How come Pink Floyd seemed to have less of an impact in pop culture during the 70s compared to the likes of the Stones and Zeppelin etc despite being able to pull comparable crowds and album sales,is it because of their reluctance to work with journalists?
How come Pink Floyd seemed to have less of an impact in pop culture during the 70s compared to the likes of the Stones...
Possibly because they’re tamer and more middle class? I love Pink Floyd but they didn’t really do the whole wild bad boy thing.
idk, I was kinda thinking the same too. guess that's what happens when you're too fucking based...
The Rolling Stones? What impact? They have like 1 and a half good albums.
this is more about celebrity status
It seems to me the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin both are failing the test of time.
>during the 70s
Oh, my bad. I don't really know. My best guess is that people seem to like watching grown men strut around like a flamer on stage.
David beats both Page and Richards in a street fight
And in looks and skill.
Because they were less pop oriented.
Maybe because they were seen as an "easy listening" band after The Dark Side of the Moon.
no singles prolly had an impact
Because they weren't radio friendly. They were a hit single band for a very short period of time when Syd was in charge, that ended rather quickly.
Richards could probably take him if he wasn't fucked up
>Comes at you in a fit of COME AN AVE A GO YA CUNT
>Falls over
>In danger of drowning in puddle of his own puke
Keith Richards could barely fucking hold a guitar in his prime.
>How come Pink Floyd seemed to have less of an impact in pop culture during the 70s
What makes you say that?
You should probably kys
>in pop culture
>if he wasn't fucked up
Yes, they did have less of an impact in Pop Culture than the Stones or Zeppelin did.
Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin did not have the same impact on artsy culture that Pink Floyd had. They weren't asked to do soundtracks for weird French movies and the like.
If he wasn't fucked up he wouldn't be Keith Richards.
>they did have less of an impact in Pop Culture than the Stones or Zeppelin did.
No, not really. It was about equal.
You have a citation for your claim?
Everybody knew who Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin was. Pink Floyd? That was for the weirdos that smoked pot.
t. someone who was actually alive in the 70s.
Didn't Page do a weird experimental album for some art film, but the director told him it was shit
>Everybody knew who Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin was
Not really no
>Pink Floyd? That was for the weirdos that smoked pot.
No, rock music fans
>t. someone who was actually alive in the 70s.
Being born in 1979 really doesn't give you credibility
That director was most likely right
And what exactly gives you any credibility?
I know more about music than you.