Yea Forums makes an ep

ok, let's try something new, Yea Forums
>last digit of this post is the number of tracks
>(if the last digit is zero, it's ten tracks)
>dubs = track name
>trips = album title
>69 = album cover
let's get rolling, Yea Forums

Attached: ep.png (1400x1400, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

while my cock gently weeps

desu my cock is actully very hard now because i wanted to do one of these today but now i just get to make a song for one and don't have to do the OP parts

(please just use "my cock is actually very hard" if get)

shit i overlooked that the last digit could be one
ok so i'm changing the number of tracks to six because i'm retarded

tfw no face

i'm going to roll again for this one because it's just too good
>cock-themed titles only hardmode

how do I upvote your post???

fuck r*ddit

i'm a faggot so i'm all for this

i like shaggy from scooby doo alot, yes i scooby dooby doo

Touching Ariana Grande at her concert

scooby dooby doo, i love you


my balls look like shaggy's head

shaggy and scooby something related to cock

Intro (the giant vortex)

scooby doo, that's fantastic

op here, still no dubs. also if this is a roll cock

Mr Ratburn is a fag and I will no longer be attending lakewood elementary as long as faggots propagate their filth

pen15 club

So we're at:
1. scooby doo, that's fantastic

finally. we have a track

3rd Grade Female Cat (Number 2)

claiming 1. scooby doo, that's fantastic
i have a great plan

i'll be bert u can be ernie

It's the only track. We just an album title and cover then we're good to get in the studio.

i think this would be a cool album cover

Attached: doo.png (616x593, 699K)

i can't fucking wait
(make sure to make it downloadable, i'm going to put the complete ep on bandcamp when all the tracks are claimed)

OP said six though

i changed the number of tracks to six when i realized i'd been a retard when making the post

OP made the rules in his first post, changing them as you go makes the project lose integrity.

Attached: this nigga.gif (500x264, 1.65M)

hey OP i know you probably think namefagging is dumb, but you kinda need to do it so that you can keep hold of your thread

"suck my eggplant" if get

i changed them early on before anyone got any rolls so i guess we're okay
also, rolling again for this, i 100% support it

alright i'm just gonna namefag for this thread to keep shit together

1. scooby doo, that's fantastic
2. i changed them early on before anyone got any rolls so i guess we're okay
also, rolling again for this, i 100% support it

Your EP sucks dick, I'm outta here.

very large skulls (horror)

Attached: 1544046830636.png (750x709, 651K)

are you going to be doing something sample based?


>your ep sucks dick
what did you expect

i still can't believe that i fucking got dubs on that one fucking reply fuck

craptons of vegemite, (WANNA DIE OVER A LIGHTER?)

Attached: 52682102_2022712888030015_6421682481172571189_n.jpg (1080x1080, 59K)

Always roll

>for me, it's marmite


alright, tracklist is now the following
>1. scooby doo, that's fantastic
>2. i changed them early on before anyone got any rolls so i guess we're okay also, rolling again for this, i 100% support it
>3. i still can't believe that i fucking got dubs on that one fucking reply fuck

i like to suck dick and this album is too gay for me

i liek nigger dick



i'm going to claim track 3, considering that i'm the reason for its existence
anyone got some ideas for it?

she's lost my cock (again)

either mumble rap or grindcore

Attached: 1544296376981.png (1070x1080, 1016K)

Cock Lobster

Attached: 0d8.png (580x522, 250K)

reroll for cover

I drew this earlier today
Album cover time

Attached: Marty Robbins.png (696x564, 76K)

i put my dick in a meat grinder because otherwise i cn't get off

ok i'm rerolling for this

oh shit
i'm doing this but using a vocal sample of chris chan

if this gets then its a get for the original post


meow meow meow

Attached: 1558029303011.jpg (750x750, 43K)

why does this keep happening
tracklist is now:
1. scooby doo, that's fantastic
2. i changed them early on before anyone got any rolls so i guess we're okay also, rolling again for this, i 100% support it
3. i still can't believe that i fucking got dubs on that one fucking reply fuck
4. oh shit i'm doing this but using a vocal sample of chris chan
(if this somehow gets then next title is "op is a faggot (reprise)")

you can’t think about it, really, because if you do then you go crazy, stark gibbering spitting and pissing in your pants crazy, so you don’t think about it. but once in a while you do think about it, and there’s all this weird shit going on and you can’t believe it can all really be like this. you think of all the bad, bad things you do to yourself out of some weird need. you go places, bad places, to fulfill some gnawing need, and you do ugly things to yourself and other people not because of the ugliness–well, sometimes because of the ugliness, i guess–but usually because there’s something else there and you’d do it no matter what. there are people who do. no matter what. they fuck their children, for shit’s sake. a whole town. bus drivers, school teachers, cops, storekeepers, housewives, little boys, little girls. very little, they play games with it, like very special hide-and-seek, and very special spin the bottle and very special poker, and every day the little boys have to get up and walk to the bus stop with the daddy who mouth raped them the night before, and they have to get on the bus with the bus driver who rubbed his shit in their hair, and say “yes maam” to the lady who made them lick her the night before, and then they have to go home, you know, where daddy and mommy have been making martinis for the little get together later on, and go hide under the covers where they know they’ll be found anyway and day in and day out for the rest of their motherfucking lives and then they grow up and they have babies and like i said, you don’t think about it because you go crazy.

son of a bitch that wouldve been a great track 5

Here's your album cover, bro.

Attached: cover.png (803x645, 26K)


Attached: 1527223472454.jpg (480x459, 24K)

(What the fuck) morning wood?

there's ole grey with her dove-winged hat, there's ole green with her sewing machine, where's the bobbin at?

thanks user, this is now the cover
(if this rolls next track title is "what the actual fuck op (acoustic version)")

also reroll

wtf op sucks dick at sucking dick


my dog doesn't let me cut his hair and it pisses me off anons

i might just include this one if we dont get another roll on the next ten minutes or so
(if this reply somehow fucking rolls title is "op ruins own thread (cover ver.)")

nigga, dogs don't have hair

this is the future that gamers wanted

Turd Adventures

Attached: 42745.png (370x340, 5K)

obama is a lizard and the government wants to put an antenna in your brain that is gonna send signals to hell

I don't like saying fur, it reminds me of my furfag friend.

Cock and ball torture (amy schumer remix)

we have another track, Yea Forums
one more to go then we start claiming tracks
1. scooby doo, that's fantastic (claimed by )
2. i changed them early on before anyone got any rolls so i guess we're okay also, rolling again for this, i 100% support it
3. i still can't believe that i fucking got dubs on that one fucking reply fuck (claimed by op)
4. oh shit i'm doing this but using a vocal sample of chris chan
5. this is the future that gamers wanted
(if this rolls, last track is "untitled (neoclassical darkwave mix)")
cover has been found ()

agreed, gamers unite!

you don't have to speak your posts, do you?

large penis spirit


penis weenus bagina vagoo op is faget

cocks out for kek

Sucking big fat cock (full audio)

I speak my posts in my head.

kill the fucking TERFs

everyone, should i make another thread once the album title and last track title are found so people can claim tracks?

that's thinking user, speaking is when it comes out.


but I hear my voice, so in my head, I'm speaking

fuck no we're still at 92 posts

reroll for this

Browsing reddit while sucking my own dick (Full Audio)

reroll for this

this is based

where are the dubs at

rolling yet again for this
we need for this to be the last track

are you going to record it op?

Here, I finished track 1, scooby doo, that's fantastic

this is fucking beautiful user

thank you

Attached: frens.png (266x189, 9K)


you're welcome
also can i get an idea for track three because i claimed it and i want to do something really idiotic
i'm considering just ripping a low bitrate sample of some edgy memerap from youtube and fucking with it in audacity for about 30 mins

just record yourself attempting to suck your own dick, add some distortion and reverb, maybe a modulator. would be great

alright, expect some audio of me falling out of a chair chopped and screwed in a moment, coming right up
still adding low quality rips of memerap at the end

please roll

okay, this is epic

here's the final tracklist anons:
1. scooby doo, that's fantastic
2. i changed them early on before anyone got any rolls so i guess we're okay also, rolling again for this, i 100% support it
3. i still can't believe that i fucking got dubs on that one fucking reply fuck
4. oh shit i'm doing this but using a vocal sample of chris chan
5. this is the future that gamers wanted
6. Browsing reddit while sucking my own dick (Full Audio)
next person to roll dubs, trips, or 69 gets to name the album
(if this rolls, the album will be named "the cock album")

I'll claim 5

I wish i had a pussy DESU

Attached: SO.jpg (774x580, 143K)

alright ill claim 4, and try remix some christian and the hedgehog boys. won't be til later tho as im at work

ok, here's the info thus far:
[album title: I wish i had a pussy DESU]
[cover image: ]
1. scooby doo, that's fantastic (done,
2. i changed them early on before anyone got any rolls so i guess we're okay also, rolling again for this, i 100% support it
3. i still can't believe that i fucking got dubs on that one fucking reply fuck (claimed by op)
4. oh shit i'm doing this but using a vocal sample of chris chan
5. this is the future that gamers wanted (claimed by )
6. Browsing reddit while sucking my own dick (Full Audio)
upload your tracks to soundcloud as uncompressed/lossless audio and enable download please

track 4 is now claimed
tracks 2 and 6 remain

kinda want to make a track for this but i don't do pluderphonics or much sampling so it wouldn't fit

it's okay, my claimed track is basically going to be a huge joke
i've decided that this is gonna be the structure:
>text to speech voice starts song and says something along the lines of "oh no i got dubs again time to suck my own dick" or something like that
>fake audio recording that sounds like me trying to suck my own dick but then falling out of my chair
>shit quality mashup of low-sample rate rip of sad by xxxtentacion and the cyberia remix of duvet
i know, i'm an idiot

it doesn't have to be a specific genre
just make some shit my man

i wanted to make music, not memes. i'm not trying to say you guys shouldn't have fun, it's just i know i wouldn't if i wrote something for this

just make a fifteen second grindcore microsong.
also i've decided that i'm going to make my track more actual music but it's still going to be dumb shit with the same concept

i don't know how to make grindcore, and i already said no

fair enough

update on my track: it's fucking terrible but that's kinda the point


I fucked your mom and she hated it.

Attached: 1558242990609.jpg (600x430, 61K)

this is epic

track 5:

post whatever the tts says im retarded

claiming 2


i will claim track 6 if no one else has yet?


Attached: 7e17f5a.jpg (330x1602, 56K)

unclaiming 4


fat nigga disc trac

Mountain Dew Rockets In Ohio

welma's sweaty sweater

bumping because i'm someone who's working on a song.


Bump bump cha
bump bump cha

OP, do you have some sort of email or bandcamp contact that i can send you my song in case the thread dies?


Bump ts cha ts babump ts cha (epic triplet tom fill)
Bump ts cha ts bump chabump cha ts

Bubump bump bap
Bubump bump bap
Bubump bump bap

Sharting At The Bottom Of A Basement That Isn't Yours


unclaiming 2

Hello darkness my old friend...

Claiming 4

I know I already did a track, but seeing as there's low contribution I just wanted to have some fun