Is this officially Yea Forumscore?

Attached: tyler-the-creator-igor-album-cover-review.jpg (1200x675, 155K)

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No but you people are trying to force into being Yea Forumscore.

no faggot
Tyler fucking sucks


I despise Fantano and his faggot drones.

This actually sucks

kinda is tho

no, fuck off

no, and stop talking about this shit album

>saying it's not Yea Forumscore

wake up and smell the fucking roses, people.

I don't know, is MGMT Yea Forumscore?

NO this is tho

Attached: fantano.jpg (504x353, 51K)

I'm pretty sure people have taken their life after this album destroyed it.

>saying it's Yea Forumscore

wake up and smell the fucking roses, people.

its not organic enough to be mu/core its too tryhard to be different

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considering the reaction


>being this old and in denial

People were stanning this album since before he reviewed it.

regardless of what you think of tyler or rap, musically its a brilliant album. get over it

Give it more time before we make that assessment.

But please god keep posting this thread cause I’ve yet to see a subject matter attract so many seething zoomers.

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I'd be embarrassed if I made this thread. Even user.