Songs that remind you of her
Songs that remind you of her
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She always played this in the car. It's been 5 years and I will never forgive myself for breaking it off.
what if there is no her
She got married almost two months ago. The actual wedding is next year. I was invited, but I don't think I can go, lads
It was passionate so a passionate song like this is fitting
Ouch man, do you know the person she's getting hitched to?
I do, yeah. He's a decent guy who will treat her right, and my own feelings aside I'm happy for them. It doesn't make it hurt any less though
She would always tell me that I listened to montage music. I guess that's a nice way of calling sad music depressing. She made a playlist that she would play in the car composed of the music I like combined with stuff like it titled "user's montage." It's the little things like that I miss the most
being 100% unironic here
i hate that bitch so much...
Pictures of You.
used to sing me this shit
i've become numb to the mental aspect of loneliness, now all that's left is this annoying weight on my heart. any of you guys experiencing something similar?
Kind of. Though it helps that I also do copious amounts of things like tobacco and prescription drugs.
Most songs. I'll find a way, somehow.
>hey come over, it's just a seven-hour drive
>I'll disappoint you
kinda been experiencing the opposite. spent about 3+ years in isolation after high school [didn't even go on Yea Forums, let alone socialize. just kind've lived in my head], went to school in a big city where i just continued to isolate myself, this time in a dorm-room with 0 supervision and lots of weed. [made some bad decisions, but i'm nothing if not a chronic-fuckup] ended up dropping-out and transferring to a school in my home-state.. after moving back home, getting my driver's license, getting a job, and moving into my own place i'm self-sufficient for the first time in my life. got a car, my own place, going to school [with intent to finish this time], working a job that manages to pay the bills without devouring all my time. i fall down, i spend a lot of time alone, but i'm not stuck like i was. i just keep hoping it never gets as bad as it was again. but i kinda miss living in my own, shitty, little world. things made more sense back then, but that was mostly because i was making all of it up in my head.
i'd like to open myself up more for the people around me, but it's tough to tell if they really want to get to know me better. trust's a funny thing.
did you know that there are 3 John Wick movies?
i didn't even know what John Wick was until, like 3 months ago.
feels like i've been gone for a really long time, but the world [unfortunately] never stopped moving.
i could've done things differently, but at least i'm still alive.
sorry if this is kinda hard to read. it just kinda felt good to type. feel free to ignore this.
Glad you’re staying afloat, user. We’ll all get through this lads, if this is all just a means to an end then let’s indulge in the little blessings we have and be good to one another while we still can.
things sound like they're getting better for you, and if they are i'm genuinely happy. i just finished my first year of university and by this point i figured that id have come to terms with the fact that my childhood friendships are dead (i moved across the country to attend this school) and that ill never see her again , but i never really exited that funk and as a result i didn't form any meaningful relationships. that being said, ive started writing recently (some crappy historical fiction and a bit of poetry) and it's helped me come to terms with my situation, would recommend.
good for you, user.
that separation-funk can last a long time, man. i had a close friend who i had a falling-out with near the end of high school. spent a lot of my alone-time thinking about them, our other friends, and whatever-the-fuck the nature of our relationship was. whether i loved them, hated them, something in-between. i just kind've found myself running through the same memories and hypothetical-scenarios over and over again, before i realized that i had to move on. that there was no sense in fixating on the things i couldn't fix.
i understand this makes me sound like a massive faggot, but i can't change what's in my big, dumb, palpitating heart anymore than i can change the things i've done.
glad that you're writing, it helps to have an outside-outlet for the thoughts crowding your head. that shit gets overwhelming more often than i'm sure most of us would like to admit.
in the most stressful part of that relationship, I had a recurring dream of random expresionless face. and the eyes, they were just starring at me without any emotions. the eyes...
the lyrics
i remember when i told her this song always made me think of her, she loved it
reminds me of my grade 9 gf
Little Expressionless Animals by David Foster Wallace. It helped me
the bitch i was in love with with blasted brockhampton and trap
1 girl. karma police, brother sport, come see emily play
2 girl. boards of canada because i was listening to it and she told me that "this music is probably the reason you depressed" unironically
kill yourself wojakposting trannie
kill yourself, wojakposting trannie
The More You Ignore Me, the Closer I Get is peak "unrequited-core"
Cliche answer but Frank was one of the first things we bonded over. I must have had Channel Orange on repeat for a month straight. She ended up teaching me a lot about crushes so I'm thankful as a whole
i could never get her into any of my music, but she would always play this in the car. Fuck, it hurts
she still wants me back but she has really unhealthy coping and saftey behaviors that stress me too much. It hurts so much because I love her so much. Have to set boundaries, though.
I know this feel, and those songs too bro... I even learned how to play Angel in the Snow on guitar for her.
Anyone else in love with someone who you know just wants to stay friends. Really every song reminds me of her but some more than others, I've been real down on myself lately and its the only thing on my mind.