Music for this feel?

music for this feel?

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chopped and screwed remixes of the Beach Boys

bloomers are fags

Stop posting these. Get off the internet. Go outside. Life is what you make it.

Couldn't be more of a Smiths fan if you tried


dunno lmao i just made it up
perfect, user. enjoy

Broken Bloomer is just a bloomer who hasn’t bloomed yet. You’ve got the desire to be better and that’s a start.

Seek therapy/proper diagnoses and socially challenge yourself as often as possible, yes even you can bloom, aspies.

based positive poster

you need help

Smashing Pumpkins - Adore

AKA the actual "bloomer"
you fags were never happy

>just bee yourself :-)

I just realized I am just like him, no joke at all:( I hope my family doesn't see through me. But the song you are looking for is

What I've done by Linkin Park


no, my life is a template i saw on the internet. i've spent so much time on the computer, that i can't distinguish between the advice of socially-detached weirdos and actual reality. i'm confused when my viewpoints aren't supported by my actual experiences and it makes me angry. i am either going to kill myself or become another school-shooter. please don't help me, this is what i want, and it's all your fault.

Thanks ill give it a listen

John Lennon solo work before his "retirement".

great track, user

Based and redpilled


can't be a The Smiths fan

wrong bitch

I'm at university, surrounded by great people every day. The things that put me in this mood are far too complicated to be resolved by a simple 'go outside and be positive'

imposter syndrome is a bitch

wow i love this

>hasn't hung out with friends in weeks

try 3 years

now listen to the full album

Fuck I'm gonna make this real quick brb

Lame-ass bitch.

I am going to destroy you.

Friends and family are very important to get you through this kind of times, if you dont feel comfortable sharing this stuff with them, try going to therapy.

try a decade

Hells yeh

oh fuck this sounds good, kinda like vapor-shoegaze jungle

stop posting government memes mate

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nice i made it

say no more

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Fuck, most of this applies to me but I'm 26.

try never

legit very nice, thanks for doing this

>0 notifications
fuckkkkkkk :(

Omg ty :)

technically this is just an altered vocal sample of their song deirdre

Fucking dope dude, I love the beach boys and this is just real neat

Turn your sadness into anger, turn your anger into self-hatred, turn your self-hatred into self-betterment

Where does a 31 year old who sort of has no hope for the future and half-heartedly trucks along in life, hoping that maybe someday their efforts will not be in vain fit in? What do you call this person?

>listening to Kid A past the age of 14

This is really special, thank you user

If you do more of these I'll shill them intermittently for the next 6 months

>friends want to get a band together
>none of them do anything except smoke weed and all force me to do all the work
>can't fathom why i go solo

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Pictures of You - The Cure
Night Like This - The Cure

Just about anything by The Cure.

They like the idea of being in a band, but not actually forming one.

I'm kinda in this stage. Was doing really well and then lost all my friends and gf due to mental issues. Thing is- I dont need friends or a gf. I just need a guitar and a car for me to roam the world with and take life by the balls, I couldn't care less


and this:

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i know right?
i'd care more if i broke my shitty guitar strings that cost 5$ at this point now

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Most bands are just one writer and a bunch of druggie musicinas.

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trying to find a cool label for yourself is prob a bad idea. you sound like a normal Charlie Brown to me. I'll advise you to get off Yea Forums, you tube for 3 months. i did for all of last year and it helped greatly.

Why youtube in addition to Yea Forums? I can see not going to Yea Forums helping, but what harm does youtube do?

an average american

not him but i think i see the genius in it

you know how people called the TV an idiot box? well youtube is basically a TV on massive steroids and ENDLESS CONTENT

you can watch anything from music videos to murder mysteries to untranslated shows to cooking shows to anything really

I guess. But there's so much temptation around. Phones, video games, even TV. Cutting myself off cold turkey and just reading books sounds difficult. I guess I could give it a try for a bit and see what happens.

>Life is what you make it.

my life is posting wojaks and pepes. ive been doing it my whole life. its all i know how to do anymore

i agree im trying to make this my last post/thread on Yea Forums

that fat guy who wrote game of thrones only works on a DOS computer so he can avoid all the distractions..

Electric Light Orchestra.

hey man, i started drawing, 3d modeling as a hobby and got to listen to more music cos of it. i also started talking to people irl about music, rec'ing stuff they might like, explaining my lil cousin why linkin park sux haha

Fuck this doomer, he's just a normie.

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yeah theres this one album called shut the fuck up and stop identifying with cringey faggot cartoons on the internet you fucking loser

Gay NEET horoscope for uncreative wojak posters

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OP is a nigger

>tfw I hate replica on a tshirt instead of a jacket

fuck you i feel attacked.

im calling the police

literal nigger

ezpz kek

>hugging friends
lol nobody does this retard shit: an handshake is enough

album when?

how do people think of things that are so general yet feel so specific?

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kill yourself, you aren't going to be a school shooter

almost all of us are like that, what makes us different is how good you are in hiding it


Hey it me just woke up thanks everybody
Message me on SC if you're serious I'd be down to see what I can do

Get a hobby that doesn't revolve around making wojaks to express your basic bitch feelings.

soulless and cringe

So, Broken Bloomers are Aspies
That explains a lot
Still better than being a doomer. I'm going closer to being a Bloomer, I've been quite enjoying life, even if I feel anxious and scared sometimes, but that's normal.

>everyone will be happy in the end
come on, user
we cant take everyone to happytown

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Music for this retarded reddit-tier nu-Yea Forums kusomeme?

Happytown only accepts people who try

OP is a dumb youtuber trying to put together a youtube playlist for broken boomers. Personall,y I know what to put into my option field. Do you?

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Honestly the symptoms seem a lot more like ADHD, with some aspie thrown in. Ive been there, if you try to get better you will get better. It’s like any other skill, you gotta intelligently and diligently work on it.

beach boys are for plebs

this is really cool, thanks user

man this is the second time I've seen Archers of loaf posted on here and it wasn't me
good on you user more people need to listen to them

t. doomer who can't into happy music about cars and surfing


when I say shill I mean post them in like a couple forums I use and here. probably upload to my youtube too (i have a little over 5,000 subscribers just from uploading other people's music, so your shit should get 100 views at least.)
mainly just wanna see you make more of them though since it seems like an idea a lot of people would like if they had the chance to hear it fleshed out.

this made mii cryy :..(

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Damn okay yeah I'd be down to see where I can take this in a month's time and have you put it on your YT and stuff. Either link me your YT or message my SC and we'll stay in contact - I am just some indie musician trying to get word out for myself anyways.

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Aspies tend to have a lot of symptoms of ADHD, the disorders seem to connect, so it still fits.

i'll message you on soundcloud with a link to my youtube and shit

you're not any kind of -oomer, you're just a -aggot

t. That faggot who listens to the Beatles and the Rolling Stones

anything by Yea Forums

too late sorry bois

Relatable wojacks are the worst thing that came out of this god forsaken hellhole in a long time and that says a lot. Btw this sounds like a fucking loser lmao, get better friends.

discord trannies woke up

Ok this one is actually me, especially the part about being an autistic moralfag and not understanding why people lie, intentionally mislead and hurt each other. I have bouts of intense sadness whenever I am reminded about how poorly many treat their fellow man.

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Oh shit that's good.
Also surprised no one's posted this blank banshee track yet:

>tfw been so sure I'm on the cusp of turning my life around for so long
>gonna stop being lazy, use my intelligence to do well in school instead of just pass
>gonna start going out and hanging with friends more, forming lifetime bonds of friendship
>gonna start reading all the articles and books i've been collecting
>gonna start going on more bike rides and nature walks
yet here I am, graduated from college without ever proving my capabilities to myself and others by taking school seriously; I never speak to any of my old friends because we never made it past acquaintance-level friendship; still listen to music, play video games, and browse Yea Forums instead of reading, exercising, or doing anything creative/productive besides the part-time job I work that pays me just enough to get by.

it wasn't supposed to be like this....


Great album, one of my faves from last year. Highly reccd to everyone

Have the exact same hoodie. I,wear it literally every day from October to June and have for years, pattern is super faded and its all ripped up but I just don't like my sonic youth hoodie as much. If the hair wasn't blond I would have thought someone made this about me

fucking dork

>You like to see homos naked?

George Clanton is GOAT and Slide gets better with each listen for sure

shit thread

don't stain replica with this shit

>not doing "I Just Wasn't Made for These Times"