What does Yea Forums think about the Rainbow Machine?

What does Yea Forums think about the Rainbow Machine?
Also, pedals general.

Attached: Rainbow-Machine.jpg (957x1200, 181K)

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Fuzz Face is also fun.

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Anyone here have experience with a Patchulator 8000?

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I find it difficult to be practical honestly, not saying it can't be. It's a ton of fun though

love mine. I use it kind of like a chorus.

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randomly found this one when I was looking up this pic

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Yeah this seems to be the general consensus. It's not worth the price. But it's Earthquaker so of course it will be much higher.

>Patchulator 8000
woah looks dope i could use this

>dat polara pedal
I just got mine in today. I play a lot of shoegaze and the reverb on this shit is top. The reverse setting is also wild if you play some distortion into it and have some delay at the end. Sounds wild.

Why’s she so big, fellas?

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GC has some TC Electronic pedals for sale this weekend. Dunno if any anons want a chorus or reverb pedal.

agreed, can cook up some pretty wild sounds

I already have a rad chorus (Keeley Seafoam) but I'd probably grab the TC Dimension clone if it was stupid cheap

The one I'm seeing is the 3rd Dimension chorus for $40.

cause she's a thicc bicc

looking to pick one up some day if I see it cheap enough, would be nuts controlling it with my theremin

hell yeah, user. if you're into shoegaze, check out that pedal on the top left.

I like EQD but I could never get into the Rainbow Machine. 0 practicality.

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Is this worth it?

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Pretty cool but doesn't have much utility. I haven't heard any songs use it that I'm aware of.

Fuzz Face is a classic. You can order kits and build your own

For the money absolutely. Fuck anyone who spends more than a couple hundred on a pedal. Big Sky for example is like 400 bucks and the Etheral is only slightly worse

Yeah, I have one. It's pretty useful. I hate switching 1/4" cables around, the smaller patch cables are easy as fuck to rearrange.

The rabbit hole goes deep, boys

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Here's my board finally got everything I wanted all wired and set up.

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Another one of those effects that's cool sounding but fairly impractical



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all the pedals in the world won't cover up the fact that many of you play Squiers, Epiphones and other loser brands

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i hear good things about it. would rec as a secondary delay/reverb to stack with another or a primary if you dont really use reverb or delay

i play a MIJ strat you dumb shit

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I make over $100k/year so it's not like I can't afford it

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I have a gretsch :3

Is this worth?

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The only pedal you need is distortion by BOSS

Have any of you had success using 100% virtual pedals on your computers?

>using pedalboards
why not just have a disorganized train of pedals? stupidly easy to rearrange and modify at will.

You have the gayest board so far.

This, pedalboards are for redditors

Any recs for a cheap tremolo?

tc electronic choka isnt bad its cheap

Boss tr2 or that new mini just tremoloalthough the dude's politics are shit

Jesus I meant jhs tremolo

Some modern Squier models do a better job being a Fender guitar than some modern Fender models.
I play a secondhand MIA Strat bought on a mexican flea market for cheap, but people seriously need to stop being brand fags just for the sake of it.

You Zoomers are so spoiled, I remember when you had to buy expensive Eventide rack units ($3000+) to get reverbs that sounded as good as what you get on a big sky

I don't own or plan to buy anything by jhs, but he's as scummy as most boutique manufacturers are. Difference being that he doesn't pretend he's not doing mods. That's fine in my book.

I mean he pretty frequently lies about making all new circuits when he's just stealing em where as other boutique manufacturers admit it up front.

Also his weird evangelical church connections

nigga prides about being a modder (and making a name out of it), iirc when he started jhs all the labels he used had the word mod on it, and constantly explains how most of other boutique and cheap options use the same circuits
also, he's from Kansas, there aren't any institutions that aren't connected to evangelical churches
my only conflict and the reason I don't own anything by jhs is the fact that he pretty much makes you understand that you'll be paying for an overpriced mod and that the cheap option isn't bad at all

Rate my board

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basic/10, good and reliable stuff
other than that, why do you use a noise suppressor? It's not like you're stacking a lot of gain with that setup.

I havent touched my pedalboard in almost a year though.

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We could tell by the big sky


Nah, I've just played acoustic since then.

>Haha y-yeah you can get the same sounds with a digitech

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this has existed forever btw, they act like they invented this, they literally put out a youtube video victory lap about the pedal but pitch shifter w delay and feedback a) has existed since the dawn of pitch shifting... the eventide harmonizer had this and you can hear it on prince records dating back to the early mid 80s... b) the fact that almost all boss mulltifx had this since like 1990... also the PS-3 was a compact pedal that could do it with 1 voice

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on the right ... is that a 4ms noise swash?

yessir, the miniature version. I also have the full size one but this is easier to carry around to gigs.

do they? I always thought they were pretty clear stating it was a mix of two circuits of which I can't remember the name
maybe Nick Reinhart shills it too much

oh thats the whole pedal! is this a one off?

pick unrelated...i was talking about the rainbow machine

I just like that experience pedal, I bought someones cloning it for much cheaper.. foxx tone machine + well circuit...

EarthQuaker is overrated meme shite. Their marketing team deserves a huge bonus for the work they've done.

Unpowered Kemper + Yamaha DXR

It's a clone some guy made for me on reverb a long time ago. It's pretty spot on except for the sag button cuts the signal more than the original earlier in the sweep.

>i was talking about the rainbow machine
so was I, afaik they weren't secretive about the circuits they used for that
Pretty much this.

word, i stand corrected, anyways, I think its kind of a silly thing to put in a dedicated pedal anyone who didn't already know you can get it in any of the mega delays or a simple multifx like zoom multistomp etc

flanger is the most underrated effect

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My guitar gets mad feedback, so its useful to get rid of it when needed. Also helps when ive got a contact mic running through for noise stuff

I can almost hear the worship music coming from these posts

t. Atheist with a Digitech

No to both but nice try

I use boss and different dirt boxes

What do you have against Worship music then? I don't know about you, but when I turn on the shimmer setting on my Big Sky I feel closer to Christ.

Does anyone have experience with the jhs crayon? I wanna sound like the Beatles just to fuck around

It's not the worship music although that's corny as hell my dude it's the fact that people get scammed into buying a stroymon when it's clearly an overpriced piece of tech

People do use them in a certain way that's corny (shimmer reverb) but the rest of the modes are all top quality man. Even the spring reverb captures the "drip" sound better than any other digital reverb i've heard. I wouldn't consider it overpriced when it can do perfectly what would normally take 2 or 3 pedals to do (plus it has a good cab simulator for recording/playing through a PA) . I've never met anyone that owns one that thinks its overpriced tbqh.

Should I place my noise gate in front of my amp or in the effects loop? for clarification I don't run any other pedals other than an MXR ten band EQ in the effects loop. It's pretty noisy so I was wondering if it would make more sense to run the gate behind it.

yeah probably after the eq, eqs are noisy

Yeah cause once you buy it you don't wanna feel like an idiot for spending the money

overpriced as fuck but I love it. Are there any better stereo reverb/delay combos around its price range?

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the RV-3 is pretty good and really cheap

yeah the problem for me with that and lots of other stereo pedals is the lack of stereo in, probably should have specified.

But the Boss RV-3 has stereo output. Or what do you mean by stereo?

stereo inputs and outputs