This sucks. What the hell were Ween thinking?

This sucks. What the hell were Ween thinking?

Attached: Ween-WhitePepper.jpg (300x300, 7K)

“Just wait until our next album, then this one will sound like a masterpiece.”

listen to country greats instead

That’s their best album, you fucking retards.

I've already listened to it. It's overrated but all right. GWS and La Cucaracha are the only two I haven't heard.

You have a contrarian opinion and you know it.

That's the only Ween album I like. All their other stuff sounds like music for people into steampunk, dr who and polyamory and who don't like taking showers

I guess it's the ween album for people who don't actually like ween then

That’s Quebec. White Pepper is genuinely good.

Bananas and blow is amazing though

The song or the actual combination?


Exactly Where I'm At is there best opener

Little Birdy, Take Me Away, I'm Holding You, I'm Dancing In The Show Tonight, and It's Gonna Be A Long Night are all better



>Little Birdy

>not liking little birdy

ween filtering yet another pleb

lol why did they name all of their albums after foods?

haha idk :)

Listen to it when you’re drunk.

I like a couple other ones but this is strangely accurate

Haha yeah Quebec, Mollusks and country greats

more than half of their albums are food related
>pure guava
>chocolate and cheese
>white pepper
>the oneness

>la cucaracha

Don't you mean la cucaracha? I'm pretty sure that's their worst one

Pure Guava is their worst though

Mollusks are food
Cockroaches are edible

Flutes of Chi sounds so lush and uplifting

This is the most pleb opinion I've seen in a while.

It looks like they were thinking about peppers.

who gives a fuck what audience you imagine in your head listen to albums you fucking numbskull. honestly one of the most pathetic excuses i've ever heard for being a surface level pleb

wow thanks for outing yourself as being completely retarded.

>this is your brain on strawman arguments

Attached: wojakBrainletLimit.png (226x223, 6K)