Attached: 1533599809793.jpg (960x960, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:

my wife yoo jeongyeon

Attached: 1549609259508.jpg (954x1200, 190K)

cutest girl in the galaxy~

Attached: 59967662_2807925646098328_4967579030980407442_n.jpg (1080x1349, 227K)


Attached: D7RCKKzX4AAUf6V-orig.jpg (2048x1335, 465K)

this thread is one post early btw


Attached: 1549980187786.jpg (1080x1350, 206K)

let's see if that worked

Attached: D7Q1W2ZUcAA2DrZ.jpg (1800x2700, 608K)

really fucking cute
(the mascot not the bitch)


Attached: 4 (17).jpg (1333x2000, 1.67M)

oh...oh no

Attached: image.jpg (500x678, 70K)

How are you fucking losers allowed on this board? This is not fucking music related at all. Please kill yourselves

Attached: D7Pb_d0UwAAFWGq.jpg (2048x1366, 307K)

Attached: Chungha (959).webm (606x1080, 2.67M)


We own this board dude.

Purity in form and essence.

Attached: 1558578576099.jpg (1000x1250, 159K)

eunsang btw

Attached: D6-xHrrXkAABNOb.jpg (872x1200, 141K)

Attached: 1 (40).jpg (3840x2560, 1.38M)

any sharkman in

Attached: yeji.jpg (917x531, 90K)

He cute

who's your waifu?

Attached: Somi134_n.webm (640x1138, 2.81M)

any sharkman in

KPG is at least 50% of the total volume of Yea Forums


Attached: 2 (27).jpg (2560x3840, 1.15M)

what's your favourite song on Igor, my fellow nigger

cutest girl in kpop

Attached: 1527391656367.webm (608x1080, 1.3M)

we love jeongers here

Attached: 1538777312341.webm (606x720, 2.94M)

Attached: RzrKYsb-1rCP2Ygo.webm (624x1232, 2.96M)

Attached: 1538779326770.jpg (1080x1350, 200K)

jo yuri...

But not really ok

Attached: 1 (2).jpg (960x1280, 155K)

which colour row?

Attached: D7QFn6vUEAMccth.jpg (1024x1024, 169K)

Attached: 1558383254291.jpg (1364x2048, 216K)

Attached: D7Q5uvuVsAA5UUk.jpg (1200x1800, 484K)

finally a good post

fuck, she's pretty

Attached: 1554828144833.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Attached: C5VXgSkUEAERYW4-orig.jpg (1536x2048, 339K)

Attached: 1 (3).jpg (1600x2400, 1.17M)

Her chin is protruding as she ages and loses more weight. Like a witch of the forest.

Attached: 24b2316319f7c13b1ff4e0defa08699c.jpg (1365x2048, 420K)

Choerry Bomb

>imagine you're in the kitchen making a sandwich when jihyo walks in, with a warm smile on her face. she says "watcha doing, honey?" and slinks behind you. without warning, she embraces you from behind with her soft small hands tightly clutching your abdomen. you feel her massive mammaries smothering your backside like warm bags of sand. she rests her chin on your shoulder and looks down at your sandwich and brightly asks "can you make me one too, sweetie?" she turns her head toward you, expecting a reply, and you feel the friction of her nipples rubbing against your back. you feel your face going red and you stutter "o-okay mommy."

what happens if you refuse to make her one?

Attached: 1558619296713__01.jpg (598x508, 169K)

Blue > Pink > Yellow but it's pretty close

Attached: D7P-j7gU0AAppth-orig.jpg (1500x1887, 492K)


>purity in form

Attached: D7Q1-PpU8AAX0C7.jpg (1366x2048, 525K)

>best colour
>best girl
based blue

Is she rarely smiling/laughing because she has to go blind for few seconds every time she does it?

Attached: 1 (1).jpg (2551x3579, 1.47M)

how long did it take to make her hair like that

what a fuck doll

we are called shark warriors of heaven

imagine having that hairstyle for every music show performance

i love jisun

Attached: D5rvSWNVUAA0bLV.jpg (1009x1009, 106K)

Attached: hatrin5.webm (594x720, 2.91M)

Attached: 44057b8b74e34b9fe2532c251e5d668e.jpg (1463x2048, 486K)

Attached: D7QUjAWVUAAbvUH.jpg (1693x2775, 812K)

She's the Fromis in charge of purity

Attached: D658HeZVsAAHS9Z-orig.jpg (4096x2730, 2.24M)

Attached: D6YXs6qUwAEroeU.jpg (1200x801, 86K)

Attached: D5nXOUpW4AEFwD_.jpg (1333x2000, 570K)

I wanna nut inside Rosé

Attached: GenerousIdealCalf.webm (570x1080, 2.63M)

do you think naky dyed her bush to match?

Attached: D7NnvPvU0AAopc2.jpg (1000x1500, 147K)

Attached: 1531203911500.jpg (1080x1350, 268K)

nothing pure about what i'm about to do

literally just two legs that go up seamlessly into her back wtf

really? oh no... they must be a bunch of sl*ts

Attached: D5osoCjXoAETyJH.jpg (1352x2048, 244K)

i want to boop her

that's a horse

Attached: 1558577483086.jpg (734x946, 99K)

Naky is shaved

they are

Attached: purepop2.webm (600x600, 2.94M)

Attached: 1539001968706.jpg (1404x2048, 253K)

Attached: C5ZZMNOUYAAmeKA-orig.jpg (2048x1364, 232K)

it's a fucking pink forest

Attached: D5s8c5xV4AA8LwQ.jpg (1478x2048, 611K)

jeans, mankinds second-greatest invention

Attached: 1558615459852.webm (420x780, 314K)

omo !

kpg, have sex

*slides into your waifu's dms*

>During the radio show, DJ Kim Tae Gyun asked Kyuhyun about his favorite Lovelyz song. Kyuhyun immediately answered, "The best Lovelyz song is 'Mr. Chu' indeed."
>Everyone reacted startled as "Mr. Chu" is not Lovelyz but A Pink's song.

Attached: D6Nqz1BXsAEufay.jpg (2048x1365, 405K)


purepop do be like that

Attached: MixedUnnaturalInsect.webm (808x1442, 2.77M)

i would be so pissed if i were an apink member

Is this the perfect profile?

based. This song is pretty good.

Based Vocal God btfo Lovelyz

Attached: D6kdYWXUYAAKQBD-orig.jpg (1365x2048, 404K)

Attached: C5hKcOcUYAAiq12-orig.jpg (1364x2048, 266K)

wtf is this ooga booga speech


imagine posting girls from groups that no one knows about because you think you're too cool for twice. this general is a popular music general and pathetic hipsters are not welcome here.

Attached: 1557859453378.webm (1280x720, 2.26M)

I demand that Kyuhyun apologize to Apink immediately

Why do zoomers call women they want to fuck "mommy"? Does this have anything to do with the surge of incest pornography on adult websites?

Attached: 0b96daaaef991e45e51f2f696819a92b2f6feb2dcdd56d1ccc502291e6dcf341.jpg (480x480, 71K)

nice. thats a lot of flippage for a skirt that long tho

it's the weirdest thing ever
anyway imagine mommyrin...

they're called mommy because they have big milk trucks brainlet

Low T

eunsangie my beautiful boibride

Attached: lee eunsang-3.jpg (960x960, 92K)
>Seeing Blackpink live is proof K-pop is the future
>The South Korean girlband Blackpink are ready to become household names in the West. Even if you don't like the bubblegum joy of their incredibly glossy pop music, it is undeniable that these four women deserve recognition on sheer talent alone

Name a more pure idol

Attached: D7RLjXIX4AEpOQk-orig.jpg (1500x1887, 422K)

as long as it's not gayshitting it's ok

Attached: oh my twice.jpg (1024x768, 143K)

word irene has huge milkers oh wait lol

It's the fucking jews.

Attached: OY VEY.jpg (2000x3000, 1.31M)



>on sheer talent alone

Wrong, there is no pattern here.

Attached: 1530052015716.jpg (1440x960, 157K)

keep seething twiceshitter we own EU now

she's called granny not mommy

check this out


Attached: 1558496832529.jpg (1144x602, 103K)

Oh wow that's pretty blatant

wheein looks so fucking nice here

Attached: 1558206327882.webm (718x330, 1.6M)

want an eunsang boibride

Attached: D6S0JBrX4AA4iJt.jpg (799x1200, 143K)


she's called mommy by most and granny by one gerontophilic freak

Attached: D0Gd-TgUwAE-Okn.jpg (1365x2048, 349K)

Based BP bringing the power of girlpop to the west

Attached: D7QNdmXU0AAZ7Fa-orig.jpg (1080x1350, 186K)

based YG expanding into western mediaplay

Attached: 7 (14).jpg (1113x2048, 260K)

gayniggers out >>>/

wheein a snacc

my boibride with our adopted gay chinese son

Attached: 54447410_297256817838196_5397662864640869874_n.jpg (800x1000, 91K)

no she's called granny because she's an old bag with sagging skin


scuffed jhope

Attached: D7PZ3ckV4AA4Jb8.jpg (1000x1000, 115K)

ur mum lol

Post Rosé that I can fap to


Attached: D67f5tiUIAA8ILw.jpg (1200x799, 120K)


Irene doesn’t have saggy baggy skin. She’s consistently called one of the most beautiful and fresh faced idols.

Attached: D7Pcid9V4AAEA-v.jpg (1000x1000, 119K)

Attached: D5lEtK6XsAU8ZWE.jpg (750x1200, 95K)


Attached: Irene.png (867x939, 982K)

Damn, the wall is real.

Attached: D7PbUkIVsAAesxI.jpg (1000x1000, 64K)

Attached: D7Q6WQUUYAEq-mR.jpg (1313x1382, 274K)

Attached: D7P5lUlVsAAt54D-orig.jpg (1600x2000, 542K)

looks good enough

she's not for that idiot

Attached: 1530370496459.jpg (1080x824, 757K)

Attached: shockedrin3.webm (584x530, 516K)


Attached: 1542713279220.jpg (912x912, 104K)

sana looks worse

Attached: D7PeR3zUYAEnrch.jpg (1000x1000, 130K)

Attached: D7LaSmyUIAMXx4D-orig.jpg (1720x2580, 639K)

Seungri looked worried last year already.

Imagine seeing a donkey fuck Rosé

nice photoshop

>Yet for all their ability as a group of friends who perform intricate numbers over and over again, the band also give themselves a lot of time to explore what each of them most wants to do. Sweet, blonde ingenue Rosé comes on and sings sat upon a stairwell, doing a cover of "Let It Be" while someone plays the piano; Lisa, the firecracker rapper of the group, comes out and dances to Nicki Minaj without breaking a sweat or even eye contact; Jisoo, upon an "Iron Throne" of glass orbs, does a cover of Zedd’s "Clarity"; finally Jennie, delayed due to the lift breaking, performs her single "Solo". The band have previously said they want to have a dynamic that allows for them to work together and apart at once and this healthy approach imbues the show with a real sense that everyone on stage is deeply, deeply satisfied with what they've presented. Having their own identities, passions and pursuits while still blending perfectly as an ensemble is something I hope other bands see as beneficial: a kind of Marvel Cinematic Universe of themselves, bolstering the brand rather than diluting it.

Attached: 1556996716386.jpg (1297x1920, 398K)

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Attached: kabukirin.jpg (600x865, 63K)

Attached: 1548613852479.jpg (1321x1920, 310K)

why a donkey?

Attached: omorin.webm (916x1798, 1.91M)

Attached: 1546140119961.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)

so their offspring would be a mule


Attached: 1549584383068.jpg (1366x2048, 371K)


that's not how it works retard

Attached: 1541381092860.jpg (1366x2048, 486K)

donkeys are retarded horses

Attached: 1557622959598.jpg (3000x2000, 1.02M)


holy fuck

Attached: mijoos.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

nice safety panties

lmao, why did they give her a solo dance break

Attached: [4K] 190217 이달의소녀 루나버스 Loonaverse 이고이스트 Egoist 올리비아혜 Olivia Hy (720x800, 2.92M)

Know the fancam that caught this? Need it so bad right now.

All of that cum flowing out of her when the donkey finishes...

Attached: 1554437427239.gif (500x500, 1.64M)

Attached: DNdweM7VQAArqZV.jpg (1046x1568, 165K)

fucking white people

Attached: 1528852795827.jpg (229x488, 31K)

girlpop posters are so fucking cringe and creepy

heh, August 2018

Attached: 1558634400139s.jpg (1920x1080, 310K)

gayshitters are so obnoxious and annoying

Why do you think?

Attached: D7GQIAgUIAAhimk-orig.jpg (1800x1200, 538K)

This big kid turns me on so much

Attached: 1553911926608.jpg (600x860, 74K)

Attached: meandmygf.jpg (960x960, 149K)

Attached: 46942753402_912660563a_o.jpg (1200x1800, 167K)

>TWICE bros, let us practice the dances and fancants in preparation for the concert in july

Attached: 1557001008739.jpg (1080x1338, 71K)

Chadtan sonyeondan

Attached: ECCF0FE8-F5FC-40F3-B9E6-A51409C4CA45.jpg (2048x2048, 311K)

the most perfect angel

Attached: 2da59855fd045f72bac0217696f2e56b.jpg (564x865, 64K)

mospick shill...

green hair incoming


Attached: 1528673615665.jpg (3000x2000, 2.43M)
wrong link

who's the absolute qt behind the mouthbreather?

>he doesn't already know them

Attached: 1556318519852.jpg (750x982, 100K)

the peej

Attached: 190221 오마이걸 아린 '불꽃놀이 Remember (562x800, 2.95M)

preach sis!
*continues writing bts piss fanfic*

are koreans just indians with less hair

get her ass


Attached: 1537916143882.jpg (3264x2448, 1.63M)

>that hairline

>horse solo


Attached: feet.webm (632x574, 1.83M)

who’s the horsiest? horsé or jhorse ?

Attached: 1553626523099.jpg (1463x2048, 454K)

Attached: D3AZTWxU8AAJvDM.jpg (1364x2048, 223K)

whose picture is bigger

fuck man i need some pussy and boobs man

Attached: 1557123802066.jpg (917x844, 147K)

Don't even think about it

me in right

Attached: 1530700157380.jpg (1469x1322, 558K)

>queen irene

this but dick

In South Korea Irene is only eclipsed by legends like IU and Yoona in terms of CF power.

just imagine

Attached: MC_(12).jpg (363x657, 201K)

holy fuck

Attached: [4K] 181124 오마이걸 아린 직캠 '팬사ᄋ� (746x800, 2.92M)

why's she so flawless? great fucking thighs too.

Attached: D7O8-2rUwAAGqYe.jpg (1398x2048, 308K)


Attached: D1Jd34jUYAIog_F.jpg (1333x2000, 265K)

Attached: 1531030392401.jpg (366x550, 37K)

Nice? I was thinking the same thing.

they're just FRIENDS


Alienfu is pure

Attached: D6q6YtFUIAAw9wn-orig.jpg (1334x2000, 251K)

don't think about what?

i just wanna post qts and talk about kpop with my bros all day every day, why do i have to work

Attached: D7Qp-hoUwAApnGI.jpg (1536x2048, 486K)

Attached: 1529110313742.png (719x528, 523K)

don’t you fucking say the word

Attached: DvqaxylVAAERgY4.jpg (1024x682, 106K)


Attached: 1528107014972.png (723x516, 511K)

Attached: 180218 오마이걸 아린 직캠 '효정이ᄅ (724x800, 2.9M)


>aesthetic sweater + shirt
>perfect hair + earrings
>insanely cute expressions
i thank god everyday that such perfection exists.

I want to pump my semen into Rosé

why is there a nignog

seems like got some new samples

Attached: 1547824380137.webm (762x800, 2.89M)

any pics of big black with arin?

Attached: 165358930953.webm (400x260, 138K)

Attached: 1543416990251.jpg (1080x1350, 226K)

t. horse

Sorry Tyrone but she is for the hWhite man

Attached: 1558042979348.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Attached: D5UkXzlUEAEopEr.jpg (960x1280, 267K)

Attached: 1530877453539.jpg (2048x1383, 401K)

Tell me about CB Jiwon. Just a Bona clone?

Attached: D7QCk5zV4AQlu9T-orig.jpg (1080x1620, 261K)

see you guys in the next one

Attached: MKBHD.jpg (1600x2400, 364K)

he's the new token nig after sam retired
although he's a half breed

which kpop would you pump and dump?

Attached: DrtNmqfVAAAxrKA.jpg (1441x1009, 207K)


based hyunmin having these fragile whitebois shook just by merely existing

Attached: yfw no kgf.webm (1280x534, 2.89M)


fuck me. that glare.

Hold on I'm looking.


Rosé, but I wouldn't dump her
I would stick around to raise our children
Maybe even marry her

I'm gonna say it

kpop is shit and all these asians look the same, why the fuck is this board so obsessed

Attached: D56RepsWwAUhqfh-orig.jpg (1080x1349, 300K)

this guy looks more african than mkbhd and he's only half. figure that out

Did they

Attached: F6D8CE41-7118-4618-B05B-322E79CB61A9.jpg (1600x2400, 304K)

its a meme man


fuck you.
but possibly..

there's really only a few of us who are obsessed but those few create a lot of noise

Attached: D4H3_pqU8AAHSP9.jpg (1000x1562, 150K)

Attached: DraeDaIVAAAmG8Q.jpg (2192x3288, 971K)

yes and the downie gook on the left watched

Blasians look so weird

Attached: 1535979178224.jpg (999x1500, 135K)

Attached: D62d_2VXsAAFeP7-orig.jpg (1280x1920, 272K)

Remember when you assholes ran LOONA stans out of kpg but kept nugushitters here? You have no rational response when LOONA stans are more civil than the nugushitters that constantly ruin threads

not to be racist, but are koreans ok with this?

i feel like mnet took a huge risk making homeboy MC

kpg isn't Yea Forums, "the board" doesn't give a shit about kpop

Attached: yeseo.webm (692x720, 1008K)

his nose isn't as fucked as i thought it might be

im gonna assume they are because hes half korean

They love him.

we love LOONA
we love gaypop
we hate twice
we hate izone
we hate gfriend
we hate mamamoo
we hate omg
we hate dreamcatcher
we hate wjsn
we hate gwsn
we hate bp
we hate rv
we hate snsd
we hate gidle

he sticks out like a sore thumb among those plastic bowl cut 5'7 bros

He's been in MVs.

Attached: love not hate.webm (1280x572, 1.05M)

Attached: 1538692047432.jpg (1080x720, 106K)

kill yourself dumb fuck nigger

Attached: D7EAoI6XoAAnBqC.jpg (960x960, 158K)

>we hate izone

Attached: 10589005284582934.webm (262x744, 1.75M)

He stands out because his skin is the color of shit

I don't know why kpg continues to tolerate these mentally ill schizophrenics that post nugus and start shit with everyone, Loona didn't even do anything to deserve the shitflinging in every threads.

I mean, he's culturally Korean and half, so I'm pretty he's whattever.

this triggers me

Attached: D7KY69TU8AA9CSL.jpg (1333x2000, 417K)

this is a yellow fever containment threat. you immune faggots can gtfo

yikes wrong website for this. try somewhere else.

cultural enrichment


we definitely hate izone


Stop samefagging you desperate attention whore. This is the last (you) I am ever giving you

based jinsoul photography skills

did you give up on this post half way through

How didn't I notice Seungyeon before, she is fucking hot

Attached: IMG_20190523_071552.jpg (800x1150, 123K)

why did the retard seanigger start falseflagging out of nowhere

Attached: EC98ACED989C_04.jpg (1000x1500, 377K)

went back to watching this arin fancam.

LOONA posting is fine, just keep the shilling to a minimum. Besides we like nugus here

Attached: D7QCqHdUwAEAYXY-orig.jpg (3500x2018, 1.27M)



Attached: D7P-68SUEAMrHBl.jpg (1500x1887, 474K)


how are yall going to let one pathetic seamonkey stop you from posting our girls.
kpg needs to be based and like cool music not normie fag shit.

kys samefag

doyeon seems like a bitch, but she's hot

Attached: 1557280997371.jpg (800x1200, 139K)