The four greatest artists of this generation

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Sad and pathetic if true

I like how 6ix9ine is the only one not fake deep.

what are you 12?

Stfu you're either a boomer and or a contrarian snowflake who was "born in the wrong generation" accept the truth virgin there's no better artist today than Jah or Gus !1!!

leaving cause of this and never returning. \o

Don't come back retard

not greatest, just most influential

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two black men
one white man holding large guns
a cute white girl

Jah was changing for the better he's not a violent man. Geneva is a liar whore I'm gonna kill that bitch

mac milar

>shillie gentrifier
>mr. skittles
>lucid dreams guy

Jah and 6ix9ine are actually good tho

I'd swap Juice WRLD out and add Chief Keef

are there really no zoomers who can make good music?

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the people op posted are just niggers and nigger adjacent. real zoomer artists will start coming soon.

garbage tier artists

>remove intro, bad guy, tracks 5-8, i love you, and outro
Ahhhh, 10/10 trap album.

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>I like to call people niggers online because I get bullied at school

>I'm a nigger

This. Shillie is just a teen girl mumble rapper with less autotune.

i don't go to school. i have a job, ape.

>I get cucked by my wifes bull so I call people nigger online

You would think they could afford decent clothes and a barber. Those greedy record labels.

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All of them are part of the same trend and make nearly identical music. It makes sense they'd all have identical styles of dress.

I don't understand the hype around this album. Like literally don't understand. Her singing is shit, lyrics are either corny or sound like they're trying way too hard to be "poetic", and production is overall okay, nothing stands out.

i'm gay

May saint Jah (pbuh) permit

Bad Guy isn't even bad, fuck you mean

I'm 20 and I have no idea who the two on the right are

im happy but mentally ill

It's an embarrassing song. Shillie won't be able to sing it once she's 20 and wants to be taken seriously as an artist.

How is she a mumble rapper?

Wild how the two in pic related that actually made their own noise are both gone. Other two are wave-riding product puppets and unsurprisingly at the top. Lame era.

Don't worry. Industry plants have a short shelf life, so you can be sure both Juice and Shillie will be literal whos by 2020.

Best marketed.

2 down, 2 to go.

Jahseh was essentially a clout martyr.

Everyone is claiming this was a random robbery, but it's clear what was actually happening: his killers were driven to take his life solely for the sake of clout. They wanted infamy of their own and found it in gunning down a 20-year old.

As Jah was taking his final breath, he was surrounded by kids taking video and pictures of him. Why? For clout. No one was taking his pulse, no one was calling 911, everyone was standing around with their phones out as his body was clinging to life.

The moral lesson of Jahseh's life story should be a cautionary tale of the horrors of social media and how it's fucked our society beyond belief.

RIP Jah. See you in Heaven...

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shit thread with shit taste I regret clicking on this from the Yea Forums homepage

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X wasn't a "martyr". Both Curry and Ski told him to leave Florida several times yet he refused, not because of the domestic abuse charges but because he was arrogant enough to think he could still flex and walk around highly dangerous parts of his home region without facing any issues. If anything, he was a victim of his own hubris.

is that woman Lindsey jordan

Willy Eyelashes


what a meticulously manufactured bait

What’s this generation?

The whole song sounds nearly identical to Meghan Trainor's Me Too. The drop sounds like something Sophie rejected.

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not a big loss for music.

Honestly Jahseh had a few good singles and he was in an ideologically sound place albeit pessimistic, Riot was one of his best songs. I didn't like his emo shit and the metal rap I could never take seriously yet I understood people who liked it. Eilish is for 14 year old girls, Jared Higgins can't sing, and Hernandez is in jail. But don't ever take hot 100 shit seriously, ever.

i'm really into Bosse-De-Nage

This is not a good pasta

Why not?

latino man holding large guns

>Dead nigger
>24/7 drugged industry plant
>Sk1ttl3sp1c who's gonna be Bubbas prison gf
>Worthless nigger
All shit.

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there all shit.



69 is actually pretty real. If he had some time to grow we could’ve had some actually listenable music from him.


You're mentally deficient and brainwashed.

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