RYM thread

Attached: the based titans of rym.jpg (903x799, 306K)

Other urls found in this thread:

rateyourmusic.com/collection/Kalini/stag/failed experiment/

>when you remember bossadellic was in his early twenties when he deleted his account
end my life

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A debate between these 43 would be priceless.

well, finally deleted my pictures off my profile because of you freaks

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How many of these are confirmed aspies?


like 3 of these people are relevant


I respect women.

okay now this is based. I take back every time I’ve ever said it before

i havent seen that picture of gene in forever lmfao

he’s probably lost all his hair by now

>respecting women
go back to r*ddit

why aren’t there any japanese female rymers?

why do trannies like sparks so much? what is the connection?

homosexuals love camp/kitsch

you mean "are supposed to like"
I refuse to believe anybody actually likes shit pop rock

guy sings like girl
also it's good music desu

hey that's nardwuar's favorite band

>trannies all like ultra-happy pop
>trannies are all depressed and 40% kill themselves
explain this

>I refuse to believe mentally ill pieces of shit do mentally ill piece of shit stuff

look at this dude

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what race is this

is he trying to look like slob-era brian wilson but his hair is too nonwhite?


Adam Ruins Everything - The Real Reason AntiWarhol Became Famous

it works as a placebo

iranian? greek? syrian? idk

rat race

But it makes me feel like such a girl :3

sephardi jew

big if true

beach boys obsessed softboy anime basedboy cuck loser

what even is this mentality? I don't know any women who are this obsessed with "girly" music

reminder that we're all in this together (rating music that is!)

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thought that was daisiesfree in the thumbnail

she's cuter than dasha desu

is this an indirect at bratty? noticed she's been listening to sparks

Dasha is a crypto-fascist



>madonna immaculate collection
>mean girls

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she's dope you fag

i hate trad hoes so much

Here he comes, the RYM intellectual, acne scars, yellowing teeth, awkward allure, carrying under his muscleless arm a couple of records that he bought with the little money his family gave him for Christmas.
If we take a peek at his possessions we'll see names, among others, such as Morton Feldman and Basic Channel reveal themselves.
The curve, the comment box, AntiWarhol's 4+ ratings, the latest EAI offering, arguing which Onkyo album is the best, hladik, bayar's jawline, are the bread and butter of his lonesome days.
We might even argue that they are the very oxygen of his being: these things compose the essence of his life. Yet he can't even explain why he likes them.
As he wakes up, his first instinct is to check his RYM page, as a kind of safeguard against everything that is part of the real world ("As long as I have my RYM, I can cope in this all too unfair existence").
As soon as he has finished listening to a certain piece of music, he rates it. To the RYM intellectual, to listen to something and not rate it is unthinkable. Imagine him finding out about this great lowercase collaboration and not showing anyone he heard it first!
These men are spirits diviner than the mere mortals that make up the rest of our planet: they do not browse Pitchfork, have only contempt for /daily/, and spend very little time on Yea Forums apart from the thread dedicated to all their whims and fancies.

This inaccessible group is the very cornerstone of Internet's cultural elitism. While they are fully aware and conscious of it, they will never say out loud (that is, on the computer) that they are at last proud to be part of a group, to be part of this select few of individuals that can actually say they can listen to Regis and Edgar Varese, and enjoy the deep insintric values of both.
They are proud of their eclecticism, and while their social lives might not go to plan, they always have the consolation of album listens to fall back upon.


Why do Trannies hate Steven Wilson

lad, oinopa, daisy, bratty, bayar, applecat, concretebabylon and exitsense are the only good looking ones.


Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

they used the worst pics of oinopa and bratty and hbb so im guessing whoever made it is a jealous tranny or incel

bratty is fucking uggs

she's really not but i get the sense that she used to intentionally try to look worse because she looks qt now

Of course he/she/they did. Except lad looks decent.

who are the twinks at the top right

the /daily/ lads

/daily/ people

can someone name the three i'm missing?

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That's So Nemic

*laugh track*

girl on the bottom is strawberryfck (random tripfag from a few years ago), blonde dude is mensa/quilled investigator

uppermost green circle is serialjune

Anyone else unable to take people seriously unless they're hot? Like, idc how many Tibetan throat singing cassettes you've rated if I wouldn't rate you

damn mensa ugly af doe

/daily/ confirmed white supremacists

didn't even recognize him in the collage. looks a lot different now. he's not ugly


actually i think that might be kodi cinelli (~innocuousbanter), mb

i don't think so, i remember kodi having dark hair and a beard

update please

other way round

i dont think he has social media anymore and im p sure he never posted his pics on here so i dont think theyre even on the archive

i dont think that's kodi. i really don't know who it is actually

>rate you
you meant DATE you?

it's better without names written, so pleb Yea Forumstants passing by are kept out of the loop

bayar is so cute

>still no best girl

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lol no

t. on the chart on unlabeled and doesn't want to be exposed

literally whom

I guess their fucked up minds can't handle the romantic beauty of his music. Whenever I hear Porcupine Tree/ Blackfield/ Steven Wilson, I feel as if I'm in a time where men could be men and women could be women. I dunno, I feel as if I'm in the Victorian Era Britain. Trannies wouldn't enjoy such atmosphere, as they could had been murdered.
I also noticed how trannies are into girly stuff, and Steven Wilson's music is the antithesis of that. His songs are either about lost love (male who once love a female, but everything is over, hence an old fashioned, based way of love as it was in the past), either about death, or instrumentals.
Steven Wilson himself is a down to earth person who despises drugs, social media, kinda old fashioned guy, which can alienate the average trannie.

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i saw this bitch on chaturbate

>literally whom

i saw this poster on beasttube

we all know about the literary lifestyle, but what about the ploymath lifestyle? do you need to live in a "hip" city like ny or philadelphia to be a titan?

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hip cities suck honestly

it's more polymath to live like varg vikernes than some gay libtard bugman

saw a pic of him on his fb a while back but most of his face was covered by some ethiopian record

>gay libtard bugman

>only 1 or 2 attractive females
>the only attractive male is an older guy
why is rym so shameful?

not true by the way

exitsense is fucking beautiful

u was at the club

Not true how?
Not with these people around

seriously, what the fuck is up with male zoomers? They're all ugly as hell.

he rly is along w bayar
lad is cute too

they're autistic and dont shower
people don't realize that fashion and good presentation is half of how people see you

nobody tier, because she's boring as fuck and hasn't contributed to the site in any way. maybe i would care more if i could laugh at her.

How do I explain to people I got tired of the pitchfork/fantano hypetrains for bands everyone forgot about after a year and switched to listening to cool bands that stood the test of time (Stereolab, Pavement, Fugazi, Minutemen, etc.) without sounding like a pretentious cunt?
Every person I know irl that likes indie music is always like "oh do you like buzzband or verb the noun?" and I have to say "nah I don't listen to too much new music." I only listen to new shit that looks really interesting (Tropical Fuck Storm) or is a new release from a band that I already love (Parquet Courts)

join her discord

see i would also include younger sal

same he looked cute with the Bob Dylan steez

ok so i just googled exitsense and this pic came up

how old is op's pic? he looks like an entirely different person wtf

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i think that's just a goofy pic at a weird angle lol


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I ain't felt like this in a long time
I ain't have shit in a long time
Just to feel like this it took a long time, yeah

He went from James Franco + Johnny Depp love child to just gay James Franco

Looks like a cute and hot 70s porn actor. Not bad at all.

why does this person look so SWEATY

old fractured here
the new improved genius of Avant garde music exit sense:

Attached: bdd666f95a2142db80818a7a41f2b17dc0357ac73a2bb2ef474107e09e3c836b.jpg (125x93, 2K)

based PyramidPostcard

he posts here btw, shouldn't be long now

fuck he got even worse. haven't seen him posted in like 3 years

they're all ugly except for 2 of the girls and the fit older guy.
jew nose, ugly.

>mfw I realize most of these shitters on the pics are ITT rn and they need to defend their ugliness

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he's objectively not ugly

all of those three girls are attractive

>he's objectively not ugly
Yes, you fucking are.

based jealous ugly user with rym opinions

Can you repeat that again but without your nose in between? I can't hear you.

im not him lol. i don't think he's sexy but calling him ugly is ridiculous

mae, bratty, applecat and oinopa are all gorgeous

I'm going to have to ask the last 10 posters to post selfies for us to r8 h8 and masturb8 to

i agree man! i mean haha, why i would be defending myself right? lol i might not be sexy but im not ugly right guys

Why do they all have names like this?

Sonemic's Next Top Model


Based, jealous and ugly anonymous with RateYourMusic opinions.

I'm so jealous of your jewish nose user. so jealous.

"female vocals"


it was a tumblr thing to have short usernames with lots a vowels

i've been using rym for like 3 years and still don't know who these people are? do people actually use rym as a social platform?

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he really thinks anyone finding a rymer attractive is that rymer

>do people actually use rym as a social platform?
people don't, trannies do

she likes james joyce

Why though?


reminder oinopa used to tripfag on Yea Forums and post her selfies there so she definitely self virals here

Delete these threads

They're full of sick faggots abusing girls for their own amusement

because people on tumblr were obsessed with urls, icons, blog themes, and aesthetic

I'm super seething user, you have no idea.

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Sounds fucking gay


any pics of her feet?

lmao you horny loner

yes or no?

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bros im starting to develop a crush on her wtf do i do?



Why is it always lowercase? Why the vowels? Why so short?

she posted one time because people on there do the same shit as here



lowcow or adorable autistic qt?


>his username isn't plural ending in -s

an annoying autistic dumbass

it's cool, memorable and easy. you wouldn't understand.

"she posted one time"
you've posted several selfies and posted dozens of times under a trip


i want to fuck the pretension out of oinopa

reminder me to never go to lit again

someone translate this for me real quick

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They're at it again

i need to fap now

oh are you scared of a girl using big words? ;__; oh no!
just joking she's tryhard as fuck

funniest part is that she writes nothing like this in private

She doesn't normally talk like that

Makes you think!

Angelica, if you are reading this, I just want to tell you that you are an amazing person. I just want you to know you are loved, even if it might not feel like it right now. If you're going through a hard time, I want you to know that it will get better. You're beautiful inside and out, and you have a great, bright future ahead of you. I love you so much. Things will be okay. Just remember that.

reminder to never let your children read deleuze


Based pedophilosophers

didn't someone write this for bratty

It reminds me of people that used to buy and sell 3 character usernames on forums. It reeks.


muh rhizomes

she looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome kek what r u on about

Who's got the best made-in-2019 profile so far

Anyone know what mihr looks like?

she looks the best out of all of them


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how is bratty a thot

shes above average looking lol

moon's pool or moon spool?

masturbating on chaturbate for money?

completely inaccurate
hbb isn't thot
oinopa has posted about fucking her bf and wanting to cuck women
bratty is the most sincere kind person ive spoken to from rym
applecat seems accurate
daisiesfree more to the left
don't care about the rest

she isn't, that guy is just a cunt

the user who said that was joking. shes an autistic shut in. not a cam girl. i don't think there are nudes of any of the rym girls

hbb is a tumblr feminist who used to have a tag for "dorm sex"
>oinopa has posted about fucking her bf
>bratty is the most sincere kind person ive spoken to from rym
t. bratty

she had tags like "music to be double penetrated to", obviously ironic self deprecation

hbb still isn't a thot though and definitely not a poser

i dont have a smug anime girl smug enough for this

>hbb is a tumblr feminist
literally all of them are

>t. bratty

hbb rates foreign films for which english subtitles literally do not exist

>not making up your own story


retard kill yourself

>zero imagination and intrigue tards

>33 posters
cute white people

>not making your own subtitles for foreign films like qwerty does

>not being azn

The only pure rym girl:

>Absolute Freedom of Speech (and, yes, including Hate Speech.
>I do not support gay civil marriage
>I hate both feminism and masculinism.
>I'm against Queer Theory. Just pseudoscientific, moronic bullshit without any material prove.
>I'm opposed to Democracy

sounds like UHS to me

sounds like typical right wing patreon cum slut post feet btw

>bio takes longer to read than it would take to listen to her entire music collection

>>>I'm against Queer Theory.
somebody report this bitch to sharifi

based rateyourmusic.com/collection/Kalini/stag/failed experiment/


Attached: fag.jpg (418x412, 103K)

based inventor of the nonbinary flag


I’ve yet to come to a conclusive answer on whether or not RYM threads are doomed from the start or if they devolve only after certain posters dominate the thread wall.

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actually she invented the genderqueer flag, which is a completely different thing than being nonbinary

>people like to piss on me


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no it's all categorized under mentally ill faggotry

>no obscure music
>no avant
>not even female


bratty oinopa applecat

>marrying females
l o ll

fuck bratty
kill the two jewesses
marry lad

you've posted here for years and its remarkable you're still not hated or talked about besides like one copy pasta

oinopa isn't on proud jews of rym though

do any of you nerd know where i can find some outsider music?

Attached: checkthefit.jpg (408x408, 12K)

have you tried looking outside?

lmao she had to be trolling the person attacking her if she isn't outright retarded, her recent posts seem more normal and toned down from that word salad

Proud Sikhs of RYM



guess her rym

all her posts are like that. it wasn't trolling

>January 30, 2016
>still posting
you are way too slow and you stay so normie. why?

>i suggest rigorous navel looking

Leave oinopa alone... Bitch's got OCD.


post rare qt ACTUAL girls from RYM

i thought it was bratty who had ocd

this is good

there are none

Bratty's got the 'tism

Any girl who uses RYM is mentally ill one way or another

how easy it is to troll these whores?

which rymer is the biggest chad

Why do songs sound better on YouTube compared to mp3s?

she has ocd and autism

sal, he bullies kids in tennis courts

Damn, ya got me.

I wouldn’t say no obscure music
Although I’d agree the vast majority of what I listen trends towards more of the mainstream.
Modern indie music is my speciality for more obscure shit.
Hey that’s my line.
& I don’t go out of my way to antagonize people so I suspect that may be the reason why.
Which is fine by me.
Make love not war friendo
When you work & have other hobbies (just got invited to callbacks/read throughs for an unpaid indie film next week for example) you can’t dedicate all your listening time to new music.
300 of my ratings have been just since the start of the year, I’ve definitely been upping my average listening since I joined.
Plus I tend to alternate between old favorites and listening to new shit.
& I listen to what I want to listen to, not whatever is Flavor of the month for the avant- crowd.

stop talking about k*n

You can listen to songs in 1080p on YouTube but MP3s only go up to 480p to save space

So why do you all care about Oinopa so much? Seems like a waste of energy...

fat pig


>thread almost done
>still 33 posters

why would anyone post about faceless Yea Forumscore listener #9001

The most tryhard user in this entire thread.

she cute

i can tell she has really nice feet

Isn't she with Abe?


I remember hearing of her dating a guy named Abe. Never met him personally.

>& I listen to what I want to listen to, not whatever is Flavor of the month for the avant- crowd.
you need to shut the fuck up before i kill you

based and stalkerpilled

is this stranstran?

Can down ~Laddy

Rhetorical question?
I’m not saying anyone should be posting about me unless they’re talking with me directly.

RYM threads, in my opinion, should be for linking profiles in order to make friends on the website. Which is useful of course for seeing other people’s reviews, taste, & getting/giving recs.

This thread as it is now is a glorified shitpost. I can attempt to change that narrative, but whether it is successful or not is dependent on whether or not the shitposters & orbiters are capable of talking about music.
Not a good sign for striving for a better discussion environment.

your posts are gay and annoying and they're not about music

so do you like brutal death metal or harsh noise more you autistic fucking faggot
it's on her profile

/rym/ has been gossip and memes since 2015

gtfo newfag

>herp derp people don't dunk on me because i'm just too awesome!
no, we don't post about you because you're fucking boring.

i'm one of the users in OP picture, ama

you need to shut the fuck up before i kill your normie ass

how's your transition going?

stranstran is bae

Attached: tumblr_pqeuf9hi6d1qd1d78_1280.jpg (1280x960, 536K)

i detransitioned in 2016

what a thot

Attached: tumblr_o9hbyf3ORw1r4z61qo1_1280.jpg (1280x960, 204K)

Attached: Untitled.png (640x516, 11K)

thanks friend ;3


hnnngh young nubile women

Because the posts I’m responding to aren’t about music either.
If you want to change that narrative, let’s discuss music instead.
What’s your preferred genres or types of music?
We can go from there
Or if you have any recommendations for me to listen to I’m all ears.
Been browsing Yea Forums since I was 13 laddo.
I’m jaded by all the shitposting and gossip at this point & quite frankly it’s socially exhausting to concern yourself with such trivial topics.

& again, I’m not saying people should be posting about me. What I’m trying to get at is that people should focus more on listening to what they want to & having a genuine interest in musical discourse as opposed to cultivating an Internet personality that riles up anonymous posters into talking about them ceaselessly.

I don’t wish to continue this narrative of argumentation so, I’ll ask you the same question.

What type of music interests you?

>i destransitioned in 2016
bippelle is that you?


>it's on her profile

I'm just wondering if the suggestion was from her herself. I find it hard to belief anyone other than her would promote a discord dedicated to her. How big is her discord? I'm not joining if it's like 20 people, i'd feel like a creep.

>What type of music interests you?
mostly EAI these days. my favorite genre is Foreign

Kill yourself and/or stop obsessing over literal whos and women on the internet.

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this. these threads are garbage. people who come out of nowhere and obsess over young nubile women are pigs.

>I've fucked many new york hipster thots
>many of them are on the OP collage pic
I don't know how to feel.
Also now I'm depressed and haven't fucked in a while, but I used to be a sex machine and rym thots loved every second and inch of it.

based black man who fucked daisiesfree


The Great Replacement but with neo-rymers

Ploymath Genocide


Can’t say I’m a fan of the EAI I’ve heard.
I don’t usually listen to music to give myself migraines which is all that genre usually does for me.
If you have any off the cuff recs for more accessible EAI I’m willing to give it another go however.

As for foreign music, given your lack of specificity, I’m not sure what you’re interested/not interested in.

Have you heard Gece by Altın Gün?
Dutch band, but they play a fusion Anatolian Rock/psychedelic pop.
My 5th favorite of the year so far, very catchy album.
Good & true post.

t. every RYM user

The Virgin Ploymath vs The Chad Polymath

it's honestly amazing how consistently awful these threads are

Eat My Own Cum, Yeah I'm Pullin' a Modica

her bf is turkish just like bayar

kill yourself faggot

287 / 26 / 42

Attached: 1557471294177.png (372x340, 225K)

bayar is dating a turk?

it's five guys on VPNs

nah bayar is a turk

Me, you, sal, his therapist, and that one guy who can't stop masturbating to oinopa

Bayar is turkish, this is common knowledge

he's white tho?

Hey guys, I just returned to RYM after quitting the site for a few years. What the fuck happened to Montie?

the site has an awful community of predatory trannies and other autists constantly competing over who has the most woke profile description and misunderstanding other autists' posts and comments
the site is literally only useful as a cataloging tool
it's not "amazing" that the threads are awful, it would be amazing if these threads were tolerable

that doesn't sound turkish

banned for being too autistic

his father is turkish at least, look on oinopa's list of turkish music.

I just realized there's not a single black user with good taste on RYM lol

Sand nigger*
That's not his real name

there's not a single black user beyond that one autistic guy with a long bio

~dukkha has great taste in bleeps imo

i know one but he stays away from community stuff and doesn't make it obvious that he's black

BAYAR is a Muslim refugee to the Netherlands. He has raped several Nordic women and gotten away with it.

>That's not his real name
what's his name? why does he call himself aleks?

there's no way this guy is blaqq

somebody make a new thread

his real name is Abdul

what a based chad

he used to have a list with a selfie, he's a black american

he was probably just LARPing as black like most male jews of rym do


ITT is a bunch of mtf's shit talking based RYMyn because they're jealous and will never be real women

There isnt many users with good taste. Objective good taste (taste is subjective), is a user who explores music from a wide variety of genres and try to mitigate their musical blindspots.
So basically few of the avant teens this thread worships.

Objective good taste is Western classical music and 99% of everything else rated 0.5.

Nah that is awful taste.

so antiwarhol?
so kkangpa?

kkangpa is a based Ilbe Storehouse poster

Imagine being this limited lmao

I am not a nigger

based beaner

i'm pretty sure i know who she's dating lol

I listen to all your Awesome Tapes From Africa blogspot garbage, I just rate it 0.5. Non-white people have never made good music or even influenced good music.

he's goofy

You racist cunt

new thread

Not racist just don't like 'em

still racist

Point them out sis