
good edition
old: faq: pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ride the Lightning > Kill 'Em All > Master of Puppets > And Justice For All > The Black Album > the rest

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hellhammer's trash other than his one good performance (DMDS), you might as well just set a drum machine to its highest tempo

based metallica firstposter, this will make the underage summefags seethe

That's the point. Look at the post I'm replying to.

Yeah I’ve seriously thought about it even now that my hair still looks thick and perfect I’m definitely not going to be one of those dudes that look like pic related. You should shave your head as soon as the baldness is obvious too worrying about your hair loss is just not worth it

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What are some good metal bands with female vocalists?

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Lulu > Kill em All > Saint Anger > Black Album > MoP > AJFA > Load > Reload > RtL > Death Magnetic > Hardwired

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oh, i'm blind, I just saw hellhammer and got triggered, carry on

Acid King if you like DUDEWEEDLMAO-metal

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How long have you been lurking /metal/?


oh wow
so is razor speed metal

Firelink have captured the essence of Dark Souls; the merciless brutality, esoteric story/journey, overarching sorrow, lingering futility, and translated it into an epic aural experience.
The best incarnation of Dark Souls inspired metal and beyond just a gimmick, this has some year end potential.

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at least 6 years on and off
I remember a lot of tripfags. user shitposts are more fun though

why was there never another band like massacra

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Firelink is awesome. They've captured the soul-crushing heaviness of the Dark Souls trilogy and translated it into vicious, blackened, melodic death metal.

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can you guys stop shitposting for one seconds

somehow it seems to easy now for bands to "improve" waht been done 30 years ago


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do you think you would be a good father

Take a swig from your Estus flask and praise the sun, in celebration of this most incandescent album!

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anyone else have trouble listening to metal while tripping i had delusions about being the antichrist last time

About Metallica, I'm currently writing a thinkpiece for a popular website outlining the problematic aspects of the band, and flirting with the idea having social media deplatform them. I've basically been working on it ever since I saw that guy in the Metallica shirt knock out that anti-racist protester.
The gist of my article so far is that Metallica is implicitly racist, which is actually more pernicious than "blatant" racism because dudebro allies give the band a pass under the guise of them "technically not being racist."

But when you really look at what the band is about, they don't look so apolitical afterall.
There's James Hetfield's Howard Stern rant about "elitist California liberals." (A popular dogwhistle among fascists.)

There's the libertarian imagery and blatantly nationalist lyrics on the black album (and nationalism is literally the father of fascism). "love it or leave it"?? Combined with the racist-sounding riffs in songs like "Enter The Sandman," it's no real mystery why so many Metallica dudebros are secretly or openly into white supremacy.

There's also the fact Metallica's music has been used to torture Iraqi civilians at Guantanamo bay, which converges in a disturbing way with the pro-way lyrics in songs like "Disposable Heroes."

Finally, I've uncovered some actual racist, socially darwinistic lyrics in their early albums.

From "No Remorse":
"No will to save the weaker race / We're ready to kill all comers / Like a loaded gun right at your face"
"Weaker race"? Seriously?

If anyone has anymore juicy tidbits I can use, let me know.

Why don't we have more tripfags? It's so easy to just throw one on.

Razor's more thrash metal, but it's not a distinction worth stressing over.
speed metal is like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden on steroids, think Agent Steel.

>Metallica's music has been used to torture Iraqi civilians at Guantanamo bay
I wish this were true.

the majority of responses end up being shitposts and/or ridicule

Don’t you just love it when something is so clearly represented by a single image or title? Yeah, me too. That’s why I blindly selected Filtheater‘s debut record Blight of Sempiternal Putrefaction from the Bin ov Promos. That cover. That logo. That title. All of it screams dirty, grimy, raw death metal.

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holy shit kill yourself.

I need melodeath for my bunghole

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>racist-sounding riffs

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woo bois I'm stoned
can I get some filthy ass death doom?

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If you put equal parts of Eyehategod, Dopethrone, Dimmu Borgir, Gojira, Carcass, Deicide, and Strapping Young Lad...put it all in a salt shaker...and pour it on some slugs...then this is what you get. Basically the most metal thing ever.

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that makes a lot more sense i love speed metal
death metal is overrated by tourists and emo kids

Decent album but it’s pretty obvious that they will never equalize the level of musicianship that they reached in “Paracletus.” Such a shame.

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Paeans for the post-hope, lost in interminably vast catacombs, devoid of all counsel but the bestial riffage and malefic commands that guide the willing only further into the boundless dark.

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Oxiplegatz's Sidereal Journey is one of my favorite albums--a progy, sci-fi metal-y masterpiece just like this album from Dawn of Nil. I hesitate to label this album and group--this is metal without boundaries. 2019 album of the year, like Chapel of Disease in 2018--both are completely original and totally absorbing from the first note to the last.

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The nebelung seems quite comfy on my shirt.

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>owning an African immigrant

>Longhaired Russian Blue

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It lacks the memorable riffage and song structures of Paracletus but the potency is still there, give it a few more listens.

choose one

Go listen to Igor, m8

>not metal
>not cuck
choose one

Cats are smart animals, unlike african immigrants.

I found this in my unsorted folder, thought you guys might like a blast from the not-so-distant past.

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what are melodic metal bands?

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I would agree that it lacks a certain oomph from the first listen. But it definitely has some really interesting parts in it. And overall I dig the tone and (riffs forgive me) atmosphere

Metal that has acoustic guitars in it? Think 'Metallica - Fade to black'

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>people still post the edit I made once

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Bathory, Ulver, Drudkh, Opeth

Can I shill the one I just made

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What are you blasting this late night, or early morning.

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I'm feeling it more than Paracletus bros. The myriad of little things like that one underlying melody on the Fires of Frustration sealed the deal for me.


To me, they mixed the easy listening side of paracletus with the murkiness of synarchy and it's great. It's maybe too early to say it, I think it will become my favourite from them.
i was so excited by it that I had trouble sleeping last night (last time this happened was with synarchy).

Ok guys, now that the dust has settled is pic related the best DM album of the last decade?

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It's an incredible album, which is hardly a surprise, but I don't think it tops Paracletus or even Fas for me. DsO always grows on me so we'll see a month from now.

Meanwhile, new Esoctrilihum is out and new Misthyrming is streaming.


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I am blasting true metal of the fatherland on this late morning coffee time

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i respect this, but personally i would put the black album above AJFA

>they will never equalize the level of musicianship that they reached in “Paracletus.”
But this exists

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t. hasn't listened to Thorns

RYM tranny antifa brigade has arrived at the shoutbox, this is gonna be fun

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Satan's Hallow

>be me
>goes to sjw poser site called metal sucks
>50 most popular metal bands right now
>33 is insane clown posse

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All ur mums gay. New DsO, Mysprpiofjdsjfkjhfming, Bethlehem and Gaahls Wyrd and no discussion other than a few posts on DsO.

melodeath sucks

Amerifats are asleep and eurofags are at work. Give it time.

stop going to metalsucks

this,but me personally am gonna put Kill 'Em All first

It sucks just as everything they've ever done. What a joke of a band.

Death Magnetic should be between Justice and the Black Album.

>hey mom I posted it again, am I special now?

What Yea Forums think?

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gaahl's a homo

no shit

o rly

ask Yea Forums, this is /metal/

the previous 2 are better

I listened to when the kite string pops by acid bath on mushrooms a long time ago and now a permanent darkness resides inside me


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>Iraqi civilians at Guantanamo bay
i lol'd

The red one was better imo. But then again I've only listened to it once

What is Sludge Metal, just a heavier version of Doom?

doom + sóy

True sludge metal is a comination of doom metal and hardcore punk. Some heavier doom metal bands are indeed often erroneously classified as sludge metal.

So that means Slugdge is doom? They sound more Death Metal to me.

sludge is basically heavier punk rock, it has very little to do with metal originally besides some riff influences

Wait. So are we talking about sludge metal (subgenre) or Slugdge (band)?

Both, I was listening to Slugdge and decided to look them up. Metallum says they're Blackened Death/Sludge Metal, so it got me wondering what Sludge Metal is.

99% of all sludge bands are pretty addicted to black sabbath tho.

They're still based in punk rock from the beginning, it's just an influence. Same with stoner rock, it's bizarre that they get put in the doom metal genre. It's the same thing as metalcore. Punk bands playing metal-influenced punk music.

Well yeah, hardcore is very crossover friendly overall. But i agree sludge is more leaning towards hardcore/punk. Sludge is after all the nasty self loathing, miserable and disgusting hardcore version of doom imo.
Different kind of Sabbath worship.

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I think this very often, FH and ETV hit that sweet death thrash edge like no others.

Why is Vektor called thrash metal? Sounds more like power and black mix.

Why yes, I do listen to symphonic and gothic metal. How could you tell?

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Only to clueless posers


alright brethren whats a good album for just straight pummeling riffs, I'm talking cult leader, crowbar, just shit that wants to make you hurt someone

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>it's black metal because he scream
>I have never heard Destruction: The Post

If you weren’t such a fucking poser and retard, you’d know that his vocals are exact copy from Death’s SoP and also From latest Sodom albums, not Destruction, fag

Dave himself has said Destruction is one of his biggest influences, anyway if I'm wrong about the vocal style then my bad, I just hear a lot of it in the way he uses high notes


Anyways except vocal, the use of tremolo picking and diatonic chords is black metal-‘ish’ as fuck. The closest thing from thrash in terms of sound would be probably Voivod, but still there are more black metal in Vektor. It reminds also pre-Dragonforce black metal band, basically black metal Dragonforce

Has anyone ever told you you're mentally handicapped?

What were you doing when Slipknot dropped the Metal SOTY?

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>listening to a norwegian immigrant living in france

ist Doom but with Meth and Heorin instead of Weed and Shrooms

I honestly completely fucking forgot the Bethlehem album was even coming out this month. Gotta go listen to that right away.
New Misthryming is fucking incredible though. Leaps and bounds better than their first album. Actually has some substance to it compared to standard Icelandic dissoshit

>new DsO
>new Misthyrming
>new Alkaloid and a bunch of shit

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Thoughts on the new Spirit Adrift?

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From what I've heard it's alright.

>form a band
>instead of coming up with something on your own you base it around a generic fantasy video game no one will remember in 15 years
Why would anyone do this?

Arch Enemy

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to appeal to the fans of the video game and market their music to them

sludge has a lot of fast parts

New Ares Kingdom too. AOTY has dropped

Unleash the Archers

Based. I miss Jimmy Numale

don't talk shit about bilbo

Not really "metal" but do you like the new Rammstein album?

not metal

Rammstein is metal

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Can you guys rec Thrash with heavy fat sounding riffs like Exhorder? I mean really fat riffs.

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mandatory in all these threads

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Rammstein is "Deutsche Neue Welle" you jackass. Motörhead is Rock n Roll if that is asked next. Rammstein and Motörhead are not metal, but still good music.

>Motorhead is not metal
cringe and touristpilled

You know he gets posted so much here because people like him
>never does the soi face
>never seen drinking milk alternatives
>has ridiculous beard no one would ever take seriously
>seems like non-pretentious, geek pothead, not a known armchair activist
>not butthurt about being a meme

he's literal cuckold tho

Is he really, I know that selfie with the fuckin book gets posted a lot

it's obviously photoshopped

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more like kektor aaaaaa

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Sounds like boring meloshit. I'm just gonna put on Memoria Vestutia III again instead.


This is good. 8/10

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Neue Deutsche Härte you moron, which is basically just industrial rock/metal with some keyboard and german language


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any fairly recent releases similar to Sunn O))) - Life Metal?

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Lyricposting? It's gay...


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Just search drone metal


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And yet, you knew exactly what that user was talking about. Its almost like you too listen to our redpilled ally.


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>Racist-sounding riffs

This is gonna stick with me

Glad I'm not the only one who thought Mishurdurrmying's debut was boring as fuck. I'll check out the new one. Bethlehem too

Because they like the video game, and they want to make good music about it.


Are we witnessing the birth of a new /metal/ meme?

What is the metal equivalent of The Wall?

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"Them" because it's also a concept album that is high selling but one of the weaker albums in the bands discography that places to high of an emphasis on storytelling over songwriting

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>gorguts - obscura
>tapping part starts

How can a riff be racist? I'm imagining some nincompoop out there listens to palm muted picking on the low E and hears "niggerniggerniggernigger"


holy shit Bros do you realized racist riffs are the new diminished fifths?

racist-sounding riffs

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i already have. none of it sounds like Life Metal

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it's GOD not gone

It gets better the more I listen to it.

>literally just the fast parts of abscission with no variety, but horns twice
Yeah nah, I'm sure it's a lyrical maze of cool concepts n shit but musically it's so fucking dull compared to the trilogy or most EPs before

there's a new Kval too man :^)

I HATE to admit this but I'm pretty sure Life Metal is literally a new subgenre of metal.

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shit, you're right. i never read the lyrics and just heard this by ear.
what did he mean by this?

check out the lyrics to that album senpai
also get ahold of the booklet for greater redpills

also someone asked me a bunch of questions about that album because of the title. they thought I was racist

new Gaahls Wyrd CD is bretty gud

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G--13-5~0 (pull-off)

G-string because G looks like a whip and it's the only letter that appears twice in "Nigger".

>apply for a job I think I'm qualified for
>get rejected within one minute

Metal for this feel?

never thought that. Is it the Sole Darkness Within?

Yes and Bathory is death metal.

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Good choice, thanks.

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black sun within, I believe


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Was pleasantly surprised

*sips wine*

funny how they probably put a lot of energy into the meaning and than ignorant people like me listen to it just for the tune

ask Visigoth, they just dropped their Dark Souls tribute too

what do we call this new genre?

>mfw listening to life metal (subgenre)

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mb they got tired of basing the music around Tolkien like literally every single bm band/project ever




>scything guitars



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Neoanderdals - Ebin Spurdo Fuggin the Bum

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Great contribution.

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How about some Country Metal?

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begone thot

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Thanks, you too. Thoughts on Life Metal?

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Report all disgusting zoomoid thot spammers

I'm discussing metal though? You're not supposed to announce reports btw.

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So I work at a guitar shop in NJ, we are a mom and pop 2 location store.
We bought pic related because holy shit, Dimebag's Razorback, this is metal history memorabilia.
We just yesterday were forced by a customer to remove it from the floor, under threats to destroy our online ratings.
We said, "Ok, put it on reverb"
>the listing was pulled in under 5 minutes.
>tfw the legacy of Dimebag Darrell will be forever remembered as "a racist fuck", even in the state Metallica had to move to in order to get famous.

I, along with the owner of the company, am just genuinely sad,
>press \m/ to pay respects.

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>Implying all these redditors even know how to report someone
>Implying they'd report this faggot instead of jerking off and hoping he posts more

>>Implying all these redditors even know how to report someone
dude, i think you're overestimating how retarded redditors are

based music defener

But Chuck did give the best head in metal. David Vincent had his Azagthoth, and everyone in Vader had Doc, but no one made a pink cock erect like Chuck. True, as the AIDS infested his throat it made it hard for him to deep throat, but even as he lay there rotting, stinking of AZT and covered with Kaposi's sarcoma, Chuck would signal with two fingers when a willing donor came into the room. All I can offer in addition to that is the fact that no sex will ever compare to colostomy hole love, especially when the hole is fresh and supple after a well-greased movement.

We will never forget you, Chuck. Every time I hear your name my prostate aches, both for your tender heart-shaped ass and that incredibly thin, probing member we shared many times. It is heartbreaking how many things bring Chuck to mind. The sound of heavy metal. The flavor of Taco Bell food on the road. The scent of semen. The world lost not only a great musician, but a great lover, when Chuck died.

To say Chuck was gay is incorrect. He wasn't gay, he was just open-minded, and he sought anal sex from men, boys, girls and animals alike. Anal was not his favorite. His favorite was the blowjob, and he liked to be held afterwards, with someone stroking his hair and saying, "Chuck you are king of the world."

I will never sell the copy of Leprosy (80 grain vinyl) he left me at our last meeting. It is battered now, and reeks faintly of manpoo, and maybe it does have a few suspicious smears, but it is all I have of him. That and the memories. Those gushing, sticky, illicit, clandestine memories... Oh Chuck I miss you more than I can say.

you can sue people for this kind of shit, just get a recording of him saying that he will ruin the online rating
that along with all the data collected by online services will make for sufficient proof

Not to be pigeonholed, Spirit Adrift play an amazing amalgam of classic metal genres and produce something entirely new and fresh in the process. Greater than the sum of its parts, Divided by Darkness surpasses Curse of Conception (love the alliterations, guys) in all areas and underscores the band’s musical ambitions, which I hope will result in an album trilogy - Enslaved to Eternity perhaps?

Brothers of Metal, Dark Moor, and Forgotten Tales if you like power metal

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What a shit face

agreed. still so cute tho :3

New Misþyrming is good liked more the first album but this one has some very good and exciting ideas despite being more melosoi.

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I have listened to this several times now and it just doesn't do anything. Like a lot of recent extreme metal it's very middle of the road.

They never explicitly said anything more than "and my friends will know about this too"
We saw the writing on the wall. The bitch was fat and had 4 neon color streaks in her hair.
We are currently dealing with a move of our smaller location, we have no disposable income for any sort of litigation, and we are in one of the most liberal areas, with liberal clientele we can NOT even risk losing, because we have 4 direct competitors within a 5 mile radius.
Like I said, the owner didnt care about potentially losing money, at this point, we will sell it at cost, or not at all. It doesnt matter. Its an unsellable guitar.
He was just sad that his family's business, the one his father started solely to help low income families have an easy way to get their children instruments, even to the point of selling for a price below the cost he paid....

My boss, who said no to a buyout from guitar center for 8 figures to make sure his dad's dream stays alive...

He just was sad.

I've never seen him not try to come up with a creative way to fix a problem.
He just stared out the window and when I saw his face, he didnt need to say anything.
>He was sad for the future.

grindin' edition

Anyone heard the new Advent Sorrow?

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really pathetic desu. if its so valuable it'd be so fucking easy to find a buyer.

god damn what a wimp lmao and i thought this was /metal/


like isn't there already a guitar general lmao

it's okay

It's about guitar in name only. In reality it's a bunch of autists talking about the same 2 or 3 tripfags

The first genital ulcers do not seem real
Kaposi's sarcoma is what you feel
Dropping to your knees you pray
Rob Halford don't let me die this way

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I did, only DSBM band I like. Verminblood was pretty good.


Oh, I already sold it. The point is that we had this happen.
Imagine a cage, and there is a dead canary.
Theyre rewriting the motives of artists who died this century.
Its only a matter of time until everything we hold dear as metalfags is deemed to inappropriate for society and actively suppressed.

What makes this worse, I told a customer of ours, polish woman in her early fifties, and she told me this was the scariest think she heard all week, because she said this is the same argument that existed in her childhood, in the Warsaw, in the 80s.
I asked her if I was being a bit hyperbolic, because a lot of my friends dont think this is a big deal.
she looked down and just said:
>no, you just know what comes next, and they have no clue.

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STD will take control and bring you to your death
No chance of a normal immune system's what you get


extremely pathetic and melodramatic posts
does not deserve another (You)

have sex i beg you

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Rec me some melodramatic metal.

doomy Finnsludge

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>he doesn't like angles

Low test.

>>no, you just know what comes next, and they have no clue.
>>no, you just know what comes next, and they have no clue.
>>no, you just know what comes next, and they have no clue.

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Not him, but I have sex all the time and not once has it made me even consider changing a single one of my convictions.


>rape encouraging
now that's metal

>metal becoming dangerous again
Sounds based honestly

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>I'm replying to the thotspammer so he can keep spamming!

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>Not him,
I don't care then

Question! - System of a down
See What's more metal, ignoring the pain in reality, or embracing it and asking for more?

very happy with the direction of this thread, lads

metal for this feel?

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Then you and I are on the same wavelength, Time to get cerebral and really fucking scare some faggots into reality

>What's more metal, ignoring the pain in reality, or embracing it and asking for more?


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>Time to get cerebral and really fucking scare some faggots into reality

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>greentexting someone else's post with a cringe image

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Good good who thought having that guitar on display would be a good idea anyway. Looks like shit.

Nah she'd most likely just slice your neck and then take a hot selfie with the corpse

lmao I love who the members of misþyrming we’re talking about how untrue bm is nowadays and they then produced some of the most soi sounding black metal I’ve heard this year. Only two good songs in the whole album but I pretty sure they will be opening for Deafheaven some time in the future.

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>Deafheaven sucks, listen to real metal

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Honestly, I agree, I respect the hell out of dimebag but yeesh, the dean razorback is just ugly
But nonetheless, it was a Dimebag Signature, had his name on it, and the tag that I made myself SAID VERY CLEARLY DIMEBAG DARRELL
The only level higher I could have gone was written NOT RACIST in bold letters.

still looks like shit

But it still was retarded like do you think the average person knows who the fuck that dude is? Like how can a business owner not have enough self awareness to know that having something like that will only bring problems in a mostly liberal state

Nigga I just said Yeah, I agree
Doesnt change the fact its a collectors item

For boomers, the battle flag was pretty benign their entire lives. Only in the last 5 yrs did that huge paradigm shift make it completely verboten.


How does it feels you fucking pieces of shit? You talk shit about Death, one of the most talented and influential bands ever and dismiss TSOP, the best metal album EVER.
I'm gonna kill everyone of you.

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>""collectors items""
extremely low iq stuff senpai

shit guitar

Finally, fucking Misthyrming, so Gods Without Name isn't automatic BM AOTY.


i wish you realized how fucking lame you sound right now my dude

You should have made a sign with the lyrics to "No Good"

>In the states there's a problem with race because of ignorant past burnt fires
>From evolution we've been killing each other I figure man should have it down
To a science

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Oh we all knew this was coming, literally nothing bad came out of this, the guitar was sold already to one of the people who showed interest.
Personally, I was more surprised it was delisted in under 3 minutes from Reverb.com
I actually didnt want it in store, I dont even know who signed off on keeping it in store. That was a mistake, I think I know who did it and he such a pantera freak, I can see him being that stupid.
I'm just a faggot who believes history is doomed to repeat if we forget it, and had a musician who grew up in the USSR tell me I should be very worried.
Yeah, its crucial to note that this isnt a corporate structure. Its the definition of Mom and Pop, to the point where family politics are involved. Its annoying af but I feel like a member of the family, not as sales associate #6505
I dare you to tell a guy driving a '74 Camero he's a retard and his stereo sucks ass. Report back with your hospital wristband bro.
Also, I wish you realized how fucking little I care of your opinion my dude, please, go fuck yourself, with haste.
Nah, Im a total faggot, but I'm not gay

very cringe idea but what else can one expect from /metal/

>The Söy of Perseverance
>Scavenger of Söy Plants
>Bite the Bean
>Alt Right Crusher
>Söy to Sell
>Africa and the Power it Holds
>Voice of the Söy
>To Not Cancel is to Suffer
>A Moment of Scarcity

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please adopt a name so i can filter your horrible posts

i swear i can almost smell the cheeto fingers through the screen


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name one (1) better black metal album

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friendly reminder that /metal/ stands with Alabama
>Abortion, when it is needed
>Execution, for those who deserve it
>The giving and taking of life will always be
>Altering the future

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Don't (You) me again you cretin

I thought they did that last album, when they turned into linkin park

I hate any song with clean verses

Two shitiest death metal bands in history. Add Shitopsy also.

Nightfall in Middle Earth has vocals so clean I could disinfect wounds with them and that album is a 10/10

Based. It’s peak Power.

walk on home boy

That album cover looks interesting, what band??

Where The Light Dies

remember soilwork?

yeah they released an album this year, what about them?

did you like it?

it's the same mainstream nu-melodeath all those bands have been playing for a decade and a half, listen to something good instead

>I listen to only the cleanest vocals

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Heil Hetfield

I think it's really good. it has thrash influences and the guy ditched all the drama in the songwriting and put down something more sincere. the lyrics are still kinda cheesy, but this is the first time I've felt moved at all.

Just took the best shit of my life but forgot the phone in the other room, sorry about being late
>I love you

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friendly reminder it's 2019 and we still don't know what to refer to death metal vocals as

Then you deserve poor online reviews.

this faggot is really begging for a second shitstorm, and still thinks he's anonymous

what are the best ones?