
Why do people want him cancelled, what did he say?

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He is a racist, a sexist, a bigot, do I need to go on?

Links? Proof?

how about use google

I'd rather not see a cesspool of articles and hot takes that provide no unbiased shit.

well if you know what he did why don't you just tell him lol

No cap and gown I ain't go to class
I'd rather die before I come in last
I ain't felt like this in a long time
I ain't felt like this in a long time
I ain't have shit in a long time
Just to feel like this it took a long time, yeah
Just to feel like this it took a long time, yeah
Just to look like this it took a long time, yeah
Just to look like this it took a long time, yeah

I also want to know

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Why do people like him and his shitty band The Smiths anyways?

>"would you like to use the world's biggest source of information to answer your question"
anyways, here's your (you).

He stands up for his country and his people and that's problematic.


and Yea Forums is unbiased? lol you wanker

Just trying to keep his Mexican fanbase on his side


Buzzwords, buzzwords, buzzwords
No proof

He likes white people and as a gay man he does not want muslims to murder him

he got molested by some beaner TSA agent and now he hates foreigners and wants to keep Britain white

he says he's not gay, he is "humansexual".
Nah he's gay though. good for him

And so are more than the half of the Yea Forums userbase, so what does it matter?

Robert Smith hated him because he was clearly better, and thus most music publications spread articles bashing him by taking his opinions out of context and putting them in the worst light, making him rightfully angry and continuing the cycle. His political views aren't anything heinous or controversial compared to other artists, if not liking animal cruelty, not liking the royal family, and not liking irish immigration and its harmful effects on the culture he stands for makes him a bigot, then other artists should be hanged and burned.
Also Robert Smith is a whiny bitch who has the vernacular of a tard

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>what did he say?
"Igor is Tyler's best album"

Go back to tumblr nigger

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Epic, fuck that ZOG shill

>wants Europe to stay European

What is wrong with that? I think it would be equally as tragic if Africa became Chinese.

He seems like a decent guy who the media is crucifying for reasons that have nothing to do with his music. People naturally want to protect themselves and their own kind, the only thing that makes Morrissey different is that he has the balls to publicly express it.

The fact he wrote Suedehead gives him every right to be as vocal about his beliefs as he wants, who gives a shit about politics when you have great music

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This place is a cesspool and 99% of the people on this site could die and the world would be a better place. No joke, fuck nearly everyone on this shit website.

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he supports For Britain, and Labour voters (who are the people that own music shops and write opinion pieces in the Guardian) are upset about it.

I don't like Morrissey either but this is quite petty, but quite standard British behaviour.

They could replace starvation with fried rice

Morrissey does not want the diversity of European nations to be replaced by niggers.

But Africa is so diverse haha, look at how black they are and they evenr perform different forms of petty civil war haha

i don't think this is a cool thing to say

Imagine thinking Hitler is left-wing.

ok, so at the end of the day he's a good person in terms of morals at the very least.

blunt, but fair

Imagine thinking Hitler did anything wrong.


>who gives a shit about politics when you have great music
Both based and enlightened.

What a crazy clown world we are living in when a gay vegan Bernie Sander supporting environmental feminist like Morissey is considered a racist far right extremist.

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You're here too.

Do people really think so?

How about have sex

I think so. I refuse to allow my every action to be somehow political. This isn't the Cultural Revolution.

Moz haters should try to move to an arab country, make no attempt to assimilate, and see how well they are accepted. Pack your burqa's ladies! Xenophobia/preference for your own culture is not a white/western exclusive sentiment.

Imagine thinking Hitler did anything


i dont follow murrican politics or have an important opinion on it but he shilled hilary clinton in american interviews

>Morrissey racist

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>“As far as racism goes, the modern Loony Left seem to forget that Hitler was Left wing,” said Morrissey. “But of course, we are all called racist now, and the word is actually meaningless.

>“It’s just a way of changing the subject. When someone calls you racist, what they are saying is ‘hmm, you actually have a point, and I don’t know how to answer it, so perhaps if I distract you by calling you a bigot we’ll both forget how enlightened your comment was’.”

>“It’s just a way of changing the subject. When someone calls you racist, what they are saying is ‘hmm, you actually have a point, and I don’t know how to answer it, so perhaps if I distract you by calling you a bigot we’ll both forget how enlightened your comment was’.”

No wonder the media has it in for him when he's dropping truth torpedoes like that

"every -ist and every -ism
thrown my way to stay"

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Moby called him out on being a racist.

I'd be worried too, Moby is the very definition of a chad. Did you know he fucked a teenage Natalie Portman?

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is morrissey lonely? how does he deal with it ?

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I believe when asked he said his only wish now is for anyone who listens to his work to find their one true love, as for him he's found happiness in solitude

Morrissey is right.


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I honestly look up to him for being so mature about it, after years of heart wrenching, morose songs of unrequited love and always a hit of sarcasm lining every word, he's happy to perhaps unite others under the blanket through friendship or possibly love when he could not find who he wanted so deeply

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because he's a sexy daddy

You aren't wrong

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fuck moby


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and on cold leather seats, well it suddenly struck me

Reminder to spread that all hatred to Morrisey is nothing more than deep seeded hatred against homosexuals.

wtf i love morrisey now

Do you know when the next Klan meeting is, brother?

Sooner than you think

How soon is now ?



b a s e d


Eh, he could wear a sombrero and call everyone his taco brothers in a concert and they'd still love him, he says what he says out of morals and (clearly) not caring what you or anyone else thinks

That shows he is based as fuck and does whatever he wants. Even though he is a pure faggot he has more balls than all you tumblr whores buzzwords bullshit

i hope I can be as strong as morrissey

I believe in an interview he also said that the strangest gift he got from a fan was a set of dumbbells, "I still use them to this day" So if you want to get physically strong like Morrissey just lift some weights everyday and don't eat anything but bread and potatoes, but to be emotionally strong you just need heartbreak :)

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Based 2016 reddit kiddy

Great hair, great artist, great man!

They fear him.


More like Homophoby


I fucking love Morrissey's politics, vegan, environmentalist and anti-authoritarian but also a proud nationalist
Pretty much me also t b h

Absolute unit

Based, unhappy 60th Moz

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what a mad lad