Metallica -- the alt-right's metal darlings

I'm an independent journalist, and I'm currently writing a thinkpiece for a popular website outlining the problematic aspects of the band, and flirting with the idea having social media amass a solidarity-army to have media chanels deplatform Metallica. I've basically been working on it ever since I saw that guy in the Metallica shirt knock out that anti-racist protester a while ago.

The gist of my article so far is that Metallica is implicitly racist, which is actually more pernicious than "blatant" racism because dudebro allies give the band a pass under the guise of them "technically not being racist."

But when you really look at what the band is about, they don't look so apolitical afterall.
There's James Hetfield's Howard Stern rant about "elitist California liberals." (A popular dogwhistle among fascists.)

There's the libertarian imagery and blatantly nationalist lyrics on the black album (and nationalism is literally the father of fascism). "love it or leave it"?? Combined with the racist-sounding riffs in songs like "Enter The Sandman," it's no real mystery why so many Metallica dudebros are secretly or openly into white supremacy.

There's also the fact Metallica's music has been used to torture Iraqi civilians at Guantanamo bay, which converges in a disturbing way with the pro-war lyrics in songs like "Disposable Heroes."

Finally, I've uncovered some actual racist, socially darwinistic lyrics in their early albums.

From "No Remorse":
"No will to save the weaker race / We're ready to kill all comers / Like a loaded gun right at your face"
"Weaker race"? Seriously?

Basically, it's time to realize metal has a bigger nazi problem than a handful of obscure NSBM bands. Sometimes the popular blonde jock guy has views that are just as shitty as the views of incels, and Metallica is proof of that. And I'm tired of them going unchecked.

If anyone has anymore evidence I can use for my article, let me know.

Attached: Metallica_-_Kill_'Em_All_cover.jpg (300x300, 30K)

Please fucking let this be a joke

Use this as the header pic. We need to stop these nazis

Attached: BF125525-6A24-48BE-84CE-3D8AA695AED2.jpg (563x406, 35K)

I have no idea what you mean

Attached: U_LAZY_WHITEMAN.png (847x758, 379K)

>racist-sounding riffs
too obvious

OP is right about libertarianism at any rate. it's basically "dude, we should all be allowed to do what we want, as long as black people don't get to live near me." pretty fucking gross.

libertarian is like the Joe Biden version of AnCap

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>pro-war lyrics
>Disposable Heroes

ill bite. explain yourself.

That gave it away for me too

Attached: 1494013737837.jpg (397x392, 53K)

>OP's pic
>black, white and red

>Nazi flag
>black, white and red

makes you think...

Wow, you're right, I don't know how I never figured out these disgusting bigots before now! Yuck! Burning all my Metallica CDs right now

imagine putting this much thought on a petty grudge. absolutely pathetic

Uh, don't come round here defending your disgusting Klan music you fucking BIGOT. Gross.

Damn. ever thought of being a comedian? your sense of irony and natural wit are way too refined for this cesspool of a board.

It's not a grudge, it's an objective assessment of the band's ideological toxicity.
Can you defend that last lyric?

>independent journalist
aka unemployed

>can't separate art/fiction from reality
>thinks his opinion matters

>...implicitly racist, which is actually more pernicious than "blatant" racism because dudebro allies give the band a pass under the guise of them "technically not being racist."
My favorite part

5/10 bait, pretty funny but racist riffs gave it away. Keep trying user.

>racist sounding riffs
I guess you could mistake all the chugging for "niGGeRniGGeRniGGeRniGGeR"

wow kerry king used to not look like a biker dwarf

By this logic, shouldn't you be investigating Tyler the Creator's music for its lyrics about raping pregnant women?

Attached: images (1).jpg (383x384, 12K)

>racist-sounding riffs

Attached: 1542267595353.jpg (320x422, 22K)

>black people have a right to be near white people
fuck off

please be true

he hit male menopause around the late 90s

for real. How could riffs "sound racist"?

>be a journalist
>forget to do your work
>come ask Yea Forums to do it for you
Absolute state of media

is this pitchfork



Also, the blood stain looks like a happy merchant.

The Black Album is literally the Tea Party flag


This gave it away for me, together with the "racist riffs"

Here's a tip: Kill yourself.

another faggot that has no idea what a nazi is

this is why leftist corpses will eventually, rightfully, litter the streets.

Not gonna lie. I got into metallica only after hearing a billion parodies of their songs on The Daily Shoah.


are you posting violent terroristic threats on, user?


oh shit, I just got it

You could write that, but why not blow your brains out instead?