Morrisey is CANCLED

Morrisey is CANCLED

Record stores to stop selling Morrisey and The Smiths albums due the racism and "Far right support" that he over and over again shown



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I want to bottom for daddy Morrisey

liberals burning books as usual.

Morrisey is based, cant wait for the thunder to start and we'll like you and your wife in a cage with a pack of Pakistanis and see how you like it.

based fascist morrisey

Lol morrisey hates the smiths

Back to /pol/ you go snowflakes

I'm going to buy ten copies of every Morrissey record.

Heh xD well memed

dude. Ok. Now epic

>record stores
nice meme hipster

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imagine not being “far right” in EU countries in the year 2019 of our Lord David Byrne

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>being right wing is too vile and evil for our store
>music made by child molesters, rapists, murderers, and gang members is fine tho

Don’t dragons inherently have the ability to fly? What a redundant retard.

spaniards will still defend this

if the spaniards weren't so spineless they'd go to the streets and kill those niggers on their own

you cant just call someone a
>soi boy

THose words have meaning and dont apply to /pol/ or people that go there you idiot. When is the last time you saw some tattood thick framed glasses fag talking about gassing hte kikes.

You dont. Its not just a generic insult. I

>tax exile
>worried about the state of britain
yeah ok lol why are people taking this seriously

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>racism is a greater evil than gang rape

shut the fuck up nigger

you should sign the petition, you faggot fanboy

Hey, that’s not a generic insult!

The fact he wrote Suedehead gives him every right to be as vocal about his beliefs as he wants, who gives a shit about politics when you have great music

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Little did we realise that when Morrissey sang "I wear black on the outside 'cause black is how I feel on the inside" on Unloveable, he was actually talking about blackface.

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests

How the fuck is one private business choosing what records they will sell "burning books"?!
Or is it just that you are a reactionary moron frothing at the mouth?

i thought he was dead this whole time

racism doesnt hurt anybody but rape does

Black people have voted democrat for 60 years because of "fuck whitey." Look how that has worked out for them LMAO.

Red states have been voting republican since the 80s and they are still poor & uneducated

Holy shit fucking Nazis stopping Pozzed Moz record sale...liberals are fucking facist fucks.

haha you sound just like Milo Yiannopoulos. Epic

Attaboy, Have you learned this today in class dawg?

The far right is infested with angry incels and uneducated boomers who vote against their own economic interests

Mostly everyone knows this lol they actually believe we think like they do. Dumb fucking idiots, it’s all opinion with those retards.

How about both sides have equally good points and shitty people and we should just keep politics out of music

I don't agree with Morrisey's opinions but banning art is fucking stupid. No art of any kind should be banned.

I know a raped girl.