Did Madonna Start the BLACKED trend?

>Like a Prayer is about falling in love with a black man at church or something. Her best song
>Dates Dennis Rodman in the 90s. A good 20 years before THOTs and the media started pushing it.

Was she always the mega cola burner we needed to destroy when we go back in time and restart the Reich? Unironically.

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she dated 2pac also

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blacked has been a thing in america since the 1600s friend it's just recently that society has accepted it

Nah. I grew up in the 80s. Blacks and white were taught not to date each other by their families. I'm sure in cities it was going on in small groups just like cities are a den for any degeneracy, but the majority of America shunned it. We didn't show it in media and we didn't encourage it the way it's encouraged now.

Mixed kids were seen and treated like outcasts.

She's Jewish

I know that.. but she was perceived to be white by most. Having discussions about jews blending in as white is important.. but the average American thought of her and still do think of her as a white woman. It's about perception.

Im glad we've progressed to the point where racism is not accepted anymore.

I'm not saying people shouldn't have the freedome to be degenerate and pay the price. I'm saying it shouldn't be encouraged by media and the state.

idc about your ameritard politics, but she dated Basquiat in the 80s

Mixed kids are proof that race doesn't exist because they have no race

We are all mixed to some degree therefore pure white or pure black etc doesn't exist and divisions based on skin color make no sense

thousands of years of individual traits, culture, and heritage make race a thing - based off the way we evolved genetically.

It's not just a shade of skin.

Racemixing destroys diversity.

>racemixing destroys diversity
Yes, people are different but stop trying to come off as the even keeled right winger. You're a nazi and you gave that away with your mentioning of "the reich". I'm not gonna reply back to your vague and indecisive response to bump the thread like you're doing with everyone else.

she's been fucking for clout for decades bro

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is that motherfuckin basqiat wow

hello söy

Clairo perfected it

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Hell yeah my guy

He looks like double her age

>We didn't show it in media
yes you did

>it's just recently that society has accepted it
learn to read

Literally made to troll this board

Of course...

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Stop being such a redditor and start taking the debate, isn't it childish to not be abel to speak to others and for your point because they don't share your views on the world.

That’s just because she looks 10.

Literally a false representation, subversion of the Virgin Mary. She looked Italian so the catholic girls bought into it. Then she let out her Jewish inversion tricks. Total lizard that needs to be eaten desu.

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>I grew up in the 80s
Which means you already grew up in an America where segregation was no longer a thing. Maybe if you grew up in the 50s, 60s, not not the 80s.

my hometown was segregated. Things didn't really start to change until the 90s.

Fuck off cunt

lol you're the smartest guy.

I think she just liked giant cocks

it's obviously industry shit

>not billie

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Wrong. You are so fucking dumb it hurts. Humans are one of the least genetically diverse species on the planet, and genetically all races are more or less the literal same. Ooga booga scared that spooky black man gonna rape your progeny? Read a book cuck.

Nah. America has always fetishized black people. Maddona was only a symptom.

It's time to lay off Birth of a Nation, nigga

Coming out with those "rational", Rubin Report-tier talking points.




can’t make this stuff up. remember that if you have a daughter (pray that you don’t) it’s imperative that you have a healthy normal relationship with her

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I'm sure she wishes, but she was raised a Catholic.



>resented father for getting remarried
Of course it all stems from woman’s petulant impulsive narcissism and plain emotional retardation

Race mixing literally gave birth to your race, you fucking clown.

Why did Madonna re-marry then? Fucking hypocrite.

I’m only racist towards black men, maybe Chinese people. Other than that racism isn’t cool guys
>t. Mexican