
Why do they exist? Why are they popular?

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stupid people

to flex on poor people like you

because people are idiots that have used earphones their entire lives

Better poor then stupid. But i have some decend Audiotechnican MX50 Headphones, which actualy cost more then those

People got memed into believing that apple products are good

They don't sound amazing but the point isn't audiophile-tier quality. The point is the ridiculous convenience.
Wireless earbuds are extremely convenient.

They're so easy to lose and misplace, I don't know why I didn't think of it first.

>Better poor then stupid.
The irony of this sentence.

Attached: smug qr code.png (295x295, 2K)

Just put them back in the case when not in use. That way you don't lose them and they remain charged. It's not that hard.