. Now suddenly they forgot about all this and now are taking him in.
Exactly. Anyone who used to listen to him since back in the Through The wire days knew he was egotistical self absorbed loud mouth, but nobody cared what he had to say outside of music because he was producing great tracks and albums. Fans have always clowned Kanye since he has been in the industry.

This thread no longer has anything to do with music go to pol

The people who "forgot" didn't know or care in the first place.

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do you even language?

Republicans murder Hillary supporters like me

Ye is based. Trump is based. Tom Brady is based. Simple as.

>no longer
it never did, cockgobbler

point out the argument I missed in that post

>implying republicans have a trillion dollar mainstream media apparatus to assert their political views

libs cant stand when a black man dont fall lock and step with their facist loonacy! A FREE THINKING BLACK MAN???? I SCARRRED!! You do you, Kanye!

I want to harp on you for this, but a loon is a thing, so it works

Politics 150 years ago were so different from today that neither party is really anything close to what it was back then.

Not this fucking 8th grade argument... I probably lean more conservative but durr lincoln was a republican is the most retarded thing you can spew in an argument. Completely different times, issues, and party ideals. Nothing about the current political climate is congruent to back then.

The GOP is still defending civil rights and the DNC is still trying to destroy them.

"hate speech" and "common sense gun control" are sort of dog whistles

trump is literally a liberal as is kanye... learn what words mean before acting like the american republican party isnt a form of neoliberalism

demonstrate this with evidence, show that the GOP reversed its stances on any civil rights matters. what you said it the equivalent of "nah-uh!"


yes, liberalism and american "liberals" have less to do with each other than people assume

Somewhat but there was a journalist in the 1880s who famously said "A Republican is someone who wants you to attend church every week while a Democrat is someone who says 'If a man wants to drink a beer on Sunday, let him have it.'"

and oddly enough the abolitionist movement and orthodox Christianity are joined at the hip

sounds like kanye is a bit of a snowflake tbf

You have got to be kidding me. Both parties do you nonce.

Also I just wanted to point out that almost all anti-monopoly actions in US history were undertaken by Republican administrations (only exception was United States vs Paramount which happened under Truman).

By and large the size and funding of the Democrat media machine is vastly greater. They have most of Hollywood, two of three cable news channels, the network news, as well as major Internet/social media outlets.

why is politics so gay

Arguing about parties is retarded, it was consistently conservatives in both parties that opposed civil rights, most southern Dems eventually were replaced by conservative Republicans who now own the party.

You are absolutely delusional.

because normies will let extremists own various positions in their entirety to avoid getting involved

Republicans have Fox News, talk radio, and...some websites?

not an argument. the extent of the russia-hysteria shows how much control the leftists have over the narrative with zero hard evidence

>it was consistently conservatives in both parties that opposed civil rights
Are you going to claim the leftist socialists Wilson and FDR did jack-all to advance civil rights?

>zero hard evidence


both parties are capitalist puppets of mega corporations. we need a complete overthrow. they all have the same schemes just different publicity stunts to try to appeal to changing opinions of people. we dont need any politicians

They did more to abolish rights. Wasnt it FDR that forever destroyed the people's right to control the creation and issuance of our currency? Didnt the fucker literally prohibit the possession of bullion?

Not a single piece of Federal civil rights legislation was passed between 1875 and 1957.

lol, we got ourselves a true believer here. Didnt you get the memo? You're to ignore previous assertions of collusion and focus on obstruction

are you capable of forming a single sentence without stringing together mealy mouthed buzzwords?

>did jack-all to advance civil rights?
it was grass roots organizers and common people that advanced civil rights... not money grabbing politicians you idiot...

Yeah he did ban private ownership of gold bullion. The ban was rescinded by a Republican president Gerald Ford.

You just said nothing of value, just so you know.

Care to explain me the phenomena of russia-collusion hysteria without trusted figures in leftist media outright lying about it?

Be honest, how much of your news/opinions is delivered via comedy?

Second post best post

>Be honest, how much of your news/opinions is delivered via comedy?
Yeah that Stephen Colbert and that John Oliver are real geniuses reading scripts written for them by some pothead Hollywood writers.

>Republican president Gerald Ford.
the general republican opinion of Ford really shows what damage "conservative" gatekeepers have done to the movement

Clear Channel Communications, nearly every religious organization in the country, most major financial corporations. Most major industries. Most governmental industrial complexes. Every oil company. Every natural resources company. Stop making it a pissing contest of who has it harder. Democrats do that all the time, you're turning out to be more like them then you know.

He's right. Almost all of cable TV, all of silicon valley, all of Hollywood, both the video game and comic book industries, the music industry, and every major corporation (Starbucks, Chase bank, Target, etc.) are leftist. The right literally only has Fox news and AM radio, which nobody listens to.

Dude was an accidental president and didn't really do anything important one way or another. He was just kind of there.

Well, I'd guess it originated with Trump hiring Manafort, Trump insisting Russia is our friend, his direct overtures to Putin, and the near constant contacts between his canpaign and Russians, and Trump's relentless secrecy about his meetings with Putin.

See Fact of the matter is that neither group has any firm affiliations. Businesses only align themselves insofar as it enforces their profit motive. Every industry and media outlet has shifted time and time again. It really doesn't matter.

Good one!

>most major financial corporations. Most major industries
Wait, didn't Goldman-Sachs, Google, Apple, Facebook, Disney, Viacom, et al donate considerable sums of money to Hillary's campaign?

>Coporations are leftist

Gonna be a yikes from me dog

Wait, didn't those firms receive literal billions in tax cuts from Republicans in congress?

All of those organizations are behind the scenes. They may have money, but you never really see them. Democrats have weaponized the media. They control Hollywood and the music industry, and video games, and comics. They control what you see and hear and read.

I don't see anything patriotic or nationalistic about most of . Most of them just think nation-states are meaningless and just a market for their goods and they see themselves as citizens of the world.

>Trump hiring Manafort
literally forced to so so, but ok. care to point to evidence of his collusion? oh wait, all you got was tax evasion well before his involvement
>Trump insisting Russia is our friend
literally not our enemy, so why not our ally? you have the wits of degenerate pondscum
>his direct overtures to Putin
lol, like what? what offhanded and insignificant remark have you turned into evidence of your conspiracy? the joke that was really about hillary's obstruction of justice?
>and the near constant contacts between his canpaign and Russians
enlighten me, please, because that's some bullshit. I assume you mean private, suspended projects for his real estate company, not the campaign?
>and Trump's relentless secrecy about his meetings with Putin.
lol, you're just parroting talking heads now, because a closed door meeting is in no way unusual or evidence of your claims

Leftists LOVE complaining about major corporations whole suckling corporate cock. Go shill the next Disney Star Wars movie or Mass Effect game that you heard about on YouTube, while playing with your Funko pop figures you got from your Loot Crate subscription.

Certain industries like oil and guns are Republican-dominated. The significance of this is that those industries in particular are the left's favorite boogeyman. Of course they won't attack Apple or Google because those companies are Democrat-controlled.

B-B-B-B-But conservatives hate black and are always actively trying to take their rights away! Master jew told me so! Us democrats are progressive and are working to atone for our whiteness

No, they dont pay taxes because they base their business outside of the US. so instead of compromising and cutting rates from 30% to 15%, the dems ensure we get 0%

You asked where the hysteria started, I answered you. I didn't say anything about collusion.

>patriotism and nationalism are part of the Republican party.
Yes, all for Israel. Get the fuck out of here. There is no nationalist party in America. Period.

And all big corporations are socialistic to an extent. It is the small to medium sized businesses that drive the middle class and capitalism.

They did so because Hillary was a sure and predictable bet for the status quo over Trump. If you ran a leftist populist candidate, they would all fund the Republican. It's all about corporate elitism, fighting over party divides is the entire ploy. Try to keep up, please.

I fucking hate Israel. I'm all for isolationism. I don't like America being the Isreali defense force, and I don't like us playing world police. I also fucking hate democrats. Not all conservative are 50 year old neocon boomers. I don't like how much Trump sucks Israel's cock, but he's our only option against the left. He's a useful idiot.

Also let's talk about Bill Clinton promoting corporate fascism with the Telecommunications Act of 1997 and the Sonny Bono Copyright Extension Act.

That wasnt an answer, is was a repetition of the hysteria I was referring to. An answer would take the form of "well these falsities were pushed by these media entities", but I must have missed that

Those are all documented events so yeah there's your answer

lol, a heavy-handed spin and complete fabrication of details is not documentation. Or did you miss the part where your hopes of collusion completely shit the bed?

If only Israel was really as big and all-powerful as Stormretards think it is.

Kanye was never on board with "Blacks for Trump," they made a bunch of assumptions and put his name on shit without his permission

They're influential, but ultimately meager and rely heavily on international aid


Why do you keep feeding attention to this idiot? He makes millions out of you for being a moron.

Jealous faggot

The KKK was created by Democrats. Fuck everything that party stands for.
Not yet

This is why you should never listen to a musicians political point of view. Self entitled, ignorant and empowered.

politician's opinions are utter shite. just a bunch of adulterated platitudes and pandering

>Self entitled
Right? Who told this negro he could form opinions?

Sad but true

You ever heard of the Southern Strategy? Nixon appealed to racist KKKhristian KKKconservatives in the South. This was the brainchild of Pat Buchanan and Fox News co-founder Roger Ailes who said "In 1954, you can just shout 'Nigger!' over and over. By 1968 you can't say that anymore, it hurts you. So instead you use more subtle tactics like opposing busing or welfare, and supporting tax cuts and reduction in social services, since that disproportionately affects minorities."

He recorded this interview in January

No, he realized that Trump was ZOG and that he will enter in war against Iran.
Redpilled before this FBI honeypot called (((/pol/)))

>opposing welfare is racist
leftists, everyone. always breaking down arguments into "you're either with me, or your as non-person"

The Democratic party still started the kkk.

Both parties suck if you're black though. LBJ brought the spice, and Reagan brought the crack.

these political threads on Yea Forums are retarded af
bumpin' it for the lulz

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at least hes not a bernie bro

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Wrong, dude. Nixon hardly even campaigned in the Deep South and his civil rights record was quite commendable. His campaign in 68 heavily targeted young middle class professionals in the Sun Belt and Upper South. And anyway, George Wallace won Mississippi and Alabama, not Nixon.


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kanye? he said he wants bernies politics and trumps image or something like that

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